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        <member name="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate">
            <p>Enables the application to defer the creation of an object. This interface is exposed by activation objects.</p>	
            <p>Typically, the application calls some function that returns an <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate" /></strong> reference and then passes that reference to another component. The other component calls <strong>ActivateObject</strong> at a later time to create the object. In the protected media path (PMP), the <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate" /></strong> reference might be marshaled to the protected process, so that the object can be created in that process.</p>	
            <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file=".\..\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml" path="/comments/comment[@id='IMFActivate']/*" />	
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.#ctor(System.String,SharpDX.ComObject)">
            Creates an activation object for a Windows Runtime class.
            <param name="activatableClassId"><dd> <p>The class identifier that is associated with the activatable runtime class.</p> </dd></param>	
            <param name="propertySet"><dd> <p>An optional friendly name for the activation object. The friendly name is stored in the object's <see cref="F:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.TransformAttributeKeys.MftFriendlyNameAttribute"/> attribute. This parameter can be <strong><c>null</c></strong>.</p> </dd></param>	
            <p>To create the Windows Runtime object, call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ActivateObject(System.Guid,System.IntPtr@)"/></strong> or <strong>IClassFactory::CreateInstance</strong>.</p>	
            <unmanaged>HRESULT MFCreateMediaExtensionActivate([In] const wchar_t* szActivatableClassId,[In, Optional] IUnknown* pConfiguration,[In] const GUID&amp; riid,[Out] void** ppvObject)</unmanaged>	
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ActivateObject``1(System.Guid)">
            <p> Creates the object associated with this activation object. </p>	
            <param name="riid"><dd> <p> Interface identifier (IID) of the requested interface. </p> </dd></param>	
            <returns><dd> <p> A reference to the requested interface. The caller must release the interface. </p> </dd></returns>	
            <p>Some Microsoft Media Foundation objects must be shut down before being released. If so, the caller is responsible for shutting down the object that is returned in <em>ppv</em>. To shut down the object, do one of the following:</p><ul> <li>Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ShutdownObject" /></strong> on the activation object, or</li> <li>Call the object-specific shutdown method. This method will depend on the type of object. Possibilities include:<ul> <li>Media sources: Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaSource.Shutdown" /></strong>.</li> <li>Media sinks: Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaSink.Shutdown" /></strong>.</li> <li>Any object that supports the <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Shutdownable" /></strong> interface: Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Shutdownable.Shutdown" /></strong>.</li> </ul> </li> </ul><p>The <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ShutdownObject" /></strong> method is generic to all object types. If the object does not require a shutdown method, <strong>ShutdownObject</strong> succeeds and has no effect. If you do not know the specific shutdown method for the object (or do not know the object type), call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ShutdownObject" /></strong>.</p><p> After the first call to <strong>ActivateObject</strong>, subsequent calls return a reference to the same instance, until the client calls either <strong>ShutdownObject</strong> or <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.DetachObject" /></strong>. </p>	
            <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="Documentation\CodeComments.xml" path="/comments/comment[@id='IMFActivate::ActivateObject']/*" />	
            <unmanaged>HRESULT IMFActivate::ActivateObject([In] const GUID&amp; riid,[Out] void** ppv)</unmanaged>	
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ActivateObject``1">
            <p> Creates the object associated with this activation object. Riid is provided via reflection on the COM object type </p>	
            <returns><dd> <p> A reference to the requested interface. The caller must release the interface. </p> </dd></returns>	
            <p>Some Microsoft Media Foundation objects must be shut down before being released. If so, the caller is responsible for shutting down the object that is returned in <em>ppv</em>. To shut down the object, do one of the following:</p><ul> <li>Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ShutdownObject" /></strong> on the activation object, or</li> <li>Call the object-specific shutdown method. This method will depend on the type of object. Possibilities include:<ul> <li>Media sources: Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaSource.Shutdown" /></strong>.</li> <li>Media sinks: Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaSink.Shutdown" /></strong>.</li> <li>Any object that supports the <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Shutdownable" /></strong> interface: Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Shutdownable.Shutdown" /></strong>.</li> </ul> </li> </ul><p>The <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ShutdownObject" /></strong> method is generic to all object types. If the object does not require a shutdown method, <strong>ShutdownObject</strong> succeeds and has no effect. If you do not know the specific shutdown method for the object (or do not know the object type), call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ShutdownObject" /></strong>.</p><p> After the first call to <strong>ActivateObject</strong>, subsequent calls return a reference to the same instance, until the client calls either <strong>ShutdownObject</strong> or <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.DetachObject" /></strong>. </p>	
            <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="Documentation\CodeComments.xml" path="/comments/comment[@id='IMFActivate::ActivateObject']/*" />	
            <unmanaged>HRESULT IMFActivate::ActivateObject([In] const GUID&amp; riid,[Out] void** ppv)</unmanaged>	
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.#ctor(System.IntPtr)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate"/> class.
            <param name="nativePtr">The native pointer.</param>	
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)~SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate">
            Performs an explicit conversion from <see cref="T:System.IntPtr"/> to <see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate"/>. (This method is a shortcut to <see cref="P:SharpDX.CppObject.NativePointer"/>) 
            <param name="nativePointer">The native pointer.</param>
            The result of the conversion.
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ActivateObject(System.Guid,System.IntPtr@)">
            <p> Creates the object associated with this activation object. </p>	
            <param name="riid"><dd> <p> Interface identifier (IID) of the requested interface. </p> </dd></param>	
            <param name="vOut"><dd> <p> Receives a reference to the requested interface. The caller must release the interface. </p> </dd></param>	
            <returns><p>If this method succeeds, it returns <strong><see cref="F:SharpDX.Result.Ok" /></strong>. Otherwise, it returns an <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.Result" /></strong> error code.</p></returns>	
            <p>Some Microsoft Media Foundation objects must be shut down before being released. If so, the caller is responsible for shutting down the object that is returned in <em>ppv</em>. To shut down the object, do one of the following:</p><ul> <li>Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ShutdownObject" /></strong> on the activation object, or</li> <li>Call the object-specific shutdown method. This method will depend on the type of object. Possibilities include:<ul> <li>Media sources: Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaSource.Shutdown" /></strong>.</li> <li>Media sinks: Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaSink.Shutdown" /></strong>.</li> <li>Any object that supports the <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Shutdownable" /></strong> interface: Call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Shutdownable.Shutdown" /></strong>.</li> </ul> </li> </ul><p>The <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ShutdownObject" /></strong> method is generic to all object types. If the object does not require a shutdown method, <strong>ShutdownObject</strong> succeeds and has no effect. If you do not know the specific shutdown method for the object (or do not know the object type), call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ShutdownObject" /></strong>.</p><p> After the first call to <strong>ActivateObject</strong>, subsequent calls return a reference to the same instance, until the client calls either <strong>ShutdownObject</strong> or <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.DetachObject" /></strong>. </p>	
            <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file=".\..\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml" path="/comments/comment[@id='IMFActivate::ActivateObject']/*" />	
            <unmanaged>HRESULT IMFActivate::ActivateObject([In] const GUID&amp; riid,[Out] void** ppv)</unmanaged>	
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ShutdownObject">
            <p> </p><p>Shuts down the created object.</p>	
            <returns><p>The method returns an <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.Result" /></strong>. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.</p><table> <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr> <tr><td> <dl> <dt><strong><see cref="F:SharpDX.Result.Ok" /></strong></dt> </dl> </td><td> <p>The method succeeded.</p> </td></tr> </table><p>?</p></returns>	
            <p>If you create an object by calling <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ActivateObject(System.Guid,System.IntPtr@)" /></strong>, call <strong>ShutdownObject</strong> when you are done using the object.</p><p>The component that calls <strong>ActivateObject</strong>?not the component that creates the activation object?is responsible for calling <strong>ShutdownObject</strong>. For example, in a typical playback application, the application creates activation objects for the media sinks, but the Media Session calls <strong>ActivateObject</strong>. Therefore the Media Session, not the application, calls <strong>ShutdownObject</strong>.</p><p>After <strong>ShutdownObject</strong> is called, the activation object releases all of its internal references to the created object. If you call <strong>ActivateObject</strong> again, the activation object will create a new instance of the other object.</p>	
            <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file=".\..\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml" path="/comments/comment[@id='IMFActivate::ShutdownObject']/*" />	
            <unmanaged>HRESULT IMFActivate::ShutdownObject()</unmanaged>	
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.DetachObject">
            <p> </p><p>Detaches the created object from the activation object.</p>	
            <returns><p>The method returns an <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.Result" /></strong>. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.</p><table> <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr> <tr><td> <dl> <dt><strong><see cref="F:SharpDX.Result.Ok" /></strong></dt> </dl> </td><td> <p>The method succeeded.</p> </td></tr> <tr><td> <dl> <dt><strong>E_NOTIMPL</strong></dt> </dl> </td><td> <p>Not implemented.</p> </td></tr> </table><p>?</p></returns>	
            <p>The activation object releases all of its internal references to the created object. If you call <strong>ActivateObject</strong> again, the activation object will create a new instance of the other object.</p><p>The <strong>DetachObject</strong> method does not shut down the created object. If the <strong>DetachObject</strong> method succeeds, the client must shut down the created object. This rule applies only to objects that have a shutdown method or that support the <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Shutdownable" /></strong> interface. See the remarks for <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Activate.ActivateObject(System.Guid,System.IntPtr@)" /></strong>.</p><p>Implementation of this method is optional. If the activation object does not support this method, the method returns E_NOTIMPL.</p>	
            <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file=".\..\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml" path="/comments/comment[@id='IMFActivate::DetachObject']/*" />	
            <unmanaged>HRESULT IMFActivate::DetachObject()</unmanaged>	
        <member name="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AssemblyDoc">
            The <see cref="A:SharpDX.MediaFoundation"/> assembly provides managed MediaFoundation API.
        <member name="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncCallbackBase">
            A default implementation of AsyncCallbackBase.
        <member name="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncCallbackShadow">
            Internal AsyncCallback Callback
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncCallbackShadow.ToIntPtr(SharpDX.MediaFoundation.IAsyncCallback)">
            Return a pointer to the unmanaged version of this callback.
            <param name="callback">The callback.</param>
            <returns>A pointer to a shadow c++ callback</returns>
        <member name="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncCallbackShadow.AsyncCallbackVtbl.GetParametersDelegate">
            <unmanaged>HRESULT IMFAsyncCallback::GetParameters([Out] MFASYNC_CALLBACK_FLAGS* pdwFlags,[Out] unsigned int* pdwQueue)</unmanaged>	
        <member name="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncCallbackShadow.AsyncCallbackVtbl.InvokeDelegate">
            <unmanaged>HRESULT IMFAsyncCallback::Invoke([In, Optional] IMFAsyncResult* pAsyncResult)</unmanaged>	
        <member name="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult">
            <p> Provides information about the result of an asynchronous operation. </p>	
            <p>Use this interface to complete an asynchronous operation. You get a reference to this interface when your callback object's <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.IAsyncCallback.Invoke(SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult)" /></strong> method is called. To complete the operation, pass the <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult" /></strong> reference to the <strong>End...</strong> method that corresponds to the <strong>Begin...</strong> method that starts the operation. For example, if the asynchronous method is named <strong>BeginRead</strong>, call the <strong>EndRead</strong> method. For more information, see Calling Asynchronous Methods.</p><p>If you are implementing an asynchronous method, call <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaFactory.CreateAsyncResult(SharpDX.ComObject,System.IntPtr,SharpDX.ComObject,SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult@)" /></strong> to create an instance of this object. For more information, see Writing an Asynchronous Method.</p><p>Any custom implementation of this interface must inherit the <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.Mfasyncresult" /></strong> structure.</p><p>This interface is available on the following platforms if the Windows Media Format 11 SDK redistributable components are installed:</p><ul> <li>Windows?XP with Service Pack?2 (SP2) and later.</li> <li>Windows?XP Media Center Edition?2005 with KB900325 (Windows?XP Media Center Edition?2005) and KB925766 (October 2006 Update Rollup for Windows?XP Media Center Edition) installed.</li> </ul>	
            <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file=".\..\..\Documentation\CodeComments.xml" path="/comments/comment[@id='IMFAsyncResult']/*" />	
        <member name="P:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult.State">
            Gets the state object specified by the caller in the asynchronous <strong>Begin</strong> method. If the value is not <strong><c>null</c></strong>, the caller must dispose.
            <value>The state.</value>
            <p>The caller of the asynchronous method specifies the state object, and can use it for any caller-defined purpose. The state object can be <strong><c>null</c></strong>. If the state object is <strong><c>null</c></strong>, <strong>GetState</strong> returns <strong>E_POINTER</strong>.</p><p>If you are implementing an asynchronous method, set the state object on the through the <em>punkState</em> parameter of the <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaFactory.CreateAsyncResult(SharpDX.ComObject,System.IntPtr,SharpDX.ComObject,SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult@)"/></strong> function.</p><p>This interface is available on the following platforms if the Windows Media Format 11 SDK redistributable components are installed:</p><ul> <li>Windows?XP with Service Pack?2 (SP2) and later.</li> <li>Windows?XP Media Center Edition?2005 with KB900325 (Windows?XP Media Center Edition?2005) and KB925766 (October 2006 Update Rollup for Windows?XP Media Center Edition) installed.</li> </ul>	
            <unmanaged>HRESULT IMFAsyncResult::GetState([Out] IUnknown** ppunkState)</unmanaged>	
        <member name="P:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult.Status">
            <p>Get or sets the status of the asynchronous operation.</p>	
            <value><p>The method returns an <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.Result"/></strong>. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.</p><table> <tr><th>Return code</th><th>Description</th></tr> <tr><td> <dl> <dt><strong><see cref="F:SharpDX.Result.Ok"/></strong></dt> </dl> </td><td> <p>The operation completed successfully.</p> </td></tr> </table><p>?</p></value>	
            <p>This interface is available on the following platforms if the Windows Media Format 11 SDK redistributable components are installed:</p><ul> <li>Windows?XP with Service Pack?2 (SP2) and later.</li> <li>Windows?XP Media Center Edition?2005 with KB900325 (Windows?XP Media Center Edition?2005) and KB925766 (October 2006 Update Rollup for Windows?XP Media Center Edition) installed.</li> </ul>	
            <unmanaged>HRESULT IMFAsyncResult::GetStatus()</unmanaged>	
        <member name="P:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult.PrivateObject">
            <p><strong>Applies to: </strong>desktop apps | Metro style apps</p><p> </p><p>Returns an object associated with the asynchronous operation. The type of object, if any, depends on the asynchronous method that was called.</p>	
            <value><dd> <p>Receives a reference to the object's <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.ComObject"/></strong> interface. If no object is associated with the operation, this parameter receives the value <strong><c>null</c></strong>. If the value is not <strong><c>null</c></strong>, the caller must release the interface.</p> </dd></value>	
            <p>Typically, this object is used by the component that implements the asynchronous method. It provides a way for the function that invokes the callback to pass information to the asynchronous <strong>End...</strong> method that completes the operation.</p><p>If you are implementing an asynchronous method, you can set the object through the <em>punkObject</em> parameter of the <strong><see cref="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.MediaFactory.CreateAsyncResult(SharpDX.ComObject,System.IntPtr,SharpDX.ComObject,SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult@)"/></strong> function.</p><p>If the asynchronous result object's internal <strong><see cref="T:SharpDX.ComObject"/></strong> reference is <strong><c>null</c></strong>, the method returns <strong>E_POINTER</strong>.</p><p>This interface is available on the following platforms if the Windows Media Format 11 SDK redistributable components are installed:</p><ul> <li>Windows?XP with Service Pack?2 (SP2) and later.</li> <li>Windows?XP Media Center Edition?2005 with KB900325 (Windows?XP Media Center Edition?2005) and KB925766 (October 2006 Update Rollup for Windows?XP Media Center Edition) installed.</li> </ul>	
            <unmanaged>HRESULT IMFAsyncResult::GetObjectW([Out] IUnknown** ppObject)</unmanaged>	
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult.#ctor(System.IntPtr)">
            Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult"/> class.
            <param name="nativePtr">The native pointer.</param>	
        <member name="M:SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)~SharpDX.MediaFoundation.AsyncResult">
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