GitLab now enforces expiry dates on tokens that originally had no set expiration date. Those tokens were given an expiration date of one year later. Please review your personal access tokens, project access tokens, and group access tokens to ensure you are aware of upcoming expirations. Administrators of GitLab can find more information on how to identify and mitigate interruption in our documentation.
"This program is used to simulate loss of congestion (with the ECN mode). In normal mode, generates 30 percents loss when receiving more than 100 packets within a second. In ECN mode, set the ECN bit for the first packet of a time interval of 1 second when receiving more than 100 packets within a second.\n\n" \
"\t-v,--verbose\t\tUsed for debug, display the pseudo TCP header for each received packet\n" \
"\t-s,--second\t\tDisplay the number of received message each second\n" \
"\t-e,--ecn\t\tActivate the ECN mode\n" \
"\t-s [x],--second=[x]\t\tDisplay the number of received message each x millisecond\n" \
"\t-e [x],--ecn=[x]\t\tActivate the ECN mode and send the ECN bit for the first packet of each x milliseconds\n" \
"\t-l,--limit [val]\tSet the packet limit rate before loss to the choosen value\n")