Intégration d'une page contact
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adresse de contact :
No child items are currently assigned. Use child items to break down this issue into smaller parts.
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- SCHWARTZ ANA changed milestone to %Release 1
changed milestone to %Release 1
- SCHWARTZ ANA mentioned in issue #196 (closed)
mentioned in issue #196 (closed)
- SCHWARTZ ANA mentioned in issue #155 (closed)
mentioned in issue #155 (closed)
- Author Owner
Version Française
Page "Contactez nous" dans le menu "?"
Pour poser une question ou demander de l'aide, vous pouvez contacter l'équipe POUNT par mail :
Edited by SCHWARTZ ANA - SCHWARTZ ANA mentioned in issue #125 (closed)
mentioned in issue #125 (closed)
- Author Owner
Version Anglaise
Page ""Contact us" dans le menu "?"
Contact us
To ask a question or ask for help, you can contact the POUNT team by email :
- Régis WITZ added To Do label
added To Do label
- Régis WITZ added Doing label and removed To Do label
- Régis WITZ assigned to @rwitz
assigned to @rwitz
- Régis WITZ mentioned in issue pount-front#21 (closed)
mentioned in issue pount-front#21 (closed)
- Developer
La page «about» a été mise à jour avec cette partie contact.
En effet, les mentions légales, la présentation du projet et le moyen de contacter l'équipe sont liées ; les séparer dans des pages différentes n'a guère de sens et risque d'obscurcir le propos en compartimentant l'information.
En procédant ainsi, il n'y a pas non plus besoin de multiplier les endroits où faire figurer l'adresse de contact. En évitant la redondance des libellés, on augmente la maintenabilité du projet.
- Régis WITZ added 1 deleted label and removed Doing label
added 1 deleted label and removed Doing label
- Régis WITZ assigned to @ana.schwartz and unassigned @rwitz
assigned to @ana.schwartz and unassigned @rwitz
- Author Owner
OK la page de contact est intégrée à la page A propos
- SCHWARTZ ANA removed 1 deleted label
removed 1 deleted label
- SCHWARTZ ANA reopened
- SCHWARTZ ANA added Plateforme Priorité 1 labels
added Plateforme Priorité 1 labels
- SCHWARTZ ANA added User Story label
added User Story label
- SCHWARTZ ANA added configuration label
added configuration label
- SCHWARTZ ANA removed User Story label
removed User Story label
- SCHWARTZ ANA added To Do label
added To Do label
- SCHWARTZ ANA added To Test label and removed To Do label
- SCHWARTZ ANA added Done label and removed To Test label
- SCHWARTZ ANA removed Done label
removed Done label