diff --git a/projet_texte/interface.py b/projet_texte/interface.py
index e183995d524b35d846a5e283992591189dd50401..f4c05d8608f94a957758b3f199f4b094a1546e2c 100644
--- a/projet_texte/interface.py
+++ b/projet_texte/interface.py
@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ from Bio import Entrez
 from Bio import SeqIO
 import threading
 # --- functions ---
+is_active = True
 def function_parser(v, EtatCheckButton, resultat, root):
+    global is_active
     regions = Selection(EtatCheckButton,resultat)
     # p = subprocess.run("ls", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
@@ -56,19 +58,24 @@ def function_parser(v, EtatCheckButton, resultat, root):
-    genome.create_log_file()
+    #genome.create_log_file()
     print("Début téléchargement des génomes")
+    if(not is_active):
+        print("Arrêt demandé")
+        sys.exit()
     if not group_name and not subgroup_name:
         organism_by_kingdom = genome.regroup_organism_by_kingdom(lst_files[0],Kingdom)
         dataframe_organism = genome.get_dataframe_kingdom(organism_by_kingdom, kingdom_name)
-        print("fin du premier if")
     elif subgroup_name:
         # retourne un dataframe contenant le nom des organismes d'un sous groupe donnée
         dataframe_organism = genome.get_organism_from_subgroup(lst_files[0],kingdom_name,group_name,subgroup_name)
+    if(not is_active):
+        print("Arrêt demandé")
+        sys.exit()
     dataframe_organism = dataframe_organism.sort_values(["Kingdom", "Group", "SubGroup"])
     dataframe_organism.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
     print("Téléchargement terminé")
@@ -80,6 +87,9 @@ def function_parser(v, EtatCheckButton, resultat, root):
     # on recherche les nc par organisme
     nc_by_organism = []
     for i, organism in enumerate(organism_name):
+        if(not is_active):
+            print("Arrêt demandé")
+            sys.exit()
         print(f"Dans {kingdom_name}/{organism_group[i]}/{organism_subgroup[i]}")
         print(f"Regroupement des NC pour l'organisme {organism}")
         ncs = genome.search_nc_by_organism(kingdom_name, organism)
@@ -95,6 +105,9 @@ def function_parser(v, EtatCheckButton, resultat, root):
             if(len(organism[1]) > 1):
                 for r in record:
+                    if(not is_active):
+                        print("Arrêt demandé")
+                        sys.exit()
                     print(f"Ecriture des regions pour {r.name}")
                     genome.write_available_feature(r.features, r, prefix, regions)
@@ -108,10 +121,6 @@ def function_parser(v, EtatCheckButton, resultat, root):
     print("Parsing terminé")
-def thread_function_parser(v, EtatCheckButton, resultat, root):
-    t = threading.Thread(target=function_parser, args=(v, EtatCheckButton, resultat, root))
-    t.start()
 def Selection(EtatCheckButton, resultat):
     region = []
     for i in range (10):
@@ -140,104 +149,121 @@ class Redirect():
 # --- fonction principale ---
-def interface_main():
-    root = tk.Tk()
-    f = font.Font(size=18)
-    f.configure(underline=True)
-    g = font.Font(size=32)
-    h = font.Font(size=24)
-    root.geometry("1200x800")
-    root.title('Projet Bioinformatique SDSC Groupe 1')
-    # root.configure(bg='lightblue')
-    label_1 = Label(root, text="GENOME")
-    label_1['font'] = g
-    label_1.place(x = 0, y = 0)
-    label_2 = Label(root, text="Statistiques sur les genes de la base GenBank", fg="blue")
-    label_2['font'] = h
-    label_2.place(x = 0, y = 35+32)
-    label = Label(root, text="Sélectionner un Kingdom :")
-    label['font'] = f
-    label.place(x = 270, y = 120)
-    v = StringVar()
-    v.set("Eukaryota")
-    R1 = Radiobutton(root, text="Eukaryota", variable=v, value="Eukaryota")
-    R1.place(x = 270, y = 150)
-    R2 = Radiobutton(root, text="Bacteria", variable=v, value="Bacteria")
-    R2.place(x = 370, y = 150)
-    R3 = Radiobutton(root, text="Archaea", variable=v, value="Archaea")
-    R3.place(x = 470, y = 150)
-    R4 = Radiobutton(root, text="Viruses", variable=v, value="Viruses")
-    R4.place(x = 570, y = 150)
-    resultat = ["CDS", "centromere", "intron", "mobile_element", "ncRNA", "rRNA", "telomere", "tRNA", "3'UTR", "5'UTR"] 
-    label = Label(root, text="Les choix des régions fonctionnelles :")
-    label['font'] = f
-    label.place(x = 270, y = 180)
-    EtatCheckButton =[0 for i in range (10)]
-    for i in range(10) :
-        EtatCheckButton[i] = IntVar()
-    c1 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="CDS", variable=EtatCheckButton[0], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
-    c1.place(x = 270, y = 210)
-    c1.select()
-    c2 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="centromere", variable=EtatCheckButton[1], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
-    c2.place(x = 370, y = 210)
-    c2.select()
-    c3 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="intron", variable=EtatCheckButton[2], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
-    c3.place(x = 470, y = 210)
-    c3.select()
-    c4 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="mobile_element", variable=EtatCheckButton[3], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
-    c4.place(x = 570, y = 210)
-    c4.select()
-    c5 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="ncRNA", variable=EtatCheckButton[4], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
-    c5.place(x = 700, y = 210)
-    c5.select()
-    c6 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="rRNA", variable=EtatCheckButton[5], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
-    c6.place(x = 270, y = 230)
-    c6.select()
-    c7 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="telomere", variable=EtatCheckButton[6], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
-    c7.place(x = 370, y = 230)
-    c7.select()
-    c8 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="tRNA", variable=EtatCheckButton[7], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
-    c8.place(x = 470, y = 230)
-    c8.select()
-    c9 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="3'UTR", variable=EtatCheckButton[8], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
-    c9.place(x = 570, y = 230)
-    c9.select()
-    c10 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text="5'UTR", variable=EtatCheckButton[9], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
-    c10.place(x = 670, y = 230)
-    c10.select()
-    scroll = Scrollbar(root)
-    scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
-    text = tk.Text(root, bg = "white", width=200, yscrollcommand=scroll.set)
-    text.place(x = 0, y = 260)
-    text.bind('<<Modified>>', showEnd)
-    scroll.config(command=text.yview)
-    old_stdout = sys.stdout
-    sys.stdout = Redirect(text)
-    button = tk.Button(root, text='Démarrer', command=lambda : thread_function_parser(v, EtatCheckButton, resultat,root))
-    button.place(x = 580, y = 700)
-    root.mainloop()
+class InterfaceManager():
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        self.root = tk.Tk()
+        self.f = font.Font(size=18)
+        self.f.configure(underline=True)
+        self.g = font.Font(size=30)
+        self.h = font.Font(size=20)
+        self.root.geometry("1200x800")
+        self.root.title('Projet Bioinformatique SDSC Groupe 1')
+        # root.configure(bg='lightblue')
+        self.label_1 = Label(self.root, text="GENOME")
+        self.label_1['font'] = self.g
+        self.label_1.place(x = 0, y = 0)
+        self.label_2 = Label(self.root, text="Acquisition des régions fonctionnelles dans les génomes", fg="blue")
+        self.label_2['font'] = self.h
+        self.label_2.place(x = 0, y = 35+32)
+        self.label = Label(self.root, text="Sélectionner un Kingdom :")
+        self.label['font'] = self.f
+        self.label.place(x = 270, y = 120)
+        self.v = StringVar()
+        self.v.set("Eukaryota")
+        self.R1 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="Eukaryota", variable=self.v, value="Eukaryota")
+        self.R1.place(x = 270, y = 150)
+        self.R2 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="Bacteria", variable=self.v, value="Bacteria")
+        self.R2.place(x = 370, y = 150)
+        self.R3 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="Archaea", variable=self.v, value="Archaea")
+        self.R3.place(x = 470, y = 150)
+        self.R4 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="Viruses", variable=self.v, value="Viruses")
+        self.R4.place(x = 570, y = 150)
+        self.resultat = ["CDS", "centromere", "intron", "mobile_element", "ncRNA", "rRNA", "telomere", "tRNA", "3'UTR", "5'UTR"] 
+        self.label_3 = Label(self.root, text="Les choix des régions fonctionnelles :")
+        self.label_3['font'] = self.f
+        self.label_3.place(x = 270, y = 180)
+        self.EtatCheckButton =[0 for i in range (10)]
+        for i in range(10) :
+            self.EtatCheckButton[i] = IntVar()
+        self.c1 = tk.Checkbutton(self.root, text="CDS", variable=self.EtatCheckButton[0], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
+        self.c1.place(x = 270, y = 210)
+        self.c1.select()
+        self.c2 = tk.Checkbutton(self.root, text="centromere", variable=self.EtatCheckButton[1], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
+        self.c2.place(x = 370, y = 210)
+        self.c2.select()
+        self.c3 = tk.Checkbutton(self.root, text="intron", variable=self.EtatCheckButton[2], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
+        self.c3.place(x = 470, y = 210)
+        self.c3.select()
+        self.c4 = tk.Checkbutton(self.root, text="mobile_element", variable=self.EtatCheckButton[3], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
+        self.c4.place(x = 570, y = 210)
+        self.c4.select()
+        self.c5 = tk.Checkbutton(self.root, text="ncRNA", variable=self.EtatCheckButton[4], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
+        self.c5.place(x = 700, y = 210)
+        self.c5.select()
+        self.c6 = tk.Checkbutton(self.root, text="rRNA", variable=self.EtatCheckButton[5], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
+        self.c6.place(x = 270, y = 230)
+        self.c6.select()
+        self.c7 = tk.Checkbutton(self.root, text="telomere", variable=self.EtatCheckButton[6], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
+        self.c7.place(x = 370, y = 230)
+        self.c7.select()
+        self.c8 = tk.Checkbutton(self.root, text="tRNA", variable=self.EtatCheckButton[7], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
+        self.c8.place(x = 470, y = 230)
+        self.c8.select()
+        self.c9 = tk.Checkbutton(self.root, text="3'UTR", variable=self.EtatCheckButton[8], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
+        self.c9.place(x = 570, y = 230)
+        self.c9.select()
+        self.c10 = tk.Checkbutton(self.root, text="5'UTR", variable=self.EtatCheckButton[9], onvalue=1, offvalue=0)
+        self.c10.place(x = 670, y = 230)
+        self.c10.select()
+        self.scroll = Scrollbar(self.root)
+        self.scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
+        self.text = tk.Text(self.root, bg = "white", width=200, yscrollcommand=self.scroll.set)
+        self.text.place(x = 0, y = 260)
+        self.text.bind('<<Modified>>', showEnd)
+        self.scroll.config(command=self.text.yview)
+        self.old_stdout = sys.stdout
+        sys.stdout = Redirect(self.text)
+        self.button = tk.Button(self.root, text='Démarrer', command=lambda : self.thread_function_parser(self.v, self.EtatCheckButton, self.resultat, self.root, self.button['text']))
+        self.button.place(x = 580, y = 700)
+        self.root.mainloop()
+    def thread_function_parser(self, v, EtatCheckButton, resultat, root, text):
+        global is_active
+        if (text == "Stop"): 
+            is_active = False
+            self.button['text'] = "En attente"
+            self.button['state'] = DISABLED
+            self.waithere()
+            self.button['text'] = "Démarrer"
+            self.button['state'] = NORMAL
+        else:
+            is_active = True
+            self.text.delete('1.0', END)
+            self.button['text'] = "Stop"
+            t = threading.Thread(target=function_parser, args=(v, EtatCheckButton, resultat, root))
+            t.start()
+    def waithere(self):
+        var = IntVar()
+        self.root.after(3000, var.set, 1)
+        print("En attente de terminaison")
+        self.root.wait_variable(var)
 # if __name__ == "__main__":
 #    interface_main()
diff --git a/projet_texte/main.py b/projet_texte/main.py
index c2192ff787553748a3a9ddad5b3df1cea068cf91..521a21bfdf1af4ff06d244b64bc09f590564d695 100644
--- a/projet_texte/main.py
+++ b/projet_texte/main.py
@@ -20,131 +20,4 @@ Entrez.email = "jeanlucphan84@gmail.com"
 Entrez.api_key = "81005b6f8a9fdffc555ad15df06c18bcd409"
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    #id_test = "NC_037304.1"
-    #id_test = "NC_005562.1"
-    """
-    regions = ["CDS", "centromere", "intron", "mobile_element", "ncRNA", "rRNA", "telomere", "tRNA", "3'UTR", "5'UTR"]
-    files_names = [
-        "eukaryotes.txt",
-        "overview.txt", 
-        "plasmids.txt",
-        "prok_reference_genomes.txt",
-        "prok_representative_genomes.txt",
-        "prokaryotes.txt", 
-        "viruses.txt"
-    ]
-    ids_file = [
-        "Archaea.ids",
-        "Bacteria.ids",
-        "Eukaryota.ids",
-        "Mito_metazoa.ids",
-        "Phages.ids",
-        "Plasmids.ids",
-        "Samples.ids",
-        "Viroids.ids",
-        "Viruses.ids",
-        "dsDNA_Viruses.ids"
-    ]
-    lst_files = [
-        "overview.txt", 
-        "Archaea.ids",
-        "Bacteria.ids",
-        "Eukaryota.ids",
-        "Viruses.ids"
-    ]
-    """
-    # ----------- Interface ----------------
-    interface.interface_main()
-    Kingdom = ["Archaea", "Bacteria", "Eukaryota", "Viruses"]
-    regions = ["CDS", "centromere", "intron", "mobile_element", "ncRNA", "rRNA", "telomere", "tRNA", "3'UTR", "5'UTR"]
-    # time.sleep(600) 
-    # Sélection du kingdom, group et sous group
-    #kingdom_name = Kingdom[2]
-    #group_name = "Plants"
-    #subgroup_name = "Land Plants"
-    #prefix = "Results/{}/{}/{}".format(kingdom_name, group_name, subgroup_name)
-    # Téléchargment des fichiers se trouvant dans lst_files via ftp
-    """
-    genome.create_log_file()
-    print("Début téléchargement des génomes")
-    genome.download_genome_files(lst_files)
-    if not group_name and not subgroup_name:
-        organism_by_kingdom = genome.regroup_organism_by_kingdom(lst_files[0],Kingdom)
-        dataframe_organism = genome.get_dataframe_kingdom(organism_by_kingdom, kingdom_name)
-    elif subgroup_name:
-        # retourne un dataframe contenant le nom des organismes d'un sous groupe donnée
-        dataframe_organism = genome.get_organism_from_subgroup(lst_files[0],kingdom_name,group_name,subgroup_name)
-    dataframe_organism = dataframe_organism.sort_values(["Kingdom", "Group", "SubGroup"])
-    dataframe_organism.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
-    print("Téléchargement terminé")
-    # df_log = genome.read_log()
-    print("Début extraction")
-    # if (not df_log.empty):
-        # print("Vérification des NC déjà traités")
-        # last_organism = df_log.iloc[-1,1]
-        # last_nc = df_log.iloc[-1,0]
-        # df_last_index = dataframe_organism[dataframe_organism['#Organism/Name'] == last_organism]
-        # if(not df_last_index.empty):
-            # dataframe_organism.drop(dataframe_organism.index[:df_last_index.index[0]], inplace=True)
-    organism_name = dataframe_organism["#Organism/Name"].tolist()
-    organism_group = dataframe_organism["Group"].tolist()
-    organism_subgroup = dataframe_organism["SubGroup"].tolist()
-    # on recherche les nc par organisme
-    nc_by_organism = []
-    nc_to_parse = []
-    #nc_to_remove = genome.remove_treated_nc()
-    for i, organism in enumerate(organism_name):
-        #if ((i >= 1) and (organism_subgroup[i] != organism_subgroup[i-1])):
-        print(f"Dans {kingdom_name}/{organism_group[i]}/{organism_subgroup[i]}")
-        print(f"Regroupement des NC pour l'organisme {organism}")
-        ncs = genome.search_nc_by_organism(kingdom_name, organism)
-        #nc_to_parse = [nc for nc in ncs if nc not in nc_to_remove]
-        nc_by_organism.append([organism, ncs, organism_group[i], organism_subgroup[i]])
-        #nc_to_parse = []
-    # Pour un NC donné, extraction et écriture des séquences dans les fichiers par régions
-    # Récupération du gene via id
-    # if (not df_log.empty):
-        # last_index = genome.search_last_nc_index(nc_by_organism, last_nc)
-        # if (last_index != -1):
-            # del nc_by_organism[:last_index]
-            # del nc_by_organism[0][1][:nc_by_organism[0][1].index(last_nc)+1]
-    print("Début extraction par organisme")
-    for organism in nc_by_organism:
-        prefix = "Results/{}/{}/{}/".format(kingdom_name, organism[2], organism[3])
-        #print(prefix)
-        #for nc in organism[1]:
-        try:
-            handle = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide",id=','.join(organism[1]), rettype="gb", retmode="text", style="withparts")
-            record = SeqIO.read(handle, "genbank")
-            handle.close()
-            if(len(organism[1]) > 1):
-                for r in record:
-                    #record = SeqIO.read(handle, "genbank")
-                    print(f"Ecriture des regions pour {r.name}")
-                    genome.write_available_feature(r.features, r, prefix, regions)
-            else:
-                print(f"Ecriture des regions pour {record.name}")
-                genome.write_available_feature(record.features, record, prefix, regions)
-        except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            print("Arret du programme")
-            sys.exit()
-        except (ValueError, urllib.error.HTTPError):
-            #print(f"Lecture du nc {record.name} impossible")
-            continue
-            #except :
-            #    print(f"Lecture du nc {nc} impossible")
-            #    continue
-    print("Parsing terminé")
-    """
+    app = interface.InterfaceManager()