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min: "0.84.0"
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go 1.14
other = "Още"
other = "Всички {{.Title }}"
other = "Последни {{.Title }}"
other = "виж още"
other = "Съдържание {{ .Type }}"
other = "Подобни"
other = "Вашето име"
other = "Адрес на елекронна поща"
other = "Съобщение"
other = "Задължително е да предоставите адрес на електронна поща."
other = "Изпрати"
other = "Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “{{ .Title }}”"
other = "{{ .Name }} страница"
\ No newline at end of file
other = "Mehr"
other = "Alle {{.Title }}"
other = "Neuste {{.Title }}"
other = "weiterlesen"
other = "Von"
other = "Was ist in dieser {{ .Type }}"
other = "Ähnliches"
other = "Dein Name"
other = "Email Adresse"
other = "Nachricht"
other = "Eine Email Adresse wird benötigt."
other = "Senden"
other = "Beiträge zum Thema “{{ .Title }}”"
one = "Eine Minute"
other = "{{ .Count }} Minuten"
one = "Ein Wort"
other = "{{ .Count }} Wörter"
other = "{{ .Name }} Seite"
\ No newline at end of file
other = "More"
other = "All {{.Title }}"
other = "Recent {{.Title }}"
other = "read more"
other = "By"
other = "What's in this {{ .Type }}"
other = "Related"
other = "Your Name"
other = "Email Address"
other = "Message"
other = "An email address is required."
other = "Send"
other = "Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “{{ .Title }}”"
one = "One minute read"
other = "{{ .Count }} minutes read"
one = "One word"
other = "{{ .Count }} words"
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other = "{{.Title }} recientes"
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other = "Relacionado"
other = "Tu nombre"
other = "Dirección de correo electrónico"
other = "Mensaje"
other = "Se requiere una dirección de correo electrónico."
other = "Enviar"
other = "A continuación encontrará las páginas asociadas a “{{ .Title }}”"
other = "{{ .Name }} pagina"
\ No newline at end of file
other = "Lisää"
other = "Kaikki kirjoitukset"
other = "Viimeisimmät kirjoitukset"
other = "lue lisää"
other = "Sisältö"
other = "Samankaltaisia kirjoituksia"
other = "sinun nimesi"
other = "sähköpostiosoite"
other = "viesti"
other = "Sähköpostiosoite on pakollinen tieto."
other = "Lähetä"
other = "Alla ovat sivut, jotka liittyvät hakusanaasi: “{{ .Title }}”"
one = "Minuutin lukuaika"
other = "{{ .Count }} minuutin lukuaika"
one = "Yksi sana"
other = "{{ .Count }} sanaa"
other = "{{ .Name }} sivu"
other = "Plus"
other = "Tous les {{.Title }}"
other = "{{.Title }} récents"
other = "lire plus"
other = "Par"
other = "Ce qui est dans {{ .Type }}"
other = "Lié"
other = "Votre nom"
other = "Adresse e-mail"
other = "Message"
other = "Une adresse e-mail est requise."
other = "Envoyer"
other = "Ci-dessous se trouvent les pages utilisant le terme taxonomique “{{ .Title }}”"
one = "Une minute de lecture"
other = "{{ .Count }} minutes de lecture"
one = "Un mot"
other = "{{ .Count }} mots"
other = "{{ .Name }} page"
\ No newline at end of file
other = "עוד"
other = "כל ה{{.Title }}"
other = "לאחרונה ב{{.Title }}"
other = "קראו עוד"
other = "מאת"
other = "מה בתוך {{ .Type }}"
other = "קשור"
other = "שמך"
other = "כתובת דואר אלקטרוני"
other = "הודעה"
other = "יש להזין כתובת דואר אלקטרוני."
other = "שליחה"
other = "כאן תמצאו את העמודים אשר משתמשים בטקסונומיה “{{ .Title }}”"
one = "דקת קריאה"
other = "{{ .Count }} דקות קריאה"
one = "מילה אחת"
other = "{{ .Count }} מילים"
other = "עמוד {{ .Name }}"
other = "अधिक"
other = "सब {{.Title }}"
other = "हाल में {{.Title }}"
other = "और पढ़ें"
other = "इस में क्या है {{ .Type }}"
other = "संबंधित"
other = "तुम्हारा नाम"
other = "ईमेल पता"
other = "संदेश"
other = "एक ईमेल पता की आवश्यकता है।"
other = "भेजना"
other = "नीचे आपको ऐसे पेज मिलेंगे जो वर्गीकरण शब्द का उपयोग करते हैं “{{ .Title }}”"
\ No newline at end of file
other = "Több"
other = "További {{.Title }}"
other = "Friss {{.Title }}"
other = "Részletek"
other = "{{ .Type }}"
other = "Ajánlott cikkek"
other = "Név"
other = "E-mail cím"
other = "Üzenet"
other = "E-mail cím megadása kötelező."
other = "Küldés"
other = "Ezen a lapon a(z) {{ .Title }} kategóriába tartozó cikkeket találod"
other = "{{ .Name }} oldal"
\ No newline at end of file
other = "Altro"
other = "Tutti {{.Title }}"
other = "Recenti {{.Title }}"
other = "leggi di più"
other = "Da"
other = "Cosa c'è in {{ .Type }}"
other = "Correlati"
other = "Il tuo nome"
other = "Indirizzo email"
other = "Messaggio"
other = "Indirizzo email obbligatorio."
other = "Invia"
other = "Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “{{ .Title }}”"
other = "{{ .Name }} pagina"
\ No newline at end of file
other = "他の記事も確認する"
other = "全ての {{.Title }}"
other = "最近の {{.Title }}"
other = "もっと読む"
other = "この記事の概要"
other = "関連"
other = "あなたの名前"
other = "Eメール"
other = "内容"
other = "メールアドレスは必須です"
other = "送信する"
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other = "{{ .Count }} 分で読めます"
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other = "{{ .Count }} 文字"
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