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This image was created by Maxime Friess as an alternative to the ETH Zurich virtual machine for installing p4utils.
Forked by Éloi COLIN to add vim, tmuxp and a Docker Compose.
## Summary
## Summary
This image allows running p4 projets inside a Docker container.
This image bundles the following tools:
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ The p4-utils repository is located in `/p4-utils` in the image.
## Building the image
The build should take around 30 minutes on a modern 8 cores machine. At least 10 GB of free space is needed.
Don't forget to `chmod u+x *.sh`.
sudo docker build .-t p4-utils
@@ -65,4 +67,4 @@ Or, after cloning `p4learning` and `cd` into its repository, rely on the the `ru
Instead of `tmux` (as in the `sh` script - check inside), you can rely on `docker exec -it resprog bash` to open new `tty` (for the `mx` or the controller' commands in particular).
\ No newline at end of file
Instead of `tmux` (as in the `sh` script - check inside), you can rely on `docker exec -it resprog bash` to open new `tty` (for the `mx` or the controller' commands in particular).