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Consumer consumed: 2009249934, buffer position: 3 -> Here consumer displays its message before producer, but the call to "remove_item" happens indeed after the call to "insert_item"
Now we have 2 consumers and 2 producers. A call to "remove_item" from the consumer happens only if a producer called "insert_item" at least once before.
The process of the producer-consumer model is the following:
- The producer produces data into a buffer continuously until the buffer gets full, and then waits until it's not full anymore.
- The consumer consumes data from the above mentioned buffer only when the buffer isn't empty. Otherwise, it waits until the buffer isn't empty anymore.
\ No newline at end of file
- Producers continuously produce data that they place into a buffer until the buffer gets full (bounded-buffer), and then wait until it's not full anymore (data is consumed by a consumer by being removed from the buffer) to resume production.
- Consumers consume data from the above mentioned buffer only when the buffer isn't empty. In case the buffer is empty, consumers wait until it is not empty anymore (data is produced by a producer and placed into the buffer) to resume consuming.