Intégration d'une page : mentions légales
User story
En tant que dev je mets à disposition une page Mentions légales accessible par n'importe quel utilisateur
Critères d'acceptation
- il s'agit d'une page statique
- elle n'est modifiable que par le responsable d'application à confirmer
- elle est accessible par Tous les utilisateurs en mode authentifié ou non
- elle est accessible sur toutes les pages
- ...
- ...
Préjudice | Bénéfice | Story Points | Durée j/h |
1 | 1.5 |
No child items are currently assigned. Use child items to break down this issue into smaller parts.
Link issues together to show that they're related. Learn more.
- SCHWARTZ ANA changed milestone to %Release 1
changed milestone to %Release 1
- Régis WITZ mentioned in issue pount-front#19 (closed)
mentioned in issue pount-front#19 (closed)
- Developer
C'est fait, mais je n'ai actuellement que les mentions légales en français. POUNT étant internationalisé en français ET en anglais, il me faudrait la traduction anglaise.
À moins que je ne doive la produire moi-même ? Ça peut se faire comme pis-aller, mais la justesse de mon jargon légal laisserait à désirer ...
Edited by Régis WITZ - Régis WITZ assigned to @ana.schwartz and unassigned @rwitz
assigned to @ana.schwartz and unassigned @rwitz
- Régis WITZ added To Do label
added To Do label
- Régis WITZ added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
- SCHWARTZ ANA removed 1 deleted label
removed 1 deleted label
- Author Owner
nouvelle version avec la traduction POUNT_mentions_legales-VF.docx
- Author Owner
mais à la relecture de Sarah...
- Author Owner
relecture OK
- SCHWARTZ ANA assigned to @rwitz and unassigned @ana.schwartz
assigned to @rwitz and unassigned @ana.schwartz
- Developer
reste à faire:
- changer le sous-menu "citation et copyright" en "mentions légales"
- inclure la version anglaise
Edited by Régis WITZ - Régis WITZ removed To Do label
removed To Do label
- SCHWARTZ ANA mentioned in issue #196 (closed)
mentioned in issue #196 (closed)
- SCHWARTZ ANA mentioned in issue #155 (closed)
mentioned in issue #155 (closed)
- SCHWARTZ ANA mentioned in issue #125 (closed)
mentioned in issue #125 (closed)
- Régis WITZ added To Do label
added To Do label
- Régis WITZ mentioned in issue #204 (closed)
mentioned in issue #204 (closed)
- Régis WITZ unassigned @rwitz
unassigned @rwitz
- Régis WITZ added Doing label and removed To Do label
- Régis WITZ assigned to @rwitz
assigned to @rwitz
- Régis WITZ mentioned in issue pount-front#21 (closed)
mentioned in issue pount-front#21 (closed)
- Developer
La page «about» a été mise à jour avec les mentions légales. En effet, les mentions légales, la présentation du projet et le moyen de contacter l'équipe sont liées ; les séparer dans des pages différentes n'a guère de sens et risque d'obscurcir le propos en compartimentant l'information.
- Régis WITZ added 1 deleted label and removed Doing label
added 1 deleted label and removed Doing label
- Régis WITZ assigned to @ana.schwartz and unassigned @rwitz
assigned to @ana.schwartz and unassigned @rwitz
- SCHWARTZ ANA added To Do label and removed 1 deleted label
added To Do label and removed 1 deleted label
- SCHWARTZ ANA unassigned @ana.schwartz
unassigned @ana.schwartz
- Author Owner
Version Française : OK
Version Anglaise :
supprimer le paragraphe about
supprimer le paragraphe contact
Edited by SCHWARTZ ANA -
- SCHWARTZ ANA mentioned in issue #214 (closed)
mentioned in issue #214 (closed)
- SCHWARTZ ANA mentioned in issue #215 (closed)
mentioned in issue #215 (closed)
- SCHWARTZ ANA mentioned in issue #219 (closed)
mentioned in issue #219 (closed)
- SCHWARTZ ANA changed the description
changed the description
- SCHWARTZ ANA changed the description
changed the description
- SCHWARTZ ANA added configuration label
added configuration label
- Stéphanie Cheviron added RelectureMétierOK label
added RelectureMétierOK label
- SCHWARTZ ANA mentioned in issue #95 (closed)
mentioned in issue #95 (closed)
- SCHWARTZ ANA changed the description
changed the description
- SCHWARTZ ANA added Plateforme Priorité 1 labels and removed To Do label
added Plateforme Priorité 1 labels and removed To Do label
- SCHWARTZ ANA added User Story label
added User Story label
- SCHWARTZ ANA removed User Story label
removed User Story label
- SCHWARTZ ANA added To Do label
added To Do label
- SCHWARTZ ANA added Done label and removed To Do label
- SCHWARTZ ANA removed Done label
removed Done label