From 02749eb5f9d9afd12a5dc146e7806056fd24b439 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?R=C3=A9gis=20Witz?= <>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2022 22:01:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=F0=9F=9A=B8=F0=9F=94=A7=F0=9F=8E=A8=E2=99=BB?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Comme cela on utilise la même syntaxe dans le front matter que dans
le fichier de config --> plus simple à apprendre.
 config.toml | 96 -----------------------------------------------------
 config.yaml | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 config.toml
 create mode 100644 config.yaml

diff --git a/config.toml b/config.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e824f0..0000000
--- a/config.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-baseurl = ""
-contentdir    = "content"
-layoutdir     = "layouts"
-publishdir    = "public"
-title = "Je suis sur le web !"
-canonifyURLs  = true
-#relativeURLs  = true
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-DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
-theme = "beautifulhugo"
-metaDataFormat = "yaml"
-pygmentsUseClasses = true
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-#disqusShortname = "XXX"
-#googleAnalytics = "XXX"
-  subtitle = "J'étais capable de faire un site sans que je n'en susse rien ..."
-  logo = "img/avatar-icon.png"
-  favicon = "img/favicon.ico"
-  dateFormat = "January 2, 2006"
-  commit = false
-  rss = true
-  comments = true
-#  gcse = "012345678901234567890:abcdefghijk" # Get your code from Make sure to go to "Look and Feel" and change Layout to "Full Width" and Theme to "Classic"
-#  src = "img/triangle.jpg"
-#  desc = "Triangle"
-#  src = "img/sphere.jpg"
-#  desc = "Sphere"
-#  src = "img/hexagon.jpg"
-#  desc = "Hexagon"
-  name = "Some Person"
-  email = ""
-  facebook = "username"
-  googleplus = "+username" # or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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-  github = "username"
-  twitter = "username"
-  reddit = "username"
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-  xing = "username"
-  stackoverflow = "users/XXXXXXX/username"
-  snapchat = "username"
-  instagram = "username"
-  youtube = "user/username" # or channel/channelname
-  soundcloud = "username"
-  spotify = "username"
-  bandcamp = "username"
-  itchio = "username"
-  keybase = "username"
-    name = "Articles"
-    url = "post/"
-    weight = 1
-    name = "À propos"
-    url = "page/about/"
-    weight = 3
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-    name = "À la une"
-    weight = 2
-    parent = "samples"
-    name = "Bannières"
-    url = "post/bannieres"
-    weight = 1
-    parent = "samples"
-    name = "Mathématiques"
-    url = "post/maths"
-    weight = 2
-    parent = "samples"
-    name = "Programmation"
-    url = "post/code-source"
-    weight = 3
-    name = "Catégories"
-    url = "tags"
-    weight = 3
diff --git a/config.yaml b/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5384c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+baseURL: ""
+contentdir: "content"
+layoutdir: "layouts"
+publishdir: "public"
+title: "Je suis sur le web !"
+canonifyURLs: true
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+defaultContentLanguage: "en"
+theme: "beautifulhugo"
+metaDataFormat: "yaml"
+pygmentsUseClasses: true
+pygmentCodeFences: true
+  subtitle: "J'étais capable de faire un site sans que je n'en susse rien ..."
+  logo: "img/avatar-icon.png"
+  favicon: "img/favicon.ico"
+  dateFormat: "January 2, 2006"
+  commit: false
+  rss: true
+  comments: true
+#  bigimg:
+#  - src: "img/triangle.jpg"
+#    desc: "Triangle"
+#  - src: "img/sphere.jpg"
+#    desc: "Sphere"
+#  - src: "img/hexagon.jpg"
+#    desc: "Hexagon"
+  name: "Some Person"
+  email: ""
+  gitlab: "username"
+  twitter: "username"
+  reddit: "username"
+  linkedin: "username"
+  stackoverflow: "users/XXXXXXX/username"
+  snapchat: "username"
+  instagram: "username"
+  itchio: "username"
+  main:
+  - name: "Articles"
+    url: "post/"
+    weight: 1
+  - name: "À propos"
+    url: "page/about/"
+    weight: 3
+  - identifier: "samples"
+    name: "À la une"
+    weight: 2
+  - parent: "samples"
+    name: "Bannières"
+    url: "post/bannieres"
+    weight: 1
+  - parent: "samples"
+    name: "Mathématiques"
+    url: "post/maths"
+    weight: 2
+  - parent: "samples"
+    name: "Programmation"
+    url: "post/code-source"
+    weight: 3
+  - name: "Catégories"
+    url: "tags"
+    weight: 3