Feb 17, 2020–Apr 6, 2020
Milestone ID: 1320
Alpha stage of development
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- specify data communication between c++ server and godot backend
- test how to communicate between a c++ server and a godot backend
- test selected UDP implementations
- compare existing c++ UDP networking libraries
- Scene manager
- Set the position of the player arrow based on the head of the player
- create spawners server-side and send them to the client
- check lag impact between client and serv
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Network with interfaces, rpc and distant server
- Sfx
- Fixes
- Fix slope slide
- Map edges
- Sky
- Impact tweaks
- New inputs
- implement spawn points
- Improve Hitboxes
- Merge map to develop
- Basic Camera
- Fix labels
- Animate final animations
- Export animations to Godot
- Add map to godot
- Model Dreamy Island
- Model Hippie Island
- Model Ferris Wheel Island
- Model Rave Island
- Model Metal Island
- Model Tent Islands
- wait
- run
- uncontrolled fall
- punchs
- kicks
- attacks in the air
- impacts
- pick and drop an object
- jump and double jump
- dash
- controlled fall
- Model Music Shop Island
- Model security island
- Model Food Island
- first kick animation
- second punch animation
- first punch animation
- Model Fountain Island
- Model toilet island
- Model beverage island
- Model main stage island
- week 8
- week 7
- week 6
- week 5