diff --git a/src/App.js b/src/App.js
index eb90662679b003941ada3ceeefe7bde28f0e3e64..b174c33c21467046a245b58ab16bf3c6da497763 100644
--- a/src/App.js
+++ b/src/App.js
@@ -1,70 +1,81 @@
 import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';
-import React, { Component } from "react";
+import React, { Component } from 'react';
 import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
 import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
 import Layout from './layout/Layout';
 import Login from './layout/Login';
-import { customRoutes } from "./layout/Routes";
-import Theme from "./layout/Theme";
+import { customRoutes } from './layout/Routes';
+import Theme from './layout/Theme';
 import Dashboard from './pages/Dashboard';
 import AuthProvider from './providers/AuthProvider';
 import DataProvider from './providers/DataProvider';
-import I18nProvider from "./providers/I18nProvider";
-import accounts from "./resources/Accounts";
+import I18nProvider from './providers/I18nProvider';
+import accounts from './resources/Accounts';
 import accountscounts from './resources/AccountsCounts';
-import archived_members from "./resources/ArchivedMembers";
-import automated_transactions from "./resources/AutomatedTransactions";
+import archived_members from './resources/ArchivedMembers';
+import automated_transactions from './resources/AutomatedTransactions';
 import events from './resources/Events';
 import members from './resources/Members';
-import movements from "./resources/Movements";
+import movements from './resources/Movements';
 import participations from './resources/Participations';
 import people from './resources/People';
-import personal_accounts from "./resources/PersonalAccounts";
-import personal_transactions from "./resources/PersonalTransactions";
+import personal_accounts from './resources/PersonalAccounts';
+import personal_transactions from './resources/PersonalTransactions';
 import products from './resources/Products';
-import productscategories from "./resources/ProductsCategories";
+import productscategories from './resources/ProductsCategories';
 import productscounts from './resources/ProductsCounts';
 import purchases from './resources/Purchases';
-import sales from "./resources/Sales";
-import transactions from "./resources/Transactions";
-import transactionscategories from "./resources/TransactionsCategories";
-import transferts from "./resources/Transferts";
-import users from "./resources/Users";
+import sales from './resources/Sales';
+import transactions from './resources/Transactions';
+import transactionscategories from './resources/TransactionsCategories';
+import transferts from './resources/Transferts';
+import users from './resources/Users';
 const history = createBrowserHistory();
 export default class App extends Component {
-    render() {
-        return (
-            <Admin customRoutes={customRoutes} i18nProvider={I18nProvider} loginPage={Login} history={history} dashboard={Dashboard} theme={Theme} layout={Layout} dataProvider={DataProvider} authProvider={AuthProvider} title="Seb" disableTelemetry>
-                <Resource name="permissions" />
-                <Resource name="profile" />
-                <Resource name="tokens" />
-                <Resource name="accounts" {...accounts} />
-                <Resource name="accounts_counts" {...accountscounts} />
-                <Resource name="people" {...people} />
-                <Resource name="members" {...members} />
-                <Resource name="transactions" {...transactions} />
-                <Resource name="users" {...users} />
-                <Resource name="products_categories" {...productscategories} />
-                <Resource name="products_counts" {...productscounts} />
-                <Resource name="transactions_categories" {...transactionscategories} />
-                <Resource name="products" {...products} />
-                <Resource name="movements" {...movements} />
-                <Resource name="sales" {...sales} />
-                <Resource name="purchases" {...purchases} />
-                <Resource name="transferts" {...transferts} />
-                <Resource name="archived_members" {...archived_members} />
-                <Resource name="automated_transactions" {...automated_transactions} />
-                <Resource name="personal_accounts" {...personal_accounts} />
-                <Resource name="personal_transactions" {...personal_transactions} />
-                <Resource name="events" {...events} />
-                <Resource name="participations" {...participations} />
-            </Admin>
-        );
-    }
+  render() {
+    return (
+      <Admin
+        customRoutes={customRoutes}
+        i18nProvider={I18nProvider}
+        loginPage={Login}
+        history={history}
+        dashboard={Dashboard}
+        theme={Theme}
+        layout={Layout}
+        dataProvider={DataProvider}
+        authProvider={AuthProvider}
+        title="Seb"
+        disableTelemetry>
+        <Resource name="permissions" />
+        <Resource name="profile" />
+        <Resource name="tokens" />
+        <Resource name="accounts" {...accounts} />
+        <Resource name="accounts_counts" {...accountscounts} />
+        <Resource name="people" {...people} />
+        <Resource name="members" {...members} />
+        <Resource name="transactions" {...transactions} />
+        <Resource name="users" {...users} />
+        <Resource name="products_categories" {...productscategories} />
+        <Resource name="products_counts" {...productscounts} />
+        <Resource name="transactions_categories" {...transactionscategories} />
+        <Resource name="products" {...products} />
+        <Resource name="movements" {...movements} />
+        <Resource name="sales" {...sales} />
+        <Resource name="purchases" {...purchases} />
+        <Resource name="transferts" {...transferts} />
+        <Resource name="archived_members" {...archived_members} />
+        <Resource name="automated_transactions" {...automated_transactions} />
+        <Resource name="personal_accounts" {...personal_accounts} />
+        <Resource name="personal_transactions" {...personal_transactions} />
+        <Resource name="events" {...events} />
+        <Resource name="participations" {...participations} />
+      </Admin>
+    );
+  }
 if (document.getElementById('app')) {
-    ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
+  ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
diff --git a/src/components/ArchiveButton.js b/src/components/ArchiveButton.js
index cefbe7aaea579c4a0c55b5204a29791dc6a4b91e..49059530f56b2f65b9556a5ff21171880b108c3e 100644
--- a/src/components/ArchiveButton.js
+++ b/src/components/ArchiveButton.js
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
 import ArchiveIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Archive';
-import * as React from "react";
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { Button, useDataProvider, useRefresh, useResourceContext, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
-const ArchiveButton = (props) => {
-    const dataProvider = useDataProvider();
-    const name = useResourceContext();
-    const refresh = useRefresh();
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+const ArchiveButton = () => {
+  const dataProvider = useDataProvider();
+  const name = useResourceContext();
+  const refresh = useRefresh();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    return (
-        <Button
-            onClick={() => {
-                dataProvider.archive(name).then(() => {
-                    refresh();
-                });
-            }}
-            label={translate('actions.archive')}
-        ><ArchiveIcon /></Button>
-    );
+  return (
+    <Button
+      onClick={() => {
+        dataProvider.archive(name).then(() => {
+          refresh();
+        });
+      }}
+      label={translate('actions.archive')}>
+      <ArchiveIcon />
+    </Button>
+  );
 export { ArchiveButton };
diff --git a/src/components/Breadcrumb.js b/src/components/Breadcrumb.js
index bdd26c3539e862eeeb6b40628345a3c65a63c561..0bbae9f08282fac00c4bf271c1693f5bcde312aa 100644
--- a/src/components/Breadcrumb.js
+++ b/src/components/Breadcrumb.js
@@ -6,41 +6,37 @@ import { useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
 import { Link, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
 const BreadCrumb = () => {
-    const location = useLocation();
-    let path = location.pathname.split('/');
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+  const location = useLocation();
+  let path = location.pathname.split('/');
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    if (path.length === 2 && path[1] === "") {
-        return (
-            <MuiBreadcrumbs aria-label="breadcrumb" style={{ paddingBottom: '5px' }}>
-                <Typography color="inherit">
-                    {translate('menu.left.dashboard')}
-                </Typography>
-            </MuiBreadcrumbs>
-        );
-    }
-    path.shift();
-    let last = path.pop();
-    let link = "";
+  if (path.length === 2 && path[1] === '') {
     return (
-        <MuiBreadcrumbs aria-label="breadcrumb" style={{ paddingBottom: '5px' }}>
-            <MuiLink component={Link} color="inherit" to="/">
-                {translate('menu.left.dashboard')}
-            </MuiLink>
-            {path.map((val, key) => {
-                link += "/" + val;
-                return (
-                    <MuiLink component={Link} color="inherit" to={link} key={link}>
-                        {(isNaN(val) ? translate('menu.left.' + val) : val)}
-                    </MuiLink>
-                );
-            })}
-            <Typography color="textPrimary">
-                {(isNaN(last) ? translate('menu.left.' + last) : last)}
-            </Typography>
-        </MuiBreadcrumbs>
+      <MuiBreadcrumbs aria-label="breadcrumb" style={{ paddingBottom: '5px' }}>
+        <Typography color="inherit">{translate('menu.left.dashboard')}</Typography>
+      </MuiBreadcrumbs>
+  }
+  path.shift();
+  let last = path.pop();
+  let link = '';
+  return (
+    <MuiBreadcrumbs aria-label="breadcrumb" style={{ paddingBottom: '5px' }}>
+      <MuiLink component={Link} color="inherit" to="/">
+        {translate('menu.left.dashboard')}
+      </MuiLink>
+      {path.map((val) => {
+        link += '/' + val;
+        return (
+          <MuiLink component={Link} color="inherit" to={link} key={link}>
+            {isNaN(val) ? translate('menu.left.' + val) : val}
+          </MuiLink>
+        );
+      })}
+      <Typography color="textPrimary">{isNaN(last) ? translate('menu.left.' + last) : last}</Typography>
+    </MuiBreadcrumbs>
+  );
-export default BreadCrumb;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default BreadCrumb;
diff --git a/src/components/DateField.js b/src/components/DateField.js
index 05b30f9c84c5cefaffee63b4a4bee57d1719ca69..f91ef792e18a031be9d2d1c5b9689fa2b2a0ab46 100644
--- a/src/components/DateField.js
+++ b/src/components/DateField.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import { DateField as RADateField } from "react-admin";
+import { DateField as RADateField } from 'react-admin';
 const DateField = RADateField;
-DateField.defaultProps.locales = "fr-FR";
+DateField.defaultProps.locales = 'fr-FR';
 DateField.defaultProps.showTime = true;
 export default DateField;
diff --git a/src/components/DateTimeInput.js b/src/components/DateTimeInput.js
index 13ca3e80adba96d2e95b669a1e95071471dfe89e..6e6e143f4596a4fa2cc66303468733e9a3cab967 100644
--- a/src/components/DateTimeInput.js
+++ b/src/components/DateTimeInput.js
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
  * https://github.com/vascofg/react-admin-date-inputs
- * 
+ *
  * MIT License
- * 
+ *
  * Copyright (c) 2017 Alexey Simakov
- * 
+ *
  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- * 
+ *
  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
  * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- * 
+ *
@@ -26,104 +26,93 @@
 import DateFnsUtils from '@date-io/date-fns';
 import { DatePicker, DateTimePicker, MuiPickersUtilsProvider, TimePicker } from '@material-ui/pickers';
-import format from "date-fns/format";
-import frLocale from "date-fns/locale/fr";
+import format from 'date-fns/format';
+import frLocale from 'date-fns/locale/fr';
 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
 import { FieldTitle, useInput } from 'ra-core';
 import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
 class LocalizedUtils extends DateFnsUtils {
-    getDatePickerHeaderText(date) {
-        return format(date, "d MMM", { locale: this.locale });
-    }
+  getDatePickerHeaderText(date) {
+    return format(date, 'd MMM', { locale: this.locale });
+  }
-    getDateTimePickerHeaderText(date) {
-        return format(date, "d MMM", { locale: this.locale });
-    }
+  getDateTimePickerHeaderText(date) {
+    return format(date, 'd MMM', { locale: this.locale });
+  }
 const Picker = ({ PickerComponent, ...fieldProps }) => {
+  const { options, label, source, resource, className, isRequired, providerOptions, disabled } = fieldProps;
-    const {
-        options,
-        label,
-        source,
-        resource,
-        className,
-        isRequired,
-        providerOptions,
-        disabled,
-    } = fieldProps;
+  const { input, meta } = useInput({ source });
-    const { input, meta } = useInput({ source });
+  const { touched, error } = meta;
-    const { touched, error } = meta;
-    const handleChange = useCallback(value => {
-        Date.parse(value) ? input.onChange(value.toISOString()) : input.onChange(null);
-    }, [input]);
+  const handleChange = useCallback(
+    (value) => {
+      Date.parse(value) ? input.onChange(value.toISOString()) : input.onChange(null);
+    },
+    [input]
+  );
-    return (
-        <div className="picker">
-            <MuiPickersUtilsProvider {...providerOptions} locale={frLocale}>
-                <PickerComponent
-                    {...options}
-                    label={<FieldTitle
-                        label={label}
-                        source={source}
-                        resource={resource}
-                        isRequired={isRequired}
-                    />}
-                    margin="normal"
-                    error={!!(touched && error)}
-                    helperText={touched && error}
-                    className={className}
-                    value={input.value ? new Date(input.value) : null}
-                    onChange={date => handleChange(date)}
-                    onBlur={() => input.onBlur(input.value ? new Date(input.value).toISOString() : null)}
-                    disabled={disabled}
-                    format="dd/MM/yyyy, HH:mm:ss"
-                    ampm={false}
-                    inputVariant="filled"
-                />
-            </MuiPickersUtilsProvider>
-        </div>
-    )
+  return (
+    <div className="picker">
+      <MuiPickersUtilsProvider {...providerOptions} locale={frLocale}>
+        <PickerComponent
+          {...options}
+          label={<FieldTitle label={label} source={source} resource={resource} isRequired={isRequired} />}
+          margin="normal"
+          error={!!(touched && error)}
+          helperText={touched && error}
+          className={className}
+          value={input.value ? new Date(input.value) : null}
+          onChange={(date) => handleChange(date)}
+          onBlur={() => input.onBlur(input.value ? new Date(input.value).toISOString() : null)}
+          disabled={disabled}
+          format="dd/MM/yyyy, HH:mm:ss"
+          ampm={false}
+          inputVariant="filled"
+        />
+      </MuiPickersUtilsProvider>
+    </div>
+  );
 Picker.propTypes = {
-    input: PropTypes.object,
-    isRequired: PropTypes.bool,
-    label: PropTypes.string,
-    meta: PropTypes.object,
-    options: PropTypes.object,
-    resource: PropTypes.string,
-    source: PropTypes.string,
-    labelTime: PropTypes.string,
-    className: PropTypes.string,
-    providerOptions: PropTypes.shape({
-        utils: PropTypes.func,
-        locale: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.string]),
-    }),
-    disabled: PropTypes.bool
+  input: PropTypes.object,
+  isRequired: PropTypes.bool,
+  label: PropTypes.string,
+  meta: PropTypes.object,
+  options: PropTypes.object,
+  resource: PropTypes.string,
+  source: PropTypes.string,
+  labelTime: PropTypes.string,
+  className: PropTypes.string,
+  providerOptions: PropTypes.shape({
+    utils: PropTypes.func,
+    locale: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.string])
+  }),
+  disabled: PropTypes.bool,
+  PickerComponent: PropTypes.element
 Picker.defaultProps = {
-    input: {},
-    isRequired: false,
-    meta: { touched: false, error: false },
-    options: {},
-    resource: '',
-    source: '',
-    labelTime: '',
-    className: '',
-    disabled: false,
-    providerOptions: {
-        utils: LocalizedUtils,
-        locale: undefined,
-    },
+  input: {},
+  isRequired: false,
+  meta: { touched: false, error: false },
+  options: {},
+  resource: '',
+  source: '',
+  labelTime: '',
+  className: '',
+  disabled: false,
+  providerOptions: {
+    utils: LocalizedUtils,
+    locale: undefined
+  }
-export const DateInput = props => <Picker PickerComponent={DatePicker} {...props} />
-export const TimeInput = props => <Picker PickerComponent={TimePicker} {...props} />
-export const DateTimeInput = props => <Picker PickerComponent={DateTimePicker} {...props} />
+export const DateInput = (props) => <Picker PickerComponent={DatePicker} {...props} />;
+export const TimeInput = (props) => <Picker PickerComponent={TimePicker} {...props} />;
+export const DateTimeInput = (props) => <Picker PickerComponent={DateTimePicker} {...props} />;
diff --git a/src/components/DialogForm.js b/src/components/DialogForm.js
index b0ddc920aa419d3c30aebb1eae6dee65ab257c60..c98905f5bbe22a1430021d8e97f98a2449863802 100644
--- a/src/components/DialogForm.js
+++ b/src/components/DialogForm.js
@@ -1,159 +1,221 @@
 import { Dialog, DialogContent, DialogTitle, useMediaQuery, useTheme } from '@material-ui/core';
 import IconButton from '@material-ui/core/IconButton';
-import { styled, withStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
+import { styled, withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
 import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
 import CloseIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Close';
-import { spacing } from "@material-ui/system";
-import * as React from "react";
-import { Create, DeleteButton, Edit, SaveButton, Show, Toolbar, useGetResourceLabel, useNotify, useRedirect, useRefresh, useResourceContext, useResourceDefinition, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
+import { spacing } from '@material-ui/system';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {
+  Create,
+  DeleteButton,
+  Edit,
+  SaveButton,
+  Show,
+  Toolbar,
+  useGetResourceLabel,
+  useNotify,
+  useRedirect,
+  useRefresh,
+  useResourceContext,
+  useResourceDefinition,
+  useTranslate
+} from 'react-admin';
 import { Route, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
 const StyledDeleteButton = styled(DeleteButton)(spacing);
-const CustomToolbar = props => (
-    <Toolbar {...props}>
-        <SaveButton color="secondary" />
-        <StyledDeleteButton size="medium" ml="auto" undoable={false} />
-    </Toolbar>
+const CustomToolbar = (props) => (
+  <Toolbar {...props}>
+    <SaveButton color="secondary" />
+    <StyledDeleteButton size="medium" ml="auto" undoable={false} />
+  </Toolbar>
 const styles = (theme) => ({
-    root: {
-        margin: 0,
-        padding: theme.spacing(2),
-    },
-    closeButton: {
-        position: 'absolute',
-        right: theme.spacing(1),
-        top: theme.spacing(1),
-        color: theme.palette.grey[500],
-    },
+  root: {
+    margin: 0,
+    padding: theme.spacing(2)
+  },
+  closeButton: {
+    position: 'absolute',
+    right: theme.spacing(1),
+    top: theme.spacing(1),
+    color: theme.palette.grey[500]
+  }
 const MyDialogTitle = withStyles(styles)((props) => {
-    const { children, classes, onClose, ...other } = props;
-    return (
-        <DialogTitle disableTypography className={classes.root} {...other}>
-            <Typography variant="h6">{children}</Typography>
-            {onClose ? (
-                <IconButton aria-label="close" className={classes.closeButton} onClick={onClose}>
-                    <CloseIcon />
-                </IconButton>
-            ) : null}
-        </DialogTitle>
-    );
+  const { children, classes, onClose, ...other } = props;
+  return (
+    <DialogTitle disableTypography className={classes.root} {...other}>
+      <Typography variant="h6">{children}</Typography>
+      {onClose ? (
+        <IconButton aria-label="close" className={classes.closeButton} onClick={onClose}>
+          <CloseIcon />
+        </IconButton>
+      ) : null}
+    </DialogTitle>
+  );
-const CreateDialog = withRouter(({ history, handleClose, staticContext, syncWithLocation, children, ...props }) => {
-    const name = useResourceContext();
-    const resource = useResourceDefinition(props);
-    const label = useGetResourceLabel();
-    const theme = useTheme();
-    const fullScreen = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down('md'));
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const refresh = useRefresh();
+const CreateDialog = withRouter(({ history, children, ...props }) => {
+  const name = useResourceContext();
+  const resource = useResourceDefinition(props);
+  const label = useGetResourceLabel();
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const fullScreen = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down('md'));
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const refresh = useRefresh();
-    return (
-        <Route path={`/${name}/create`} exact render={() => {
-            const handleClose = () => {
-                if (history.length === 1) {
-                    redirect(`/${name}`);
-                } else {
-                    history.goBack();
-                }
-            };
-            return (
-                <Dialog fullScreen={fullScreen} open maxWidth="md" onClose={handleClose} fullWidth={true} scroll="body">
-                    {resource.hasCreate === undefined ? handleClose() : <>
-                        <DialogContent>
-                            <MyDialogTitle onClose={handleClose}>{translate('ra.page.create', { name: label(name, 1) })}</MyDialogTitle>
-                            <Create title=" " {...props} onSuccess={() => {
-                                notify('ra.notification.created', 'info', { smart_count: 1 });
-                                redirect(`/${name}`);
-                                refresh();
-                            }}>
-                                {React.cloneElement(children, { toolbar: (<CustomToolbar />) })}
-                            </Create>
-                        </DialogContent>
-                    </>}
-                </Dialog>
-            );
-        }} />
-    );
+  return (
+    <Route
+      path={`/${name}/create`}
+      exact
+      render={() => {
+        const handleClose = () => {
+          if (history.length === 1) {
+            redirect(`/${name}`);
+          } else {
+            history.goBack();
+          }
+        };
+        return (
+          <Dialog fullScreen={fullScreen} open maxWidth="md" onClose={handleClose} fullWidth={true} scroll="body">
+            {resource.hasCreate === undefined ? (
+              handleClose()
+            ) : (
+              <>
+                <DialogContent>
+                  <MyDialogTitle onClose={handleClose}>{translate('ra.page.create', { name: label(name, 1) })}</MyDialogTitle>
+                  <Create
+                    title=" "
+                    {...props}
+                    onSuccess={() => {
+                      notify('ra.notification.created', 'info', {
+                        smart_count: 1
+                      });
+                      redirect(`/${name}`);
+                      refresh();
+                    }}>
+                    {React.cloneElement(children, {
+                      toolbar: <CustomToolbar />
+                    })}
+                  </Create>
+                </DialogContent>
+              </>
+            )}
+          </Dialog>
+        );
+      }}
+    />
+  );
-const EditDialog = withRouter(({ history, handleClose, staticContext, syncWithLocation, children, ...props }) => {
-    const name = useResourceContext();
-    const resource = useResourceDefinition(props);
-    const label = useGetResourceLabel();
-    const theme = useTheme();
-    const fullScreen = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down('md'));
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+const EditDialog = withRouter(({ history, children, ...props }) => {
+  const name = useResourceContext();
+  const resource = useResourceDefinition(props);
+  const label = useGetResourceLabel();
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const fullScreen = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down('md'));
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    return (
-        <Route path={`/${name}/:id`} render={({ match }) => {
-            const handleClose = () => {
-                if (history.length === 1) {
-                    redirect(`/${name}`);
-                } else {
-                    history.goBack();
-                }
-            };
-            const isMatch = match && match.params && match.params.id !== 'create';
-            return (
-                <Dialog fullScreen={fullScreen} open={isMatch} maxWidth="md" onClose={handleClose} fullWidth={true} scroll="body">
-                    {isMatch ? (
-                        (resource.hasEdit === undefined ? handleClose() : <>
-                            <DialogContent>
-                                <MyDialogTitle onClose={handleClose}>{translate('ra.page.edit', { name: label(name, 1), id: isMatch ? match.params.id : null })}</MyDialogTitle>
-                                <Edit actions={null} id={isMatch ? match.params.id : null} title=" " {...props}>
-                                    {React.cloneElement(children, { toolbar: (<CustomToolbar />) })}
-                                </Edit>
-                            </DialogContent>
-                        </>)
-                    ) : ""}
-                </Dialog>
-            );
-        }} exact />
-    );
+  return (
+    <Route
+      path={`/${name}/:id`}
+      render={({ match }) => {
+        const handleClose = () => {
+          if (history.length === 1) {
+            redirect(`/${name}`);
+          } else {
+            history.goBack();
+          }
+        };
+        const isMatch = match && match.params && match.params.id !== 'create';
+        return (
+          <Dialog fullScreen={fullScreen} open={isMatch} maxWidth="md" onClose={handleClose} fullWidth={true} scroll="body">
+            {isMatch ? (
+              resource.hasEdit === undefined ? (
+                handleClose()
+              ) : (
+                <>
+                  <DialogContent>
+                    <MyDialogTitle onClose={handleClose}>
+                      {translate('ra.page.edit', {
+                        name: label(name, 1),
+                        id: isMatch ? match.params.id : null
+                      })}
+                    </MyDialogTitle>
+                    <Edit actions={null} id={isMatch ? match.params.id : null} title=" " {...props}>
+                      {React.cloneElement(children, {
+                        toolbar: <CustomToolbar />
+                      })}
+                    </Edit>
+                  </DialogContent>
+                </>
+              )
+            ) : (
+              ''
+            )}
+          </Dialog>
+        );
+      }}
+      exact
+    />
+  );
-const ShowDialog = withRouter(({ history, handleClose, staticContext, syncWithLocation, children, hasEdit, ...props }) => {
-    const name = useResourceContext();
-    const resource = useResourceDefinition(props);
-    const label = useGetResourceLabel();
-    const theme = useTheme();
-    const fullScreen = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down('md'));
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+const ShowDialog = withRouter(({ history, children, ...props }) => {
+  const name = useResourceContext();
+  const resource = useResourceDefinition(props);
+  const label = useGetResourceLabel();
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const fullScreen = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down('md'));
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    return (
-        <Route path={`/${name}/:id/show`} render={({ match }) => {
-            const handleClose = () => {
-                if (history.length === 1) {
-                    redirect(`/${name}`);
-                } else {
-                    history.goBack();
-                }
-            };
-            const isMatch = match && match.params && match.params.id !== 'create';
-            return (
-                <Dialog fullScreen={fullScreen} open={isMatch} maxWidth="md" onClose={handleClose} fullWidth={true} scroll="body">
-                    {isMatch ? (
-                        (resource.hasShow ? <>
-                            <DialogContent>
-                                <MyDialogTitle onClose={handleClose}>{translate('ra.page.show', { name: label(name, 1), id: isMatch ? match.params.id : null })}</MyDialogTitle>
-                                <Show actions={null} id={isMatch ? match.params.id : null} basePath={props.basePath} resource={name} title=" " {...props} >
-                                    {children}
-                                </Show>
-                            </DialogContent>
-                        </> : handleClose())) : ""}
-                </Dialog>
-            );
-        }} exact />
-    );
+  return (
+    <Route
+      path={`/${name}/:id/show`}
+      render={({ match }) => {
+        const handleClose = () => {
+          if (history.length === 1) {
+            redirect(`/${name}`);
+          } else {
+            history.goBack();
+          }
+        };
+        const isMatch = match && match.params && match.params.id !== 'create';
+        return (
+          <Dialog fullScreen={fullScreen} open={isMatch} maxWidth="md" onClose={handleClose} fullWidth={true} scroll="body">
+            {isMatch ? (
+              resource.hasShow ? (
+                <>
+                  <DialogContent>
+                    <MyDialogTitle onClose={handleClose}>
+                      {translate('ra.page.show', {
+                        name: label(name, 1),
+                        id: isMatch ? match.params.id : null
+                      })}
+                    </MyDialogTitle>
+                    <Show actions={null} id={isMatch ? match.params.id : null} basePath={props.basePath} resource={name} title=" " {...props}>
+                      {children}
+                    </Show>
+                  </DialogContent>
+                </>
+              ) : (
+                handleClose()
+              )
+            ) : (
+              ''
+            )}
+          </Dialog>
+        );
+      }}
+      exact
+    />
+  );
 export { CreateDialog, EditDialog, ShowDialog };
diff --git a/src/components/MoneyField.js b/src/components/MoneyField.js
index 6b9a9d5c16f329743457bcee3089896d963d8ad1..4efe627a0ce3f19f360945c961e4ee132754ea81 100644
--- a/src/components/MoneyField.js
+++ b/src/components/MoneyField.js
@@ -1,32 +1,54 @@
 import get from 'lodash/get';
 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import * as React from "react";
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { FunctionField, Labeled } from 'react-admin';
-const MoneyField = ({ source, noLabel, currency, digits, ...props }) => {
-    return (
-        noLabel ?
-            <FunctionField {...props} style={{ width: '100%', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', textAlign: 'right', display: 'inline-block' }} render={record => (Number(get(record, source)).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: currency, currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' }))} />
-            :
-            <Labeled source={source} {...props}>
-                <FunctionField {...props} render={record => (Number(get(record, source)).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: currency, currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' }))} />
-            </Labeled>
-    );
+const MoneyField = ({ source, noLabel, currency, ...props }) => {
+  return noLabel ? (
+    <FunctionField
+      {...props}
+      style={{
+        width: '100%',
+        whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
+        textAlign: 'right',
+        display: 'inline-block'
+      }}
+      render={(record) =>
+        Number(get(record, source)).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+          currency: currency,
+          currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+          style: 'currency'
+        })
+      }
+    />
+  ) : (
+    <Labeled source={source} {...props}>
+      <FunctionField
+        {...props}
+        render={(record) =>
+          Number(get(record, source)).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+            currency: currency,
+            currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+            style: 'currency'
+          })
+        }
+      />
+    </Labeled>
+  );
 MoneyField.propTypes = {
-    label: PropTypes.string,
-    noLabel: PropTypes.bool,
-    record: PropTypes.object,
-    currency: PropTypes.string,
-    source: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
-    digits: PropTypes.number
+  label: PropTypes.string,
+  noLabel: PropTypes.bool,
+  record: PropTypes.object,
+  currency: PropTypes.string,
+  source: PropTypes.string.isRequired
 MoneyField.defaultProps = {
-    currency: "EUR",
-    noLabel: false,
-    digits: 2
+  currency: 'EUR',
+  noLabel: false,
+  digits: 2
 export default MoneyField;
diff --git a/src/components/MoneyInput.js b/src/components/MoneyInput.js
index 21ba6bb31c2bfecfadf453837b0558d09b11ed66..049f8c36834faaeacbe0c48c64b6e36f7900eeb2 100644
--- a/src/components/MoneyInput.js
+++ b/src/components/MoneyInput.js
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
 import InputAdornment from '@material-ui/core/InputAdornment';
 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import * as React from "react";
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { TextInput } from 'react-admin';
 const MoneyInput = ({ currency, ...props }) => (
-    <TextInput
-        InputProps={{
-            endAdornment: <InputAdornment position="end">{currency}</InputAdornment>,
-        }}
-        {...props}
-    />
+  <TextInput
+    InputProps={{
+      endAdornment: <InputAdornment position="end">{currency}</InputAdornment>
+    }}
+    {...props}
+  />
 MoneyInput.propTypes = {
-    label: PropTypes.string,
-    record: PropTypes.object,
-    currency: PropTypes.string,
-    source: PropTypes.string.isRequired
+  label: PropTypes.string,
+  record: PropTypes.object,
+  currency: PropTypes.string,
+  source: PropTypes.string.isRequired
 MoneyInput.defaultProps = {
-    currency: "€"
+  currency: '€'
-export default MoneyInput;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default MoneyInput;
diff --git a/src/components/MultiProductCountInput.js b/src/components/MultiProductCountInput.js
index 7f68defefe4f60237c1866e36ec42c7fe40d9bd5..4007d543c7d3e1b430ba7af4c41356ee73328433 100644
--- a/src/components/MultiProductCountInput.js
+++ b/src/components/MultiProductCountInput.js
@@ -1,221 +1,329 @@
-import { Button, Grid, IconButton, InputAdornment, makeStyles, MenuItem, Paper, TextField, Typography } from "@material-ui/core";
+import { Button, Grid, IconButton, InputAdornment, makeStyles, MenuItem, Paper, TextField, Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
 import AddIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Add';
 import ClearIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Clear';
 import FilterListIcon from '@material-ui/icons/FilterList';
 import RemoveIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Remove';
-import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import { Error, Labeled, Loading, useInput, useQuery, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
 const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
-    root: {
-        flexGrow: 1,
-    },
-    paper: {
-        padding: theme.spacing(2),
-        textAlign: 'center',
-        color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
-        backgroundColor: '#545454'
-    },
+  root: {
+    flexGrow: 1
+  },
+  paper: {
+    padding: theme.spacing(2),
+    textAlign: 'center',
+    color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
+    backgroundColor: '#545454'
+  }
 const MultiProductCountItem = ({ product, filterCategory, filterName, countZero, updatePrice, price, showcount, ...props }) => {
-    const classes = useStyles();
-    const [count, setCount] = useState(countZero ? "" : 0);
-    const addCount = ((x) => {
-        let c = count;
-        if (countZero) {
-            if (c === "") {
-                c = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        if (c + x < 0) {
-            setCount(countZero ? "" : 0);
-            updatePrice(product, countZero ? "" : 0);
-            return;
-        }
-        setCount(c + x);
-        updatePrice(product, c + x);
-    });
-    useEffect(() => {
-        setCount(countZero ? "" : 0);
-        updatePrice(product, countZero ? "" : 0);
-    }, [props.refresh]); // eslint-disable-line
-    return (
-        ((filterCategory === "" || filterCategory === product.category_id) && (filterName === "" || product.name.toLowerCase().includes(filterName.toLowerCase()))) ?
-            <Grid item xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={3} xl={2}>
-                <Paper className={classes.paper}>
-                    <Typography variant="h6" gutterBottom>{product.name}</Typography>
-                    {price || showcount ?
-                        <Typography gutterBottom>
-                            {Number(product.price).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}
-                            {price && showcount ? " | " : ''}
-                            {Number(product.count).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { style: 'decimal' })}
-                        </Typography>
-                        : ''}
-                    <Grid container style={{ justifyContent: "center" }}>
-                        <Grid item className={classes.rows}>
-                            <IconButton aria-label="sub" onClick={(e) => { addCount(e.shiftKey ? -10 : -1) }} tabIndex="-1">
-                                <RemoveIcon />
-                            </IconButton>
-                        </Grid>
-                        <Grid item container alignItems="center" className={classes.rows} xs={4}>
-                            <Grid item>
-                                <TextField
-                                    type="text"
-                                    inputProps={{ style: { textAlign: 'center' } }}
-                                    value={count}
-                                    InputLabelProps={{
-                                        shrink: true,
-                                    }}
-                                    onChange={(e) => {
-                                        let val = e.target.value;
-                                        if (val === "") {
-                                            setCount(countZero ? "" : 0);
-                                            updatePrice(product, countZero ? "" : 0);
-                                            return;
-                                        }
-                                        val = parseInt(val);
-                                        if (!isNaN(val) && val >= 0) {
-                                            setCount(val);
-                                            updatePrice(product, val);
-                                        }
-                                    }}
-                                />
-                            </Grid>
-                        </Grid>
-                        <Grid item className={classes.rows}>
-                            <IconButton aria-label="add" onClick={(e) => { addCount(e.shiftKey ? 10 : 1) }} tabIndex="-1">
-                                <AddIcon />
-                            </IconButton>
-                        </Grid>
-                    </Grid>
-                </Paper>
+  const classes = useStyles();
+  const [count, setCount] = useState(countZero ? '' : 0);
+  const addCount = (x) => {
+    let c = count;
+    if (countZero) {
+      if (c === '') {
+        c = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    if (c + x < 0) {
+      setCount(countZero ? '' : 0);
+      updatePrice(product, countZero ? '' : 0);
+      return;
+    }
+    setCount(c + x);
+    updatePrice(product, c + x);
+  };
+  useEffect(() => {
+    setCount(countZero ? '' : 0);
+    updatePrice(product, countZero ? '' : 0);
+  }, [props.refresh]); // eslint-disable-line
+  return (filterCategory === '' || filterCategory === product.category_id) &&
+    (filterName === '' || product.name.toLowerCase().includes(filterName.toLowerCase())) ? (
+    <Grid item xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={3} xl={2}>
+      <Paper className={classes.paper}>
+        <Typography variant="h6" gutterBottom>
+          {product.name}
+        </Typography>
+        {price || showcount ? (
+          <Typography gutterBottom>
+            {Number(product.price).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+              currency: 'EUR',
+              currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+              style: 'currency'
+            })}
+            {price && showcount ? ' | ' : ''}
+            {Number(product.count).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+              style: 'decimal'
+            })}
+          </Typography>
+        ) : (
+          ''
+        )}
+        <Grid container style={{ justifyContent: 'center' }}>
+          <Grid item className={classes.rows}>
+            <IconButton
+              aria-label="sub"
+              onClick={(e) => {
+                addCount(e.shiftKey ? -10 : -1);
+              }}
+              tabIndex="-1">
+              <RemoveIcon />
+            </IconButton>
+          </Grid>
+          <Grid item container alignItems="center" className={classes.rows} xs={4}>
+            <Grid item>
+              <TextField
+                type="text"
+                inputProps={{ style: { textAlign: 'center' } }}
+                value={count}
+                InputLabelProps={{
+                  shrink: true
+                }}
+                onChange={(e) => {
+                  let val = e.target.value;
+                  if (val === '') {
+                    setCount(countZero ? '' : 0);
+                    updatePrice(product, countZero ? '' : 0);
+                    return;
+                  }
+                  val = parseInt(val);
+                  if (!isNaN(val) && val >= 0) {
+                    setCount(val);
+                    updatePrice(product, val);
+                  }
+                }}
+              />
-            : ""
-    );
+          </Grid>
+          <Grid item className={classes.rows}>
+            <IconButton
+              aria-label="add"
+              onClick={(e) => {
+                addCount(e.shiftKey ? 10 : 1);
+              }}
+              tabIndex="-1">
+              <AddIcon />
+            </IconButton>
+          </Grid>
+        </Grid>
+      </Paper>
+    </Grid>
+  ) : (
+    ''
+  );
+MultiProductCountItem.propTypes = {
+  product: PropTypes.object,
+  filterName: PropTypes.string,
+  filterCategory: PropTypes.string,
+  countZero: PropTypes.bool,
+  updatePrice: PropTypes.func,
+  price: PropTypes.bool,
+  showcount: PropTypes.bool
 const MultiProductCountInput = ({ total, children, countZero, onlysalable, priceChanged, ...props }) => {
-    const { data: products_data, loading: products_loading, error: products_error } = useQuery({
-        type: 'getAll',
-        resource: 'products',
-        payload: {}
-    });
-    const { data: categories_data, loading: categories_loading, error: categories_error } = useQuery({
-        type: 'getAll',
-        resource: 'products_categories',
-        payload: {}
-    });
-    const {
-        input: { name, onChange }
-    } = useInput(props);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const [filterName, setFilterName] = useState("");
-    const [filterCategory, setFilterCategory] = useState("");
-    const [counts, setCounts] = useState({});
-    const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
-    const [refresh, doRefresh] = useState(0);
-    const updatePrice = (product, count) => {
-        let c = counts;
-        if (count === "" && countZero) {
-            delete c[product.id];
-        } else {
-            c[product.id] = { count: count, price: product.price };
-        }
-        setCounts(c);
-        let p = [];
-        for (let id in c) {
-            if (c[id].count > 0 || countZero) {
-                p.push({ 'id': parseInt(id), 'count': counts[id].count });
-            }
-        }
-        if (p.length === 0) {
-            onChange(undefined);
-        } else {
-            onChange(p);
-        }
-        let moula = 0;
-        for (let elem in c) {
-            moula += c[elem].count * c[elem].price;
-        }
-        if (priceChanged !== undefined) {
-            priceChanged(moula);
-        }
-        setPrice(moula);
-    };
-    if (products_loading || categories_loading) return <Loading />;
-    if (products_error) return <Error error={products_error} />;
-    if (categories_error) return <Error error={categories_error} />;
-    if ((!products_data) || (!categories_data)) return null;
-    return (
-        <Labeled label={name}>
-            <Grid container>
-                <Grid container item xs={12}>
-                    <Grid item xs={12} md style={{ padding: '8px 4px' }}>
-                        <TextField size="small" value={filterName} onChange={(e) => { setFilterName(e.target.value) }} variant="filled" type="text" label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.filters.name')} InputProps={{
-                            endAdornment: (
-                                <InputAdornment position="end">
-                                    <FilterListIcon />
-                                </InputAdornment>
-                            ),
-                        }} />
-                    </Grid>
-                    <Grid item xs={12} md style={{ padding: '8px 4px' }}>
-                        <TextField select variant="filled" size="small" type="text" label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.filters.category')} value={filterCategory} onChange={(e) => { setFilterCategory(e.target.value) }} InputProps={{
-                            endAdornment: (
-                                <InputAdornment position="end" style={{ marginRight: "20px" }} >
-                                    <FilterListIcon />
-                                </InputAdornment>
-                            ),
-                        }}>
-                            <MenuItem key={""} value={""}><span style={{ color: 'transparent' }}>{translate('inputs.multiproductcount.filters.none')}</span></MenuItem>
-                            {categories_data.map((cat) => (
-                                <MenuItem key={cat.id} value={cat.id}>
-                                    {cat.name}
-                                </MenuItem>
-                            ))}
-                        </TextField>
-                    </Grid>
-                    <Grid item xs={12} md style={{ padding: '8px 4px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'end', flexGrow: 0 }}>
-                        <Button color="primary" startIcon={<ClearIcon />} onClick={() => doRefresh(prev => prev + 1)}>{translate('actions.clear')}</Button>
-                    </Grid>
-                </Grid>
-                <Grid container item xs={12} spacing={2} style={{ height: 'calc(100vh - 420px)', minHeight: '400px', overflowY: 'scroll', width: 'auto', margin: '0' }}>
-                    {products_data.map((val, key) => {
-                        if ((!onlysalable || onlysalable) && val.salable)
-                            return React.cloneElement(React.Children.only(children), { key: key, product: val, refresh: refresh, filterCategory: filterCategory, filterName: filterName, updatePrice: updatePrice, countZero: countZero });
-                        else
-                            return ""
-                    })}
-                </Grid>
-                {total ? (
-                    <Grid item xs={12} style={{ padding: '8px 4px' }}>
-                        <TextField value={Number(price).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })} disabled variant="filled" type="text" label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.price')} />
-                    </Grid>
-                ) : ''}
-            </Grid>
-        </Labeled>
-    );
+  const {
+    data: products_data,
+    loading: products_loading,
+    error: products_error
+  } = useQuery({
+    type: 'getAll',
+    resource: 'products',
+    payload: {}
+  });
-export { MultiProductCountInput, MultiProductCountItem };
+  const {
+    data: categories_data,
+    loading: categories_loading,
+    error: categories_error
+  } = useQuery({
+    type: 'getAll',
+    resource: 'products_categories',
+    payload: {}
+  });
+  const {
+    input: { name, onChange }
+  } = useInput(props);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const [filterName, setFilterName] = useState('');
+  const [filterCategory, setFilterCategory] = useState('');
+  const [counts, setCounts] = useState({});
+  const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
+  const [refresh, doRefresh] = useState(0);
+  const updatePrice = (product, count) => {
+    let c = counts;
+    if (count === '' && countZero) {
+      delete c[product.id];
+    } else {
+      c[product.id] = { count: count, price: product.price };
+    }
+    setCounts(c);
+    let p = [];
+    for (let id in c) {
+      if (c[id].count > 0 || countZero) {
+        p.push({ id: parseInt(id), count: counts[id].count });
+      }
+    }
+    if (p.length === 0) {
+      onChange(undefined);
+    } else {
+      onChange(p);
+    }
+    let moula = 0;
+    for (let elem in c) {
+      moula += c[elem].count * c[elem].price;
+    }
+    if (priceChanged !== undefined) {
+      priceChanged(moula);
+    }
+    setPrice(moula);
+  };
+  if (products_loading || categories_loading) return <Loading />;
+  if (products_error) return <Error error={products_error} />;
+  if (categories_error) return <Error error={categories_error} />;
+  if (!products_data || !categories_data) return null;
+  return (
+    <Labeled label={name}>
+      <Grid container>
+        <Grid container item xs={12}>
+          <Grid item xs={12} md style={{ padding: '8px 4px' }}>
+            <TextField
+              size="small"
+              value={filterName}
+              onChange={(e) => {
+                setFilterName(e.target.value);
+              }}
+              variant="filled"
+              type="text"
+              label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.filters.name')}
+              InputProps={{
+                endAdornment: (
+                  <InputAdornment position="end">
+                    <FilterListIcon />
+                  </InputAdornment>
+                )
+              }}
+            />
+          </Grid>
+          <Grid item xs={12} md style={{ padding: '8px 4px' }}>
+            <TextField
+              select
+              variant="filled"
+              size="small"
+              type="text"
+              label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.filters.category')}
+              value={filterCategory}
+              onChange={(e) => {
+                setFilterCategory(e.target.value);
+              }}
+              InputProps={{
+                endAdornment: (
+                  <InputAdornment position="end" style={{ marginRight: '20px' }}>
+                    <FilterListIcon />
+                  </InputAdornment>
+                )
+              }}>
+              <MenuItem key={''} value={''}>
+                <span style={{ color: 'transparent' }}>{translate('inputs.multiproductcount.filters.none')}</span>
+              </MenuItem>
+              {categories_data.map((cat) => (
+                <MenuItem key={cat.id} value={cat.id}>
+                  {cat.name}
+                </MenuItem>
+              ))}
+            </TextField>
+          </Grid>
+          <Grid
+            item
+            xs={12}
+            md
+            style={{
+              padding: '8px 4px',
+              display: 'flex',
+              justifyContent: 'end',
+              flexGrow: 0
+            }}>
+            <Button color="primary" startIcon={<ClearIcon />} onClick={() => doRefresh((prev) => prev + 1)}>
+              {translate('actions.clear')}
+            </Button>
+          </Grid>
+        </Grid>
+        <Grid
+          container
+          item
+          xs={12}
+          spacing={2}
+          style={{
+            height: 'calc(100vh - 420px)',
+            minHeight: '400px',
+            overflowY: 'scroll',
+            width: 'auto',
+            margin: '0'
+          }}>
+          {products_data.map((val, key) => {
+            if ((!onlysalable || onlysalable) && val.salable)
+              return React.cloneElement(React.Children.only(children), {
+                key: key,
+                product: val,
+                refresh: refresh,
+                filterCategory: filterCategory,
+                filterName: filterName,
+                updatePrice: updatePrice,
+                countZero: countZero
+              });
+            else return '';
+          })}
+        </Grid>
+        {total ? (
+          <Grid item xs={12} style={{ padding: '8px 4px' }}>
+            <TextField
+              value={Number(price).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                currency: 'EUR',
+                currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                style: 'currency'
+              })}
+              disabled
+              variant="filled"
+              type="text"
+              label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.price')}
+            />
+          </Grid>
+        ) : (
+          ''
+        )}
+      </Grid>
+    </Labeled>
+  );
+MultiProductCountInput.propTypes = {
+  total: PropTypes.bool,
+  children: PropTypes.any,
+  countZero: PropTypes.bool,
+  onlysalable: PropTypes.bool,
+  priceChanged: PropTypes.func
+export { MultiProductCountInput, MultiProductCountItem };
diff --git a/src/components/PaymentInput.js b/src/components/PaymentInput.js
index 51aad16c1343ced2dc1e98a3879db02c5de43463..bb3df8541b0bb516f17791d78f4ec0691f15f5d4 100644
--- a/src/components/PaymentInput.js
+++ b/src/components/PaymentInput.js
@@ -1,23 +1,44 @@
-import { TextField as MuiTextField } from "@material-ui/core";
-import React from "react";
+import { TextField as MuiTextField } from '@material-ui/core';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React from 'react';
 import { FormDataConsumer, SelectInput, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
-import PersonalAccountSelector from "../components/PersonalAccountSelector";
+import PersonalAccountSelector from '../components/PersonalAccountSelector';
 const PaymentInput = ({ price, optional = false }) => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    return (<>
-        <MuiTextField value={Number(price).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })} disabled variant="filled" type="text" label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.price')} />
-        <SelectInput source="payment" label="Moyen de paiement" allowEmpty={optional} choices={[
-            { id: 'cash', name: 'Liquide (Caisse)' },
-            { id: 'card', name: 'Carte Bancaire' },
-            { id: 'account', name: 'Compte personel' },
-        ]} initialValue={optional ? null : 'cash'} />
-        <FormDataConsumer>
-            {({ formData, ...rest }) => formData.payment === 'account' &&
-                <PersonalAccountSelector source="token" label="Compte" />
-            }
-        </FormDataConsumer>
-    </>);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  return (
+    <>
+      <MuiTextField
+        value={Number(price).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+          currency: 'EUR',
+          currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+          style: 'currency'
+        })}
+        disabled
+        variant="filled"
+        type="text"
+        label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.price')}
+      />
+      <SelectInput
+        source="payment"
+        label="Moyen de paiement"
+        allowEmpty={optional}
+        choices={[
+          { id: 'cash', name: 'Liquide (Caisse)' },
+          { id: 'card', name: 'Carte Bancaire' },
+          { id: 'account', name: 'Compte personel' }
+        ]}
+        initialValue={optional ? null : 'cash'}
+      />
+      <FormDataConsumer>{({ formData }) => formData.payment === 'account' && <PersonalAccountSelector source="token" label="Compte" />}</FormDataConsumer>
+    </>
+  );
+PaymentInput.propTypes = {
+  price: PropTypes.number,
+  optional: PropTypes.bool,
+  rest: PropTypes.any
 export default PaymentInput;
diff --git a/src/components/PersonalAccountSelector.js b/src/components/PersonalAccountSelector.js
index 6ac33d33509d7870ffd7b3ee639f91a7759f112a..5cbcb3563ea76ef753b1e898a867f32feb14cdfa 100644
--- a/src/components/PersonalAccountSelector.js
+++ b/src/components/PersonalAccountSelector.js
@@ -1,94 +1,103 @@
-import { TextField as MuiTextField } from "@material-ui/core";
+import { TextField as MuiTextField } from '@material-ui/core';
 import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
 import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid';
 import PhotoCameraIcon from '@material-ui/icons/PhotoCamera';
-import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import { Labeled, Loading, useInput, useMutation, useNotify } from 'react-admin';
 import QrReader from 'react-qr-reader';
 const PersonalAccountSelector = ({ label, ...props }) => {
-    const { input: { name, onChange, value, ...rest }, meta: { touched, error }, isRequired } = useInput(props);
+  const {
+    input: { name, onChange, value, ...rest },
+    meta: { touched, error },
+    isRequired
+  } = useInput(props);
-    const [load_account, { loading, data, error: query_error }] = useMutation({
-        type: 'getOne',
-        resource: 'personal_accounts',
-        payload: { id: value }
-    });
+  const [load_account, { loading, data, error: query_error }] = useMutation({
+    type: 'getOne',
+    resource: 'personal_accounts',
+    payload: { id: value }
+  });
-    useEffect(() => {
-        if (value !== "")
-            load_account();
-    }, [value, load_account]);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (value !== '') load_account();
+  }, [value, load_account]);
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        if (query_error)
-            notify('ra.notification.item_doesnt_exist', 'error');
-    }, [query_error, notify]);
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (query_error) notify('ra.notification.item_doesnt_exist', 'error');
+  }, [query_error, notify]);
-    const [scanning, setScanning] = useState(false);
+  const [scanning, setScanning] = useState(false);
-    const scanClicked = () => {
-        setScanning(!scanning);
-    };
-    const onScan = (data) => {
-        if (data) {
-            let s = data.toString().match("(?:https?:\\/\\/esc\\.gg\\/|core:\\/\\/)([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}).*");
-            if (s !== null) {
-                onChange(s[1]);
-                setScanning(false);
-            }
-        }
-    };
+  const scanClicked = () => {
+    setScanning(!scanning);
+  };
+  const onScan = (data) => {
+    if (data) {
+      let s = data.toString().match('(?:https?:\\/\\/esc\\.gg\\/|core:\\/\\/)([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}).*');
+      if (s !== null) {
+        onChange(s[1]);
+        setScanning(false);
+      }
+    }
+  };
-    return (
-        <>
-            <Labeled label={label}>
-                <Grid container spacing={3}>
-                    <Grid item md>
-                        <MuiTextField
-                            disabled
-                            name={name}
-                            onChange={onChange}
-                            error={!!(touched && error)}
-                            helperText={touched && error}
-                            required={isRequired}
-                            value={value}
-                            {...rest}
-                        />
-                    </Grid>
-                    <Grid item container md={2} style={{ justifyContent: "flex-end" }}>
-                        <Grid item>
-                            <Button fullWidth variant="contained" endIcon={<PhotoCameraIcon />} color="primary" onClick={scanClicked}>
-                                Scan
-                            </Button>
-                        </Grid>
-                    </Grid>
-                </Grid>
-            </Labeled>
-            {scanning ? (
-                <QrReader delay={200} style={{ width: '100%' }} onScan={onScan} onError={console.error} />
-            ) : ""}
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Labeled label={label}>
+        <Grid container spacing={3}>
+          <Grid item md>
+            <MuiTextField
+              disabled
+              name={name}
+              onChange={onChange}
+              error={!!(touched && error)}
+              helperText={touched && error}
+              required={isRequired}
+              value={value}
+              {...rest}
+            />
+          </Grid>
+          <Grid item container md={2} style={{ justifyContent: 'flex-end' }}>
+            <Grid item>
+              <Button fullWidth variant="contained" endIcon={<PhotoCameraIcon />} color="primary" onClick={scanClicked}>
+                Scan
+              </Button>
+            </Grid>
+          </Grid>
+        </Grid>
+      </Labeled>
+      {scanning ? <QrReader delay={200} style={{ width: '100%' }} onScan={onScan} onError={console.error} /> : ''}
-            {loading ? (
-                <Loading />
-            ) : (data === undefined || data === null ? "" : (<>
-                <Labeled label="Nom">
-                    <MuiTextField
-                        disabled
-                        value={data.person.fullname}
-                    />
-                </Labeled>
-                <Labeled label="Solde">
-                    <MuiTextField
-                        disabled
-                        value={Number(data.balance).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}
-                    />
-                </Labeled>
-            </>)
-            )}
+      {loading ? (
+        <Loading />
+      ) : data === undefined || data === null ? (
+        ''
+      ) : (
+        <>
+          <Labeled label="Nom">
+            <MuiTextField disabled value={data.person.fullname} />
+          </Labeled>
+          <Labeled label="Solde">
+            <MuiTextField
+              disabled
+              value={Number(data.balance).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                currency: 'EUR',
+                currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                style: 'currency'
+              })}
+            />
+          </Labeled>
-    );
+      )}
+    </>
+  );
+PersonalAccountSelector.propTypes = {
+  label: PropTypes.string
-export default PersonalAccountSelector;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default PersonalAccountSelector;
diff --git a/src/components/QRInput.js b/src/components/QRInput.js
index 3afa9a5a3986882e52a6cafa97c5eb6aaaeb5218..487107f601bf0954ef11ebd13ddfefec7e29ab75 100644
--- a/src/components/QRInput.js
+++ b/src/components/QRInput.js
@@ -1,59 +1,67 @@
 import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
 import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid';
 import TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField';
 import PhotoCameraIcon from '@material-ui/icons/PhotoCamera';
-import { useState } from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
 import { Labeled, useInput } from 'react-admin';
 import QrReader from 'react-qr-reader';
 const QRInput = ({ label, regexp, ...props }) => {
-    const { input: { name, onChange, value, ...rest }, meta: { touched, error }, isRequired } = useInput(props);
+  const {
+    input: { name, onChange, value, ...rest },
+    meta: { touched, error },
+    isRequired
+  } = useInput(props);
+  const [scanning, setScanning] = useState(false);
+  const scanClicked = () => {
+    setScanning(!scanning);
+  };
+  const onScan = (data) => {
+    if (data) {
+      let s = data.toString().match(regexp);
+      if (s !== null) {
+        onChange(s[1]);
+        setScanning(false);
+      }
+    }
+  };
-    const [scanning, setScanning] = useState(false);
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Labeled label={label}>
+        <Grid container spacing={3}>
+          <Grid item md>
+            <TextField
+              disabled
+              name={name}
+              onChange={onChange}
+              error={!!(touched && error)}
+              helperText={touched && error}
+              required={isRequired}
+              value={value}
+              {...rest}
+            />
+          </Grid>
+          <Grid item container md={2} style={{ justifyContent: 'flex-end' }}>
+            <Grid item>
+              <Button fullWidth variant="contained" endIcon={<PhotoCameraIcon />} color="primary" onClick={scanClicked}>
+                Scan
+              </Button>
+            </Grid>
+          </Grid>
+        </Grid>
+      </Labeled>
+      {scanning ? <QrReader delay={200} style={{ width: '100%' }} onScan={onScan} onError={console.error} /> : ''}
+    </>
+  );
-    const scanClicked = () => {
-        setScanning(!scanning);
-    };
-    const onScan = (data) => {
-        if (data) {
-            let s = data.toString().match(regexp);
-            if (s !== null) {
-                onChange(s[1]);
-                setScanning(false);
-            }
-        }
-    };
+QRInput.propTypes = {
+  label: PropTypes.string,
+  regexp: PropTypes.string
-    return (
-        <>
-            <Labeled label={label}>
-                <Grid container spacing={3}>
-                    <Grid item md>
-                        <TextField
-                            disabled
-                            name={name}
-                            onChange={onChange}
-                            error={!!(touched && error)}
-                            helperText={touched && error}
-                            required={isRequired}
-                            value={value}
-                            {...rest}
-                        />
-                    </Grid>
-                    <Grid item container md={2} style={{ justifyContent: "flex-end" }}>
-                        <Grid item>
-                            <Button fullWidth variant="contained" endIcon={<PhotoCameraIcon />} color="primary" onClick={scanClicked}>
-                                Scan
-                            </Button>
-                        </Grid>
-                    </Grid>
-                </Grid>
-            </Labeled>
-            {scanning ? (
-                <QrReader delay={200} style={{ width: '100%' }} onScan={onScan} onError={console.error} />
-            ) : ""}
-        </>
-    );
-export default QRInput;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default QRInput;
diff --git a/src/components/RecalculateButton.js b/src/components/RecalculateButton.js
index 305e3478d0635b3988d22f4119f398de6cdd8628..8d5259f26a5c45719b04663b87fb7a419d3fe322 100644
--- a/src/components/RecalculateButton.js
+++ b/src/components/RecalculateButton.js
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 import RefreshIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Refresh';
-import * as React from "react";
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { Button, useDataProvider, useRefresh, useResourceContext, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
+const RecalculateButton = () => {
+  const dataProvider = useDataProvider();
+  const name = useResourceContext();
+  const refresh = useRefresh();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-const RecalculateButton = (props) => {
-    const dataProvider = useDataProvider();
-    const name = useResourceContext();
-    const refresh = useRefresh();
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    return (
-        <Button
-            onClick={() => {
-                dataProvider.reload(name).then(() => {
-                    refresh();
-                });
-            }}
-            label={translate('actions.recalculate')}
-        ><RefreshIcon /></Button>
-    );
+  return (
+    <Button
+      onClick={() => {
+        dataProvider.reload(name).then(() => {
+          refresh();
+        });
+      }}
+      label={translate('actions.recalculate')}>
+      <RefreshIcon />
+    </Button>
+  );
 export { RecalculateButton };
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index 57a1af86d0e96ddbd88d917a03ccd5cb8e913503..69cba98701e4974461a0929f99ce9cc6b0548af7 100644
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import App from './App';
 import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';
 import './sass/app.scss';
-axios.defaults.baseURL = process.env.REACT_APP_SEB_API;
+axios.defaults.baseURL = process.env.REACT_APP_SEB_API; // eslint-disable-line
diff --git a/src/layout/AppBar.js b/src/layout/AppBar.js
index 1a62b6ae9f174c3a67f42d7883219165f8b42c7f..00ff9616449b603362822ce0e12e9c7f2c3d297b 100644
--- a/src/layout/AppBar.js
+++ b/src/layout/AppBar.js
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ import React from 'react';
 import { AppBar } from 'react-admin';
 import UserMenu from './UserMenu';
-const MyAppBar = props => <AppBar {...props} userMenu={<UserMenu />} />;
-export default MyAppBar;
\ No newline at end of file
+const MyAppBar = (props) => <AppBar {...props} userMenu={<UserMenu />} />;
+export default MyAppBar;
diff --git a/src/layout/Layout.js b/src/layout/Layout.js
index f6cf779bbbf3f96046924edc5d8a7a122e92e418..0bf1536cab44c1dcc358d6260dd3ec1f9207c09f 100644
--- a/src/layout/Layout.js
+++ b/src/layout/Layout.js
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React from 'react';
 import { Layout } from 'react-admin';
 import BreadCrumb from '../components/Breadcrumb';
 import AppBar from './AppBar';
 import { Menu } from './Menu';
 const MyLayout = ({ children, ...props }) => (
-    <Layout {...props} menu={Menu} appBar={AppBar} >
-        <BreadCrumb />
-        {children}
-    </Layout>
+  <Layout {...props} menu={Menu} appBar={AppBar}>
+    <BreadCrumb />
+    {children}
+  </Layout>
-export default MyLayout;
\ No newline at end of file
+MyLayout.propTypes = {
+  children: PropTypes.node
+export default MyLayout;
diff --git a/src/layout/Login.js b/src/layout/Login.js
index 82826207a350776387c3fc6d35feb92fa170803c..3c10cf2627b583613de614f7705142ac9dd93317 100644
--- a/src/layout/Login.js
+++ b/src/layout/Login.js
@@ -8,177 +8,192 @@ import { Field, Form } from 'react-final-form';
 import { Link as RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        form: {
-            padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
-        },
-        input: {
-            marginTop: '1em',
-        },
-        button: {
-            width: '100%',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
-        },
-        copying: {
-            position: 'fixed',
-            bottom: 0,
-            left: 0,
-            right: 0,
-            zIndex: 1000,
-            textAlign: 'center',
-            color: 'white'
-        },
-        link: {
-            color: "#ade6fd"
-        }
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    form: {
+      padding: '0 1em 1em 1em'
+    },
+    input: {
+      marginTop: '1em'
+    },
+    button: {
+      width: '100%'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
+    },
+    copying: {
+      position: 'fixed',
+      bottom: 0,
+      left: 0,
+      right: 0,
+      zIndex: 1000,
+      textAlign: 'center',
+      color: 'white'
+    },
+    link: {
+      color: '#ade6fd'
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
 const Input = ({
-    meta: { touched, error }, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
-    input: inputProps, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
-    ...props
-}) => (
-    <TextField
-        error={!!(touched && error)}
-        helperText={touched && error}
-        {...inputProps}
-        {...props}
-        fullWidth
-    />
+  meta: { touched, error }, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
+  input: inputProps, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
+  ...props
+}) => <TextField error={!!(touched && error)} helperText={touched && error} {...inputProps} {...props} fullWidth />;
 const MyLoginPage = (props) => {
-    const inputRef = React.useRef();
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
-    const [twoFA, setTwoFA] = useSafeSetState(false);
-    const login = useLogin();
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
+  const inputRef = React.useRef();
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
+  const [twoFA, setTwoFA] = useSafeSetState(false);
+  const login = useLogin();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const submit = values => {
-        setLoading(true);
-        if (twoFA) {
-            axios.post('/two-factor-challenge', {
-                code: values.code,
-                recovery_code: values.code
-            }).then(response => {
-                setLoading(false);
-                let data = response.data;
-                if (data?.two_factor === true) {
-                    setTwoFA(true);
-                } else {
-                    login(data, "/");
-                }
-            }).catch(error => {
-                setLoading(false);
+  const submit = (values) => {
+    setLoading(true);
+    if (twoFA) {
+      axios
+        .post('/two-factor-challenge', {
+          code: values.code,
+          recovery_code: values.code
+        })
+        .then((response) => {
+          setLoading(false);
+          let data = response.data;
+          if (data?.two_factor === true) {
+            setTwoFA(true);
+          } else {
+            login(data, '/');
+          }
+        })
+        .catch((error) => {
+          setLoading(false);
-                if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-                    let message = "";
-                    if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                        for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                            for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                                message += m + "\n";
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-                    }
-                    notify(message, "warning");
-                } else {
-                    notify(error?.message, "warning");
+          if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+            let message = '';
+            if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+              for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+                for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+                  message += m + '\n';
-            });
-        } else {
-            axios.get('/csrf-cookie').then(response => {
-                axios.post('/login', values).then(response => {
-                    setLoading(false);
-                    let data = response.data;
-                    if (data?.two_factor === true) {
-                        setTwoFA(true);
-                        inputRef.current.focus();
-                    } else {
-                        login(data, "/");
-                    }
-                }).catch(error => {
-                    setLoading(false);
-                    if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-                        let message = "";
-                        if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                            for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                                for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                                    message += m + "\n";
-                                }
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-                        }
-                        notify(message, 'warning');
-                    } else {
-                        notify('Error', 'warning');
-                    }
-                });
-            });
-        }
-    };
-    return (
-        <>
-            <Login>
-                <Form onSubmit={submit} render={({ handleSubmit }) => (twoFA ?
-                    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                        <div className={classes.form}>
-                            <div className={classes.input}>
-                                <Field inputRef={inputRef} id="code" name="code" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.2fa.verification_code')} disabled={loading} />
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                        <CardActions>
-                            <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                                {loading && (
-                                    <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                                )}
-                                {translate('ra.auth.2fa.login')}
-                            </Button>
-                        </CardActions>
-                    </form>
-                    :
-                    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                        <div className={classes.form}>
-                            <div className={classes.input}>
-                                <Field autoFocus id="username" name="username" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.username')} disabled={loading} />
-                            </div>
-                            <div className={classes.input}>
-                                <Field id="password" name="password" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.password')} type="password"
-                                    disabled={loading} autoComplete="current-password" helperText={
-                                        <Link component={RouterLink} to="/forgot-password" className={classes.link}>{translate('ra.auth.forgot')}</Link>
-                                    } />
-                            </div>
+              }
+            } else {
+              message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+            }
+            notify(message, 'warning');
+          } else {
+            notify(error?.message, 'warning');
+          }
+        });
+    } else {
+      axios.get('/csrf-cookie').then(() => {
+        axios
+          .post('/login', values)
+          .then((response) => {
+            setLoading(false);
+            let data = response.data;
+            if (data?.two_factor === true) {
+              setTwoFA(true);
+              inputRef.current.focus();
+            } else {
+              login(data, '/');
+            }
+          })
+          .catch((error) => {
+            setLoading(false);
+            if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+              let message = '';
+              if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+                for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+                  for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+                    message += m + '\n';
+                  }
+                }
+              } else {
+                message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+              }
+              notify(message, 'warning');
+            } else {
+              notify('Error', 'warning');
+            }
+          });
+      });
+    }
+  };
-                        </div>
-                        <CardActions>
-                            <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                                {loading && (
-                                    <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                                )}
-                                {translate('ra.auth.sign_in')}
-                            </Button>
-                        </CardActions>
-                    </form>
-                )} />
-            </Login>
-            <div className={classes.copying}>
-                <Typography>
-                    Seb {process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION ?? "DEV"}<br/>
-                    {translate('copying.bottommessage')} <Link to="/copying" component={RouterLink} className={classes.link}>GNU AGPLv3</Link><br/>
-                    <a className={classes.link} href="/doc/privacy-policy.pdf">Politique de Confidentialité</a>
-                </Typography>
-            </div>
-        </>
-    );
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Login>
+        <Form
+          onSubmit={submit}
+          render={({ handleSubmit }) =>
+            twoFA ? (
+              <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+                <div className={classes.form}>
+                  <div className={classes.input}>
+                    <Field inputRef={inputRef} id="code" name="code" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.2fa.verification_code')} disabled={loading} />
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+                <CardActions>
+                  <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                    {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                    {translate('ra.auth.2fa.login')}
+                  </Button>
+                </CardActions>
+              </form>
+            ) : (
+              <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+                <div className={classes.form}>
+                  <div className={classes.input}>
+                    <Field autoFocus id="username" name="username" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.username')} disabled={loading} />
+                  </div>
+                  <div className={classes.input}>
+                    <Field
+                      id="password"
+                      name="password"
+                      component={Input}
+                      label={translate('ra.auth.password')}
+                      type="password"
+                      disabled={loading}
+                      autoComplete="current-password"
+                      helperText={
+                        <Link component={RouterLink} to="/forgot-password" className={classes.link}>
+                          {translate('ra.auth.forgot')}
+                        </Link>
+                      }
+                    />
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+                <CardActions>
+                  <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                    {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                    {translate('ra.auth.sign_in')}
+                  </Button>
+                </CardActions>
+              </form>
+            )
+          }
+        />
+      </Login>
+      <div className={classes.copying}>
+        <Typography>
+          Seb {process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION ?? 'DEV' /* eslint-disable-line */}
+          <br />
+          {translate('copying.bottommessage')}{' '}
+          <Link to="/copying" component={RouterLink} className={classes.link}>
+            GNU AGPLv3
+          </Link>
+          <br />
+          <a className={classes.link} href="/doc/privacy-policy.pdf">
+            Politique de Confidentialité
+          </a>
+        </Typography>
+      </div>
+    </>
+  );
-export default MyLoginPage;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default MyLoginPage;
diff --git a/src/layout/Menu.js b/src/layout/Menu.js
index ac0c7da5f46b7a7044c6ac4df244beb999a0ec50..2113cb99cdcaffcaf4c186989e5e569f85821d8a 100644
--- a/src/layout/Menu.js
+++ b/src/layout/Menu.js
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
 import Collapse from '@material-ui/core/Collapse';
 import ListItemIcon from '@material-ui/core/ListItemIcon';
@@ -24,6 +23,7 @@ import MoneyIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Money';
 import PersonAddIcon from '@material-ui/icons/PersonAdd';
 import ShoppingCartIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ShoppingCart';
 import SwapHorizIcon from '@material-ui/icons/SwapHoriz';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
 import * as React from 'react';
 import { useState } from 'react';
 import { MenuItemLink, usePermissions, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
@@ -32,114 +32,159 @@ import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
 import theme from './Theme';
 function permMatch(userperms, elemperm) {
-    const [resource, access] = elemperm.split(".");
+  const [resource, access] = elemperm.split('.');
-    return userperms.includes("*.*") || userperms.includes(resource + ".*") || userperms.includes("*." + access) || userperms.includes(elemperm);
+  return userperms.includes('*.*') || userperms.includes(resource + '.*') || userperms.includes('*.' + access) || userperms.includes(elemperm);
 function hasPerm(permissions, perm) {
-    if (permissions === undefined)
-        return false;
+  if (permissions === undefined) return false;
-    if (permissions.includes("*.*")) {
-        return true;
-    }
+  if (permissions.includes('*.*')) {
+    return true;
+  }
-    if (Array.isArray(perm)) {
-        for (let p of perm) {
-            if (permMatch(permissions, p)) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (permMatch(permissions, perm))
-            return true;
+  if (Array.isArray(perm)) {
+    for (let p of perm) {
+      if (permMatch(permissions, p)) {
+        return true;
+      }
-    return false;
+  } else {
+    if (permMatch(permissions, perm)) return true;
+  }
+  return false;
 const Accordeon = (props) => {
-    const { permissions: perms } = usePermissions();
-    const [open, setOpen] = useState(props.open);
+  const { permissions: perms } = usePermissions();
+  const [open, setOpen] = useState(props.open);
-    return (
-        <>{hasPerm(perms, props.permissions) ? (
-            <>
-                <Tooltip title={props.title} placement="right">
-                    <MenuItem button onClick={() => setOpen(!open)} className={"RaMenuItemLink-root-36 MuiMenuItem-root"}>
-                        <ListItemIcon className={"RaMenuItemLink-icon-38"}>
-                            {open ? <ExpandLess /> : <ExpandMore />}
-                        </ListItemIcon>
-                        <ListItemText primary={props.title} />
-                    </MenuItem>
-                </Tooltip>
-                <Collapse in={open} style={{ minHeight: "auto" }}>
-                    {props.children}
-                </Collapse>
-            </>) : ''}
+  return (
+    <>
+      {hasPerm(perms, props.permissions) ? (
+        <>
+          <Tooltip title={props.title} placement="right">
+            <MenuItem button onClick={() => setOpen(!open)} className={'RaMenuItemLink-root-36 MuiMenuItem-root'}>
+              <ListItemIcon className={'RaMenuItemLink-icon-38'}>{open ? <ExpandLess /> : <ExpandMore />}</ListItemIcon>
+              <ListItemText primary={props.title} />
+            </MenuItem>
+          </Tooltip>
+          <Collapse in={open} style={{ minHeight: 'auto' }}>
+            {props.children}
+          </Collapse>
-    );
+      ) : (
+        ''
+      )}
+    </>
+  );
+Accordeon.propTypes = {
+  open: PropTypes.bool,
+  permissions: [PropTypes.string],
+  title: PropTypes.string,
+  children: PropTypes.node,
+  to: PropTypes.string
 const Item = (props) => {
-    const { permissions } = usePermissions();
-    const open = useSelector(state => state.admin.ui.sidebarOpen);
-    const location = useLocation();
-    const regex = new RegExp(`^${props.to}\\/|^${props.to}$`);
+  const { permissions } = usePermissions();
+  const open = useSelector((state) => state.admin.ui.sidebarOpen);
+  const location = useLocation();
+  const regex = new RegExp(`^${props.to}\\/|^${props.to}$`);
-    return (
-        <>{
-            (!('permissions' in props) || hasPerm(permissions, props.permissions)) &&
-            <MenuItemLink theme={theme} {...props} sidebarIsOpen={open} selected={regex.test(location.pathname)} />
-        }</>
-    );
+  return (
+    <>
+      {(!('permissions' in props) || hasPerm(permissions, props.permissions)) && (
+        <MenuItemLink theme={theme} {...props} sidebarIsOpen={open} selected={regex.test(location.pathname)} />
+      )}
+    </>
+  );
-const Menu = ({ onMenuClick, logout }) => {
-    const isXSmall = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.down('xs'));
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+Item.propTypes = {
+  to: PropTypes.string,
+  permissions: [PropTypes.string]
-    return (
-        <>
-            <Item to="/" primaryText={translate('menu.left.dashboard')} leftIcon={<DashboardIcon />} />
-            <Item to="/sales/create" permissions="sales.create" primaryText={translate('menu.left.sell')} leftIcon={<LocalOfferIcon />} />
-            <Item to="/purchases/create" permissions="purchases.create" primaryText={translate('menu.left.buy')} leftIcon={<ShoppingCartIcon />} />
-            <Item to="/accounts_counts/create" permissions="accounts_counts.create" primaryText={translate('menu.left.count_money')} leftIcon={<MoneyIcon />} />
-            <Item to="/products_counts/create" permissions="products_counts.create" primaryText={translate('menu.left.count_stocks')} leftIcon={<BarChartIcon />} />
-            <Item to="/participations/create" permissions="participations.create" primaryText={translate('menu.left.add_participant')} leftIcon={<EventIcon />} />
-            <Accordeon open={false} title={translate('menu.left.humans')} permissions={["people.show", "members.show", "users.show"]}>
-                <Item to="/people" permissions="people.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.people')} leftIcon={<EmojiPeopleIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/members" permissions="members.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.members')} leftIcon={<GroupIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/users" permissions="users.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.users')} leftIcon={<AccountBoxIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/personal_accounts" permissions="personal_accounts.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.personal_accounts')} leftIcon={<AccountBalanceIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/personal_transactions" permissions="personal_transactions.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.personal_transactions')} leftIcon={<SwapHorizIcon />} />
-            </Accordeon>
-            <Accordeon open={false} title={translate('menu.left.stocks')} permissions={["products.show", "products_categories.show", "movements.show", "products_counts.show"]}>
-                <Item to="/products" permissions="products.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.products')} leftIcon={<LocalCafeIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/products_categories" permissions="products_categories.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.categories')} leftIcon={<CategoryIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/products_counts" permissions="products_counts.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.products_counts')} leftIcon={<BarChartIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/movements" permissions="movements.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.movements')} leftIcon={<SwapHorizIcon />} />
-            </Accordeon>
-            <Accordeon open={false} title={translate('menu.left.accounting')} permissions={["accounts.show", "accounts_counts.show", "transactions.show", "transactions_categories.show", "sales.show", "purchases.show"]}>
-                <Item to="/accounts" permissions="accounts.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.accounts')} leftIcon={<AccountBalanceIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/accounts_counts" permissions="accounts_counts.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.accounts_counts')} leftIcon={<MoneyIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/transactions" permissions="transactions.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.transactions')} leftIcon={<SwapHorizIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/automated_transactions" permissions="automated_transactions.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.automated_transactions')} leftIcon={<AutorenewIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/transactions_categories" permissions="transactions_categories.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.categories')} leftIcon={<CategoryIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/sales" permissions="sales.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.sales')} leftIcon={<LocalOfferIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/purchases" permissions="purchases.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.purchases')} leftIcon={<ShoppingCartIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/transferts" permissions="transferts.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.transferts')} leftIcon={<ImportExportIcon />} />
-            </Accordeon>
-            <Accordeon open={false} title={translate('menu.left.events')} permissions={["events.show", "participations.show"]}>
-                <Item to="/events" permissions="events.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.events')} leftIcon={<EventIcon />} />
-                <Item to="/participations" permissions="participations.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.participations')} leftIcon={<PersonAddIcon />} />
-            </Accordeon>
-            <Accordeon open={false} title={translate('menu.left.archives')} permissions={["archived_members.show"]}>
-                <Item to="/archived_members" permissions="archived_members.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.archived_members')} leftIcon={<GroupIcon />} />
-            </Accordeon>
-            {isXSmall && <Item to="/profile" primaryText={translate('menu.left.profile')} leftIcon={<AccountCircleIcon />} />}
-            {isXSmall && logout}
-        </>
-    );
+const Menu = ({ logout }) => {
+  const isXSmall = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.down('xs'));
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Item to="/" primaryText={translate('menu.left.dashboard')} leftIcon={<DashboardIcon />} />
+      <Item to="/sales/create" permissions="sales.create" primaryText={translate('menu.left.sell')} leftIcon={<LocalOfferIcon />} />
+      <Item to="/purchases/create" permissions="purchases.create" primaryText={translate('menu.left.buy')} leftIcon={<ShoppingCartIcon />} />
+      <Item to="/accounts_counts/create" permissions="accounts_counts.create" primaryText={translate('menu.left.count_money')} leftIcon={<MoneyIcon />} />
+      <Item to="/products_counts/create" permissions="products_counts.create" primaryText={translate('menu.left.count_stocks')} leftIcon={<BarChartIcon />} />
+      <Item to="/participations/create" permissions="participations.create" primaryText={translate('menu.left.add_participant')} leftIcon={<EventIcon />} />
+      <Accordeon open={false} title={translate('menu.left.humans')} permissions={['people.show', 'members.show', 'users.show']}>
+        <Item to="/people" permissions="people.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.people')} leftIcon={<EmojiPeopleIcon />} />
+        <Item to="/members" permissions="members.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.members')} leftIcon={<GroupIcon />} />
+        <Item to="/users" permissions="users.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.users')} leftIcon={<AccountBoxIcon />} />
+        <Item
+          to="/personal_accounts"
+          permissions="personal_accounts.show"
+          primaryText={translate('menu.left.personal_accounts')}
+          leftIcon={<AccountBalanceIcon />}
+        />
+        <Item
+          to="/personal_transactions"
+          permissions="personal_transactions.show"
+          primaryText={translate('menu.left.personal_transactions')}
+          leftIcon={<SwapHorizIcon />}
+        />
+      </Accordeon>
+      <Accordeon
+        open={false}
+        title={translate('menu.left.stocks')}
+        permissions={['products.show', 'products_categories.show', 'movements.show', 'products_counts.show']}>
+        <Item to="/products" permissions="products.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.products')} leftIcon={<LocalCafeIcon />} />
+        <Item to="/products_categories" permissions="products_categories.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.categories')} leftIcon={<CategoryIcon />} />
+        <Item to="/products_counts" permissions="products_counts.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.products_counts')} leftIcon={<BarChartIcon />} />
+        <Item to="/movements" permissions="movements.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.movements')} leftIcon={<SwapHorizIcon />} />
+      </Accordeon>
+      <Accordeon
+        open={false}
+        title={translate('menu.left.accounting')}
+        permissions={['accounts.show', 'accounts_counts.show', 'transactions.show', 'transactions_categories.show', 'sales.show', 'purchases.show']}>
+        <Item to="/accounts" permissions="accounts.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.accounts')} leftIcon={<AccountBalanceIcon />} />
+        <Item to="/accounts_counts" permissions="accounts_counts.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.accounts_counts')} leftIcon={<MoneyIcon />} />
+        <Item to="/transactions" permissions="transactions.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.transactions')} leftIcon={<SwapHorizIcon />} />
+        <Item
+          to="/automated_transactions"
+          permissions="automated_transactions.show"
+          primaryText={translate('menu.left.automated_transactions')}
+          leftIcon={<AutorenewIcon />}
+        />
+        <Item
+          to="/transactions_categories"
+          permissions="transactions_categories.show"
+          primaryText={translate('menu.left.categories')}
+          leftIcon={<CategoryIcon />}
+        />
+        <Item to="/sales" permissions="sales.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.sales')} leftIcon={<LocalOfferIcon />} />
+        <Item to="/purchases" permissions="purchases.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.purchases')} leftIcon={<ShoppingCartIcon />} />
+        <Item to="/transferts" permissions="transferts.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.transferts')} leftIcon={<ImportExportIcon />} />
+      </Accordeon>
+      <Accordeon open={false} title={translate('menu.left.events')} permissions={['events.show', 'participations.show']}>
+        <Item to="/events" permissions="events.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.events')} leftIcon={<EventIcon />} />
+        <Item to="/participations" permissions="participations.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.participations')} leftIcon={<PersonAddIcon />} />
+      </Accordeon>
+      <Accordeon open={false} title={translate('menu.left.archives')} permissions={['archived_members.show']}>
+        <Item to="/archived_members" permissions="archived_members.show" primaryText={translate('menu.left.archived_members')} leftIcon={<GroupIcon />} />
+      </Accordeon>
+      {isXSmall && <Item to="/profile" primaryText={translate('menu.left.profile')} leftIcon={<AccountCircleIcon />} />}
+      {isXSmall && logout}
+    </>
+  );
+Menu.propTypes = {
+  logout: PropTypes.any
 export { Menu };
diff --git a/src/layout/Routes.js b/src/layout/Routes.js
index ea51511382151de1d65d6466f9c2b50ca4a61a8e..5b5e6c9efe38c03f2f7a27f89cb85a43b18fc561 100644
--- a/src/layout/Routes.js
+++ b/src/layout/Routes.js
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-import * as React from "react";
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { RouteWithoutLayout } from 'react-admin';
 import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
 import personal_refills from '../resources/PersonalRefills';
-import Profile from "../resources/Profile";
+import Profile from '../resources/Profile';
 import ActivateAccount from './forms/ActivateAccount';
 import ChangePassword from './forms/ChangePassword';
-import Copying from "./forms/Copying";
+import Copying from './forms/Copying';
 import ForgotPassword from './forms/ForgotPassword';
 import ResetPassword from './forms/ResetPassword';
-import TokenClear from "./forms/TokenClear";
+import TokenClear from './forms/TokenClear';
 import TokenNew from './forms/TokenNew';
-import TwoFactorDisable from "./forms/TwoFactorDisable";
+import TwoFactorDisable from './forms/TwoFactorDisable';
 import TwoFactorEnable from './forms/TwoFactorEnable';
 export const customRoutes = [
-    <Route exact path="/profile" component={Profile} />,
-    <RouteWithoutLayout exact path="/change-password" component={ChangePassword} />,
-    <RouteWithoutLayout exact path="/forgot-password" component={ForgotPassword} />,
-    <RouteWithoutLayout exact path="/reset-password/:token" component={ResetPassword} />,
-    <RouteWithoutLayout exact path="/enable-account/:token" component={ActivateAccount} />,
-    <RouteWithoutLayout exact path="/two-factor/enable" component={TwoFactorEnable} />,
-    <RouteWithoutLayout exact path="/two-factor/disable" component={TwoFactorDisable} />,
-    <RouteWithoutLayout exact path="/tokens/create" component={TokenNew} />,
-    <RouteWithoutLayout exact path="/tokens/clear" component={TokenClear} />,
-    <RouteWithoutLayout exact path="/copying" component={Copying} />,
-    <Route exact path="/personal_accounts/refill" component={personal_refills.create} />
\ No newline at end of file
+  <Route key={0} exact path="/profile" component={Profile} />,
+  <RouteWithoutLayout key={1} exact path="/change-password" component={ChangePassword} />,
+  <RouteWithoutLayout key={2} exact path="/forgot-password" component={ForgotPassword} />,
+  <RouteWithoutLayout key={3} exact path="/reset-password/:token" component={ResetPassword} />,
+  <RouteWithoutLayout key={4} exact path="/enable-account/:token" component={ActivateAccount} />,
+  <RouteWithoutLayout key={5} exact path="/two-factor/enable" component={TwoFactorEnable} />,
+  <RouteWithoutLayout key={6} exact path="/two-factor/disable" component={TwoFactorDisable} />,
+  <RouteWithoutLayout key={7} exact path="/tokens/create" component={TokenNew} />,
+  <RouteWithoutLayout key={8} exact path="/tokens/clear" component={TokenClear} />,
+  <RouteWithoutLayout key={9} exact path="/copying" component={Copying} />,
+  <Route key={10} exact path="/personal_accounts/refill" component={personal_refills.create} />
diff --git a/src/layout/Theme.js b/src/layout/Theme.js
index ca9ed7ac37dfc36e9d392e4072ef80d1823eda40..948e1fd55c814953c6231c4625d3809e29efea92 100644
--- a/src/layout/Theme.js
+++ b/src/layout/Theme.js
@@ -2,116 +2,116 @@ import merge from 'lodash/merge';
 import { defaultTheme } from 'react-admin';
 export default merge(defaultTheme, {
-    palette: {
-        primary: {
-            main: '#ade6fd',
-            light: '#',
-            dark: '#303030'
-        },
-        secondary: {
-            main: "#fb963a",
-            dark: "#f77c36",
-            light: "#ffc646"
-        },
-        error: {
-            main: "#ffadad"
-        },
-        type: 'dark',
+  palette: {
+    primary: {
+      main: '#ade6fd',
+      light: '#',
+      dark: '#303030'
-    shadows: [
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none",
-        "none"
-    ],
-    overrides: {
-        RaLayout: {
-            content: {
-                "padding-right": "5px",
-                "padding-top": "5px"
-            }
-        },
-        RaFormInput: {
-            input: {
-                width: "100%"
-            }
-        },
-        RaAutocompleteArrayInput: {
-            inputRoot: {
-                width: "100%"
-            }
-        },
-        MuiFormControl: {
-            root: {
-                width: "100%"
-            }
-        },
-        MuiTableHead: {
-            root: {
-                "border-radius": "4px 4px 0 0"
-            }
-        },
-        RaToolbar: {
-            toolbar: {
-                "background-color": "#545454"
-            }
-        },
-        RaCreate: {
-            main: {
-                "margin-top": "0px !important"
-            }
-        },
-        MuiList: {
-            root: {
-                "background": "#545454"
-            }
-        },
-        MuiDialogTitle: {
-            root: {
-                "padding-top": "0px !important",
-                "padding-bottom": "0px !important"
-            }
-        },
-        RaEdit: {
-            noActions: {
-                "margin-top": 0
-            }
-        },
-        MuiDialogContent: {
-            root: {
-                padding: "8px, 0 !important"
-            }
-        },
-        MuiListItemIcon: {
-            root: {
-                "min-width": null
-            }
-        },
-        RaLabeled: {
-            value: {
-                padding: 0
-            }
-        }
+    secondary: {
+      main: '#fb963a',
+      dark: '#f77c36',
+      light: '#ffc646'
+    },
+    error: {
+      main: '#ffadad'
+    },
+    type: 'dark'
+  },
+  shadows: [
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none',
+    'none'
+  ],
+  overrides: {
+    RaLayout: {
+      content: {
+        'padding-right': '5px',
+        'padding-top': '5px'
+      }
+    },
+    RaFormInput: {
+      input: {
+        width: '100%'
+      }
+    },
+    RaAutocompleteArrayInput: {
+      inputRoot: {
+        width: '100%'
+      }
+    },
+    MuiFormControl: {
+      root: {
+        width: '100%'
+      }
+    },
+    MuiTableHead: {
+      root: {
+        'border-radius': '4px 4px 0 0'
+      }
+    },
+    RaToolbar: {
+      toolbar: {
+        'background-color': '#545454'
+      }
+    },
+    RaCreate: {
+      main: {
+        'margin-top': '0px !important'
+      }
+    },
+    MuiList: {
+      root: {
+        background: '#545454'
+      }
+    },
+    MuiDialogTitle: {
+      root: {
+        'padding-top': '0px !important',
+        'padding-bottom': '0px !important'
+      }
+    },
+    RaEdit: {
+      noActions: {
+        'margin-top': 0
+      }
+    },
+    MuiDialogContent: {
+      root: {
+        padding: '8px, 0 !important'
+      }
+    },
+    MuiListItemIcon: {
+      root: {
+        'min-width': null
+      }
+    },
+    RaLabeled: {
+      value: {
+        padding: 0
+      }
\ No newline at end of file
+  }
diff --git a/src/layout/UserMenu.js b/src/layout/UserMenu.js
index 36ab9a17a7870e061872a0a93094dda3ff4c2f4b..560b00af895e82c9fa0ca4d2df13e1d52c7f24e8 100644
--- a/src/layout/UserMenu.js
+++ b/src/layout/UserMenu.js
@@ -1,136 +1,133 @@
-import {
-    Button, Menu
-} from '@material-ui/core';
+import { Button, Menu } from '@material-ui/core';
 import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
 import AccountCircle from '@material-ui/icons/AccountCircle';
 import CopyrightIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Copyright';
 import SettingsIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Settings';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
 import React, { Children, cloneElement, isValidElement, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import { MenuItemLink, useGetIdentity, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
 import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    theme => ({
-        user: {},
-        userButton: {
-            textTransform: 'none',
-        },
-        avatar: {
-            width: theme.spacing(4),
-            height: theme.spacing(4),
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaUserMenu' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    user: {},
+    userButton: {
+      textTransform: 'none'
+    },
+    avatar: {
+      width: theme.spacing(4),
+      height: theme.spacing(4)
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaUserMenu' }
 const AnchorOrigin = {
-    vertical: 'bottom',
-    horizontal: 'right',
+  vertical: 'bottom',
+  horizontal: 'right'
 const TransformOrigin = {
-    vertical: 'top',
-    horizontal: 'right',
+  vertical: 'top',
+  horizontal: 'right'
 const CustomUserMenu = (props) => {
-    const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = useState(null);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const { loaded, identity } = useGetIdentity();
-    const [fullname, setFullname] = useState(null);
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const {
-        children,
-        label = 'ra.auth.user_menu',
-        logout,
-    } = props;
-    const open = Boolean(anchorEl);
-    const handleMenu = event => setAnchorEl(event.currentTarget);
-    const handleClose = () => setAnchorEl(null);
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const handler = (e) => {
-            setFullname(e.detail.email);
-        };
-        document.addEventListener('profileUpdated', handler);
-        return () => {
-            document.removeEventListener('profileUpdated', handler);
-        }
-    });
-    if (!logout && !children) return null;
-    return (
-        <div className={classes.user}>
-            {loaded ? (
-                <Button
-                    aria-label={label && translate(label, { _: label })}
-                    className={classes.userButton}
-                    color="inherit"
-                    startIcon={<AccountCircle />}
-                    onClick={handleMenu}>
-                    {fullname === null ? identity?.fullName : fullname}
-                </Button>
-            ) : ""}
-            <Menu
-                id="menu-appbar"
-                disableScrollLock
-                anchorEl={anchorEl}
-                anchorOrigin={AnchorOrigin}
-                transformOrigin={TransformOrigin}
-                getContentAnchorEl={null}
-                open={open}
-                onClose={handleClose}>
-                {Children.map(children, menuItem =>
-                    isValidElement(menuItem)
-                        ? cloneElement(menuItem, {
-                            onClick: handleClose,
-                        })
-                        : null
-                )}
-                {logout}
-            </Menu>
-        </div>
-    );
+  const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = useState(null);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const { loaded, identity } = useGetIdentity();
+  const [fullname, setFullname] = useState(null);
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
+  const { children, label = 'ra.auth.user_menu', logout } = props;
+  const open = Boolean(anchorEl);
+  const handleMenu = (event) => setAnchorEl(event.currentTarget);
+  const handleClose = () => setAnchorEl(null);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    const handler = (e) => {
+      setFullname(e.detail.email);
+    };
+    document.addEventListener('profileUpdated', handler);
+    return () => {
+      document.removeEventListener('profileUpdated', handler);
+    };
+  });
+  if (!logout && !children) return null;
+  return (
+    <div className={classes.user}>
+      {loaded ? (
+        <Button
+          aria-label={label && translate(label, { _: label })}
+          className={classes.userButton}
+          color="inherit"
+          startIcon={<AccountCircle />}
+          onClick={handleMenu}>
+          {fullname === null ? identity?.fullName : fullname}
+        </Button>
+      ) : (
+        ''
+      )}
+      <Menu
+        id="menu-appbar"
+        disableScrollLock
+        anchorEl={anchorEl}
+        anchorOrigin={AnchorOrigin}
+        transformOrigin={TransformOrigin}
+        getContentAnchorEl={null}
+        open={open}
+        onClose={handleClose}>
+        {Children.map(children, (menuItem) =>
+          isValidElement(menuItem)
+            ? cloneElement(menuItem, {
+                onClick: handleClose
+              })
+            : null
+        )}
+        {logout}
+      </Menu>
+    </div>
+  );
+CustomUserMenu.propTypes = {
+  children: PropTypes.node,
+  label: PropTypes.string,
+  logout: PropTypes.any
 const MyUserMenuView = (props) => {
-    const { profile, ...alt } = props;
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    return (
-        <CustomUserMenu label={profile ? profile.fullName : ''} {...alt}>
-            <MenuItemLink
-                to="/profile"
-                primaryText={translate("menu.user.profile")}
-                leftIcon={<SettingsIcon />}
-            />
-            <MenuItemLink
-                to="/copying"
-                primaryText={translate("menu.user.copying")}
-                leftIcon={<CopyrightIcon />}
-            />
-        </CustomUserMenu>
-    );
+  const { profile, ...alt } = props;
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  return (
+    <CustomUserMenu label={profile ? profile.fullName : ''} {...alt}>
+      <MenuItemLink to="/profile" primaryText={translate('menu.user.profile')} leftIcon={<SettingsIcon />} />
+      <MenuItemLink to="/copying" primaryText={translate('menu.user.copying')} leftIcon={<CopyrightIcon />} />
+    </CustomUserMenu>
+  );
-const mapStateToProps = state => {
-    const resource = 'profile';
-    const id = 'me';
-    const profileState = state.admin.resources[resource];
+MyUserMenuView.propTypes = {
+  profile: PropTypes.any
-    return {
-        profile: profileState ? profileState.data[id] : null
-    };
+const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
+  const resource = 'profile';
+  const id = 'me';
+  const profileState = state.admin.resources[resource];
+  return {
+    profile: profileState ? profileState.data[id] : null
+  };
-const MyUserMenu = connect(
-    mapStateToProps
+const MyUserMenu = connect(mapStateToProps)(MyUserMenuView);
-export default MyUserMenu;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default MyUserMenu;
diff --git a/src/layout/forms/ActivateAccount.js b/src/layout/forms/ActivateAccount.js
index 08a185beeeeeb0861fc8d554cc7f6a36ff0df2da..c69f33d32e902b72615540bab42564354de88822 100644
--- a/src/layout/forms/ActivateAccount.js
+++ b/src/layout/forms/ActivateAccount.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import { Button, CardActions, CircularProgress, TextField } from '@material-ui/core';
 import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
 import axios from 'axios';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
 import { useNotify, useSafeSetState, useTranslate } from 'ra-core';
 import React from 'react';
 import { Login, useRedirect } from 'react-admin';
@@ -8,97 +9,113 @@ import { Field, Form } from 'react-final-form';
 import { useLocation, useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        form: {
-            padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
-        },
-        input: {
-            marginTop: '1em',
-        },
-        button: {
-            width: '100%',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    form: {
+      padding: '0 1em 1em 1em'
+    },
+    input: {
+      marginTop: '1em'
+    },
+    button: {
+      width: '100%'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
 function useQuery() {
-    return new URLSearchParams(useLocation().search);
+  return new URLSearchParams(useLocation().search);
 const Input = ({ meta: { touched, error }, input: inputProps, ...props }) => (
-    <TextField error={!!(touched && error)} helperText={touched && error} {...inputProps} {...props} fullWidth />
+  <TextField error={!!(touched && error)} helperText={touched && error} {...inputProps} {...props} fullWidth />
+Input.propTypes = {
+  meta: PropTypes.any,
+  input: PropTypes.any
 const ActivateAccount = (props) => {
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
-    let query = useQuery();
-    let { token } = useParams();
-    let email = query.get("email");
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
+  let query = useQuery();
+  let { token } = useParams();
+  let email = query.get('email');
-    const submit = ({ password, password_confirmation }) => {
-        setLoading(true);
-        return axios.post('/reset-password', {
-            'token': token,
-            'email': email,
-            'password': password,
-            'password_confirmation': password_confirmation
-        }).then(response => {
-            setLoading(false);
-            notify(response.data.message)
-            redirect("/login");
-        }).catch(error => {
-            setLoading(false);
+  const submit = ({ password, password_confirmation }) => {
+    setLoading(true);
+    return axios
+      .post('/reset-password', {
+        token: token,
+        email: email,
+        password: password,
+        password_confirmation: password_confirmation
+      })
+      .then((response) => {
+        setLoading(false);
+        notify(response.data.message);
+        redirect('/login');
+      })
+      .catch((error) => {
+        setLoading(false);
-            if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-                let message = "";
-                if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                    for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                        for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                            message += m + "\n";
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-                }
-                notify(message, "warning");
-            } else {
-                notify(error?.message, "warning");
+        if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+          let message = '';
+          if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+            for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+              for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+                message += m + '\n';
+              }
-        });
-    };
+          } else {
+            message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+          }
+          notify(message, 'warning');
+        } else {
+          notify(error?.message, 'warning');
+        }
+      });
+  };
-    return (
-        <Login>
-            <Form onSubmit={submit} render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
-                <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                    <div className={classes.form}>
-                        <div className={classes.input}>
-                            <Field id="password" name="password" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.password')} type="password" disabled={loading} />
-                        </div>
-                        <div className={classes.input}>
-                            <Field id="password_confirmation" name="password_confirmation" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.password_confirmation')} type="password" disabled={loading} />
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <CardActions>
-                        <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                            {loading && (
-                                <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                            )}
-                            {translate('ra.auth.set_password')}
-                        </Button>
-                    </CardActions>
-                </form>
-            )} />
-        </Login>
-    );
+  return (
+    <Login>
+      <Form
+        onSubmit={submit}
+        render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
+          <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+            <div className={classes.form}>
+              <div className={classes.input}>
+                <Field id="password" name="password" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.password')} type="password" disabled={loading} />
+              </div>
+              <div className={classes.input}>
+                <Field
+                  id="password_confirmation"
+                  name="password_confirmation"
+                  component={Input}
+                  label={translate('ra.auth.password_confirmation')}
+                  type="password"
+                  disabled={loading}
+                />
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <CardActions>
+              <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                {translate('ra.auth.set_password')}
+              </Button>
+            </CardActions>
+          </form>
+        )}
+      />
+    </Login>
+  );
-export default ActivateAccount;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default ActivateAccount;
diff --git a/src/layout/forms/ChangePassword.js b/src/layout/forms/ChangePassword.js
index 8ffbd99eb2c1965e28293dfb4201c8e05b0d88de..1dee442d8dbf835c465548db60da2ac54162a232 100644
--- a/src/layout/forms/ChangePassword.js
+++ b/src/layout/forms/ChangePassword.js
@@ -9,109 +9,121 @@ import { Link as RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom';
 import BaseForm from './Form';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        form: {
-            padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
-        },
-        input: {
-            marginTop: '1em',
-        },
-        button: {
-            width: '100%',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    form: {
+      padding: '0 1em 1em 1em'
+    },
+    input: {
+      marginTop: '1em'
+    },
+    button: {
+      width: '100%'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
 const Input = ({
-    meta: { touched, error }, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
-    input: inputProps, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
-    ...props
-}) => (
-    <TextField
-        error={!!(touched && error)}
-        helperText={touched && error}
-        {...inputProps}
-        {...props}
-        fullWidth
-    />
+  meta: { touched, error }, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
+  input: inputProps, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
+  ...props
+}) => <TextField error={!!(touched && error)} helperText={touched && error} {...inputProps} {...props} fullWidth />;
 const ChangePassword = (props) => {
-    useAuthenticated();
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
+  useAuthenticated();
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const submit = ({ current_password, password, password_confirmation }) => {
-        setLoading(true);
-        axios.get('/csrf-cookie').then(response => {
-            return axios.put('/user/password', {
-                'current_password': current_password,
-                'password': password,
-                'password_confirmation': password_confirmation
-            }).then(response => {
-                setLoading(false);
-                notify('ra.auth.password_changed');
-                redirect("/profile");
-            }).catch(error => {
-                setLoading(false);
+  const submit = ({ current_password, password, password_confirmation }) => {
+    setLoading(true);
+    axios.get('/csrf-cookie').then(() => {
+      return axios
+        .put('/user/password', {
+          current_password: current_password,
+          password: password,
+          password_confirmation: password_confirmation
+        })
+        .then(() => {
+          setLoading(false);
+          notify('ra.auth.password_changed');
+          redirect('/profile');
+        })
+        .catch((error) => {
+          setLoading(false);
-                if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-                    let message = "";
-                    if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                        for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                            for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                                message += m + "\n";
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-                    }
-                    notify(message, "warning");
-                } else {
-                    notify(error?.message, "warning");
+          if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+            let message = '';
+            if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+              for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+                for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+                  message += m + '\n';
-            });
+              }
+            } else {
+              message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+            }
+            notify(message, 'warning');
+          } else {
+            notify(error?.message, 'warning');
+          }
-    };
-    return (
-        <BaseForm>
-            <Form onSubmit={submit} render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
-                <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                    <div className={classes.form}>
-                        <div className={classes.input}>
-                            <Field id="current_password" name="current_password" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.current_password')}
-                                type="password" disabled={loading} autoComplete="current-password" />
-                        </div>
-                        <div className={classes.input}>
-                            <Field id="password" name="password" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.new_password')} type="password"
-                                disabled={loading} />
-                        </div>
-                        <div className={classes.input}>
-                            <Field id="password_confirmation" name="password_confirmation" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.password_confirmation')} type="password"
-                                disabled={loading} helperText={<Link component={RouterLink} to="/profile">{translate('ra.auth.back')}</Link>} />
-                        </div>
+    });
+  };
-                    </div>
-                    <CardActions>
-                        <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                            {loading && (
-                                <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                            )}
-                            {translate('ra.auth.change_password')}
-                        </Button>
-                    </CardActions>
-                </form>
-            )} />
-        </BaseForm>
-    );
+  return (
+    <BaseForm>
+      <Form
+        onSubmit={submit}
+        render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
+          <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+            <div className={classes.form}>
+              <div className={classes.input}>
+                <Field
+                  id="current_password"
+                  name="current_password"
+                  component={Input}
+                  label={translate('ra.auth.current_password')}
+                  type="password"
+                  disabled={loading}
+                  autoComplete="current-password"
+                />
+              </div>
+              <div className={classes.input}>
+                <Field id="password" name="password" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.new_password')} type="password" disabled={loading} />
+              </div>
+              <div className={classes.input}>
+                <Field
+                  id="password_confirmation"
+                  name="password_confirmation"
+                  component={Input}
+                  label={translate('ra.auth.password_confirmation')}
+                  type="password"
+                  disabled={loading}
+                  helperText={
+                    <Link component={RouterLink} to="/profile">
+                      {translate('ra.auth.back')}
+                    </Link>
+                  }
+                />
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <CardActions>
+              <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                {translate('ra.auth.change_password')}
+              </Button>
+            </CardActions>
+          </form>
+        )}
+      />
+    </BaseForm>
+  );
-export default ChangePassword;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default ChangePassword;
diff --git a/src/layout/forms/Copying.js b/src/layout/forms/Copying.js
index bc01886e7a1b741c54b27edde6e2775268cb5b10..9503c7a3032fbcf187da90d9c18253342d9b0882 100644
--- a/src/layout/forms/Copying.js
+++ b/src/layout/forms/Copying.js
@@ -7,65 +7,106 @@ import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
 import theme from '../Theme';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        form: {
-            padding: '1em',
-            textAlign: 'justify'
-        },
-        input: {
-            marginTop: '1em',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    form: {
+      padding: '1em',
+      textAlign: 'justify'
+    },
+    input: {
+      marginTop: '1em'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
 const Copying = withRouter(({ history: { goBack }, ...props }) => {
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const muiTheme = useMemo(() => createMuiTheme(theme), []);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
+  const muiTheme = useMemo(() => createMuiTheme(theme), []);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    return (
-        <div style={{ backgroundImage: 'radial-gradient(circle at 50% 14em, #313264 0%, #00023b 60%, #00023b 100%)', backgroundAttachment: 'fixed', minHeight: '100vh', paddingTop: '1em', paddingBottom: '1em' }}>
-            <ThemeProvider theme={muiTheme}>
-                <Container maxWidth="md" style={{ backgroundColor: "#424242", color: "#ffffff" }}>
-                    <div className={classes.form}>
-                        <Typography variant="h4" component="h1" gutterBottom>{translate('copying.title')} - Seb {process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION ?? "DEV"}</Typography>
-                        <Typography variant="h5" component="h2" gutterBottom>{translate('copying.notice')}</Typography>
-                        <Typography gutterBottom>
-                            {translate('copying.agpl.line1')}<br />
-                            {translate('copying.agpl.line2')}<br />
-                            {translate('copying.agpl.line3.start')} <a href="https://git.unistra.fr/amicale-core/seb">{translate('copying.agpl.line3.here')}</a> {translate('copying.agpl.line3.continue')} <a href="https://git.unistra.fr/amicale-core/seb/-/blob/master/LICENSE.md">{translate('copying.agpl.line3.there')}</a>{translate('copying.agpl.line3.end')}
-                        </Typography>
-                        <Typography variant="h5" component="h2" gutterBottom>{translate('copying.dependencies')}</Typography>
-                        <Typography gutterBottom>
-                            {translate('copying.dependencies2')}
-                        </Typography>
-                        <ul>
-                            <li><a href="https://github.com/laravel/laravel">Laravel</a> - {translate('copying.released')} <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a></li>
-                            <li><a href="https://github.com/marmelab/react-admin">React-admin</a> - {translate('copying.released')} <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a></li>
-                            <li><a href="https://github.com/facebook/react">React</a> - {translate('copying.released')} <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a></li>
-                            <li><a href="https://github.com/axios/axios">Axios</a> - {translate('copying.released')} <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a></li>
-                            <li><a href="https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore">Underscore</a> - {translate('copying.released')} <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a></li>
-                            <li><a href="https://github.com/kybarg/react-qr-scanner">react-qr-scanner</a> - {translate('copying.released')} <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a></li>
-                        </ul>
-                        <Typography variant="h5" component="h2" gutterBottom>{translate('copying.contributors')}</Typography>
-                        <ul>
-                            <li><a href="https://github.com/M4xi1m3/">Maxime "M4x1m3" Friess</a> <a href="mailto:maxime.friess@pm.me">&lt;maxime.friess@pm.me&gt;</a> </li>
-                            <li><a href="https://github.com/StelFux/">Charles Lesecq</a> <a href="mailto:charles.lesecq@etu.unistra.fr">&lt;charles.lesecq@etu.unistra.fr&gt;</a> </li>
-                        </ul>
-                    </div>
-                    <TopToolbar style={{ paddingTop: 0 }}>
-                        <Button className={classes.button} color="primary" onClick={goBack} >
-                            {translate('ra.auth.back')}
-                        </Button>
-                    </TopToolbar>
-                </Container>
-            </ThemeProvider>
-        </div>
-    );
+  return (
+    <div
+      style={{
+        backgroundImage: 'radial-gradient(circle at 50% 14em, #313264 0%, #00023b 60%, #00023b 100%)',
+        backgroundAttachment: 'fixed',
+        minHeight: '100vh',
+        paddingTop: '1em',
+        paddingBottom: '1em'
+      }}>
+      <ThemeProvider theme={muiTheme}>
+        <Container maxWidth="md" style={{ backgroundColor: '#424242', color: '#ffffff' }}>
+          <div className={classes.form}>
+            <Typography variant="h4" component="h1" gutterBottom>
+              {translate('copying.title')} - Seb {process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION ?? 'DEV' /* eslint-disable-line */}
+            </Typography>
+            <Typography variant="h5" component="h2" gutterBottom>
+              {translate('copying.notice')}
+            </Typography>
+            <Typography gutterBottom>
+              {translate('copying.agpl.line1')}
+              <br />
+              {translate('copying.agpl.line2')}
+              <br />
+              {translate('copying.agpl.line3.start')} <a href="https://git.unistra.fr/amicale-core/seb">{translate('copying.agpl.line3.here')}</a>{' '}
+              {translate('copying.agpl.line3.continue')}{' '}
+              <a href="https://git.unistra.fr/amicale-core/seb/-/blob/master/LICENSE.md">{translate('copying.agpl.line3.there')}</a>
+              {translate('copying.agpl.line3.end')}
+            </Typography>
+            <Typography variant="h5" component="h2" gutterBottom>
+              {translate('copying.dependencies')}
+            </Typography>
+            <Typography gutterBottom>{translate('copying.dependencies2')}</Typography>
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                <a href="https://github.com/laravel/laravel">Laravel</a> - {translate('copying.released')}{' '}
+                <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a>
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <a href="https://github.com/marmelab/react-admin">React-admin</a> - {translate('copying.released')}{' '}
+                <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a>
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <a href="https://github.com/facebook/react">React</a> - {translate('copying.released')}{' '}
+                <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a>
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <a href="https://github.com/axios/axios">Axios</a> - {translate('copying.released')}{' '}
+                <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a>
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <a href="https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore">Underscore</a> - {translate('copying.released')}{' '}
+                <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a>
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <a href="https://github.com/kybarg/react-qr-scanner">react-qr-scanner</a> - {translate('copying.released')}{' '}
+                <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">{translate('copying.license.mit')}</a>
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+            <Typography variant="h5" component="h2" gutterBottom>
+              {translate('copying.contributors')}
+            </Typography>
+            <ul>
+              <li>
+                <a href="https://github.com/M4xi1m3/">Maxime &quot;M4x1m3&quot; Friess</a> <a href="mailto:maxime.friess@pm.me">&lt;maxime.friess@pm.me&gt;</a>{' '}
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <a href="https://github.com/StelFux/">Charles Lesecq</a>{' '}
+                <a href="mailto:charles.lesecq@etu.unistra.fr">&lt;charles.lesecq@etu.unistra.fr&gt;</a>{' '}
+              </li>
+            </ul>
+          </div>
+          <TopToolbar style={{ paddingTop: 0 }}>
+            <Button className={classes.button} color="primary" onClick={goBack}>
+              {translate('ra.auth.back')}
+            </Button>
+          </TopToolbar>
+        </Container>
+      </ThemeProvider>
+    </div>
+  );
-export default Copying;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default Copying;
diff --git a/src/layout/forms/ForgotPassword.js b/src/layout/forms/ForgotPassword.js
index 90fbdc9a7d6ad3fe046792fb4e2752fc1582516e..04ad485728c1caef17865e929e31df804cada8ae 100644
--- a/src/layout/forms/ForgotPassword.js
+++ b/src/layout/forms/ForgotPassword.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import { Button, CardActions, CircularProgress, Link, TextField } from '@material-ui/core';
 import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
 import axios from 'axios';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
 import { useNotify, useSafeSetState, useTranslate } from 'ra-core';
 import React from 'react';
 import { Login } from 'react-admin';
@@ -8,86 +9,105 @@ import { Field, Form } from 'react-final-form';
 import { Link as RouterLink } from 'react-router-dom';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        form: {
-            padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
-        },
-        input: {
-            marginTop: '1em',
-        },
-        button: {
-            width: '100%',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    form: {
+      padding: '0 1em 1em 1em'
+    },
+    input: {
+      marginTop: '1em'
+    },
+    button: {
+      width: '100%'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
 const Input = ({ meta: { touched, error }, input: inputProps, ...props }) => (
-    <TextField error={!!(touched && error)} helperText={touched && error} {...inputProps} {...props} fullWidth />
+  <TextField error={!!(touched && error)} helperText={touched && error} {...inputProps} {...props} fullWidth />
+Input.propTypes = {
+  meta: PropTypes.any,
+  input: PropTypes.any
 const ForgotPassword = (props) => {
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const submit = ({ email }) => {
-        setLoading(true);
-        axios.get('/csrf-cookie').then(response => {
-            return axios.post('/forgot-password', {
-                'email': email
-            }).then(response => {
-                setLoading(false);
-                notify(response.data.message)
-            }).catch(error => {
-                setLoading(false);
+  const submit = ({ email }) => {
+    setLoading(true);
+    axios.get('/csrf-cookie').then(() => {
+      return axios
+        .post('/forgot-password', {
+          email: email
+        })
+        .then((response) => {
+          setLoading(false);
+          notify(response.data.message);
+        })
+        .catch((error) => {
+          setLoading(false);
-                if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-                    let message = "";
-                    if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                        for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                            for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                                message += m + "\n";
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-                    }
-                    notify(message, "warning");
-                } else {
-                    notify(error?.message, "warning");
+          if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+            let message = '';
+            if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+              for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+                for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+                  message += m + '\n';
-            });
+              }
+            } else {
+              message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+            }
+            notify(message, 'warning');
+          } else {
+            notify(error?.message, 'warning');
+          }
-    };
+    });
+  };
-    return (
-        <Login>
-            <Form onSubmit={submit} render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
-                <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                    <div className={classes.form}>
-                        <div className={classes.input}>
-                            <Field autoFocus id="email" name="email" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.email')} disabled={loading} helperText={
-                                <Link component={RouterLink} to="/login">{translate('ra.auth.back')}</Link>
-                            } />
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <CardActions>
-                        <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                            {loading && (
-                                <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                            )}
-                            {translate('ra.auth.reset_password')}
-                        </Button>
-                    </CardActions>
-                </form>
-            )} />
-        </Login>
-    );
+  return (
+    <Login>
+      <Form
+        onSubmit={submit}
+        render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
+          <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+            <div className={classes.form}>
+              <div className={classes.input}>
+                <Field
+                  autoFocus
+                  id="email"
+                  name="email"
+                  component={Input}
+                  label={translate('ra.auth.email')}
+                  disabled={loading}
+                  helperText={
+                    <Link component={RouterLink} to="/login">
+                      {translate('ra.auth.back')}
+                    </Link>
+                  }
+                />
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <CardActions>
+              <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                {translate('ra.auth.reset_password')}
+              </Button>
+            </CardActions>
+          </form>
+        )}
+      />
+    </Login>
+  );
-export default ForgotPassword;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default ForgotPassword;
diff --git a/src/layout/forms/Form.js b/src/layout/forms/Form.js
index 034a1c1f905e2c7d324d5e7768bfba11828d0d96..1e1619ab094777a77f9a521b0323339c282c6500 100644
--- a/src/layout/forms/Form.js
+++ b/src/layout/forms/Form.js
@@ -4,119 +4,104 @@ import LockIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Lock';
 import { ThemeProvider } from '@material-ui/styles';
 import classnames from 'classnames';
 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import React, {
-    createElement, useEffect,
-    useMemo, useRef
-} from 'react';
+import React, { createElement, useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from 'react';
 import { Notification as DefaultNotification } from 'react-admin';
 import defaultTheme from '../Theme';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        main: {
-            display: 'flex',
-            flexDirection: 'column',
-            minHeight: '100vh',
-            height: '1px',
-            alignItems: 'center',
-            justifyContent: 'flex-start',
-            backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
-            backgroundSize: 'cover',
-            backgroundImage:
-                'radial-gradient(circle at 50% 14em, #313264 0%, #00023b 60%, #00023b 100%)',
-        },
-        card: {
-            minWidth: 300,
-            marginTop: '6em',
-        },
-        avatar: {
-            margin: '1em',
-            display: 'flex',
-            justifyContent: 'center',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary[500],
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLogin' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    main: {
+      display: 'flex',
+      flexDirection: 'column',
+      minHeight: '100vh',
+      height: '1px',
+      alignItems: 'center',
+      justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+      backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
+      backgroundSize: 'cover',
+      backgroundImage: 'radial-gradient(circle at 50% 14em, #313264 0%, #00023b 60%, #00023b 100%)'
+    },
+    card: {
+      minWidth: 300,
+      marginTop: '6em'
+    },
+    avatar: {
+      margin: '1em',
+      display: 'flex',
+      justifyContent: 'center'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      backgroundColor: theme.palette.secondary[500]
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLogin' }
-const Form = props => {
-    const {
-        theme,
-        title,
-        classes: classesOverride,
-        className,
-        children,
-        notification,
-        staticContext,
-        backgroundImage,
-        noLock,
-        ...rest
-    } = props;
-    const containerRef = useRef();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const muiTheme = useMemo(() => createMuiTheme(theme), [theme]);
-    let backgroundImageLoaded = false;
+const Form = (props) => {
+  const { theme, className, children, notification, backgroundImage, noLock, ...rest } = props;
+  const containerRef = useRef();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
+  const muiTheme = useMemo(() => createMuiTheme(theme), [theme]);
+  let backgroundImageLoaded = false;
-    const updateBackgroundImage = () => {
-        if (!backgroundImageLoaded && containerRef.current) {
-            containerRef.current.style.backgroundImage = `url(${backgroundImage})`;
-            backgroundImageLoaded = true;
-        }
-    };
+  const updateBackgroundImage = () => {
+    if (!backgroundImageLoaded && containerRef.current) {
+      containerRef.current.style.backgroundImage = `url(${backgroundImage})`;
+      backgroundImageLoaded = true;
+    }
+  };
-    // Load background image asynchronously to speed up time to interactive
-    const lazyLoadBackgroundImage = () => {
-        if (backgroundImage) {
-            const img = new Image();
-            img.onload = updateBackgroundImage;
-            img.src = backgroundImage;
-        }
-    };
+  // Load background image asynchronously to speed up time to interactive
+  const lazyLoadBackgroundImage = () => {
+    if (backgroundImage) {
+      const img = new Image();
+      img.onload = updateBackgroundImage;
+      img.src = backgroundImage;
+    }
+  };
-    useEffect(() => {
-        if (!backgroundImageLoaded) {
-            lazyLoadBackgroundImage();
-        }
-    });
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (!backgroundImageLoaded) {
+      lazyLoadBackgroundImage();
+    }
+  });
-    return (
-        <ThemeProvider theme={muiTheme}>
-            <div
-                className={classnames(classes.main, className)}
-                {...rest}
-                ref={containerRef}
-            >
-                <Card className={classes.card}>
-                    {(noLock === true ? "" :
-                        <div className={classes.avatar}>
-                            <Avatar className={classes.icon}>
-                                <LockIcon />
-                            </Avatar>
-                        </div>
-                    )}
-                    {children}
-                </Card>
-                {notification ? createElement(notification) : null}
+  return (
+    <ThemeProvider theme={muiTheme}>
+      <div className={classnames(classes.main, className)} {...rest} ref={containerRef}>
+        <Card className={classes.card}>
+          {noLock === true ? (
+            ''
+          ) : (
+            <div className={classes.avatar}>
+              <Avatar className={classes.icon}>
+                <LockIcon />
+              </Avatar>
-        </ThemeProvider>
-    );
+          )}
+          {children}
+        </Card>
+        {notification ? createElement(notification) : null}
+      </div>
+    </ThemeProvider>
+  );
 Form.propTypes = {
-    backgroundImage: PropTypes.string,
-    children: PropTypes.node,
-    classes: PropTypes.object,
-    className: PropTypes.string,
-    theme: PropTypes.object,
-    staticContext: PropTypes.object,
+  backgroundImage: PropTypes.string,
+  children: PropTypes.node,
+  classes: PropTypes.object,
+  className: PropTypes.string,
+  theme: PropTypes.object,
+  staticContext: PropTypes.object,
+  notification: PropTypes.any,
+  noLock: PropTypes.any
 Form.defaultProps = {
-    theme: defaultTheme,
-    //children: <DefaultLoginForm />,
-    notification: DefaultNotification,
+  theme: defaultTheme,
+  //children: <DefaultLoginForm />,
+  notification: DefaultNotification
 export default Form;
diff --git a/src/layout/forms/ResetPassword.js b/src/layout/forms/ResetPassword.js
index c45c0c9de738f4fe8aa5ea7f78ebf9b425c14336..c6a6a64b2f612b5b7c93059b741a8c08d966fbd1 100644
--- a/src/layout/forms/ResetPassword.js
+++ b/src/layout/forms/ResetPassword.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import { Button, CardActions, CircularProgress, TextField } from '@material-ui/core';
 import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
 import axios from 'axios';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
 import { useNotify, useSafeSetState, useTranslate } from 'ra-core';
 import React from 'react';
 import { Login, useRedirect } from 'react-admin';
@@ -8,97 +9,113 @@ import { Field, Form } from 'react-final-form';
 import { useLocation, useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        form: {
-            padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
-        },
-        input: {
-            marginTop: '1em',
-        },
-        button: {
-            width: '100%',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    form: {
+      padding: '0 1em 1em 1em'
+    },
+    input: {
+      marginTop: '1em'
+    },
+    button: {
+      width: '100%'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
 function useQuery() {
-    return new URLSearchParams(useLocation().search);
+  return new URLSearchParams(useLocation().search);
 const Input = ({ meta: { touched, error }, input: inputProps, ...props }) => (
-    <TextField error={!!(touched && error)} helperText={touched && error} {...inputProps} {...props} fullWidth />
+  <TextField error={!!(touched && error)} helperText={touched && error} {...inputProps} {...props} fullWidth />
+Input.propTypes = {
+  meta: PropTypes.any,
+  input: PropTypes.any
 const ResetPassword = (props) => {
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
-    let query = useQuery();
-    let { token } = useParams();
-    let email = query.get("email");
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
+  let query = useQuery();
+  let { token } = useParams();
+  let email = query.get('email');
-    const submit = ({ password, password_confirmation }) => {
-        setLoading(true);
-        return axios.post('/reset-password', {
-            'token': token,
-            'email': email,
-            'password': password,
-            'password_confirmation': password_confirmation
-        }).then(response => {
-            setLoading(false);
-            notify(response.data.message)
-            redirect("/login");
-        }).catch(error => {
-            setLoading(false);
+  const submit = ({ password, password_confirmation }) => {
+    setLoading(true);
+    return axios
+      .post('/reset-password', {
+        token: token,
+        email: email,
+        password: password,
+        password_confirmation: password_confirmation
+      })
+      .then((response) => {
+        setLoading(false);
+        notify(response.data.message);
+        redirect('/login');
+      })
+      .catch((error) => {
+        setLoading(false);
-            if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-                let message = "";
-                if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                    for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                        for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                            message += m + "\n";
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-                }
-                notify(message);
-            } else {
-                notify(error?.message);
+        if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+          let message = '';
+          if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+            for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+              for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+                message += m + '\n';
+              }
-        });
-    };
+          } else {
+            message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+          }
+          notify(message);
+        } else {
+          notify(error?.message);
+        }
+      });
+  };
-    return (
-        <Login>
-            <Form onSubmit={submit} render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
-                <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                    <div className={classes.form}>
-                        <div className={classes.input}>
-                            <Field id="password" name="password" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.password')} type="password" disabled={loading} />
-                        </div>
-                        <div className={classes.input}>
-                            <Field id="password_confirmation" name="password_confirmation" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.password_confirmation')} type="password" disabled={loading} />
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                    <CardActions>
-                        <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                            {loading && (
-                                <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                            )}
-                            {translate('ra.auth.reset_password')}
-                        </Button>
-                    </CardActions>
-                </form>
-            )} />
-        </Login>
-    );
+  return (
+    <Login>
+      <Form
+        onSubmit={submit}
+        render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
+          <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+            <div className={classes.form}>
+              <div className={classes.input}>
+                <Field id="password" name="password" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.password')} type="password" disabled={loading} />
+              </div>
+              <div className={classes.input}>
+                <Field
+                  id="password_confirmation"
+                  name="password_confirmation"
+                  component={Input}
+                  label={translate('ra.auth.password_confirmation')}
+                  type="password"
+                  disabled={loading}
+                />
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <CardActions>
+              <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                {translate('ra.auth.reset_password')}
+              </Button>
+            </CardActions>
+          </form>
+        )}
+      />
+    </Login>
+  );
-export default ResetPassword;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default ResetPassword;
diff --git a/src/layout/forms/TokenClear.js b/src/layout/forms/TokenClear.js
index 80e89d3a2d5d62eac8f4f7c87322c052b4f90a73..bc7e2609e83417261a9d9906417fd7b03c5848a2 100644
--- a/src/layout/forms/TokenClear.js
+++ b/src/layout/forms/TokenClear.js
@@ -8,82 +8,91 @@ import { Form } from 'react-final-form';
 import BaseForm from './Form';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        form: {
-            padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
-            textAlign: 'center',
-            width: '420px'
-        },
-        input: {
-            marginTop: '1em',
-        },
-        button: {
-            width: '100%',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    form: {
+      padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
+      textAlign: 'center',
+      width: '420px'
+    },
+    input: {
+      marginTop: '1em'
+    },
+    button: {
+      width: '100%'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
 const TokenClear = (props) => {
-    useAuthenticated();
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
+  useAuthenticated();
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const submit = (values) => {
-        setLoading(true);
-        return axios.delete('/tokens').then(response => {
-            notify("ra.auth.token.clear.cleared");
-            setLoading(false);
-            redirect("/profile");
-        }).catch(error => {
-            setLoading(false);
+  const submit = () => {
+    setLoading(true);
+    return axios
+      .delete('/tokens')
+      .then(() => {
+        notify('ra.auth.token.clear.cleared');
+        setLoading(false);
+        redirect('/profile');
+      })
+      .catch((error) => {
+        setLoading(false);
-            if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-                let message = "";
-                if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                    for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                        for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                            message += m + "\n";
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-                }
-                notify(message, "warning");
-            } else {
-                notify(error?.message, "warning");
+        if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+          let message = '';
+          if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+            for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+              for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+                message += m + '\n';
+              }
-        });
-    };
+          } else {
+            message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+          }
+          notify(message, 'warning');
+        } else {
+          notify(error?.message, 'warning');
+        }
+      });
+  };
-    return (
-        <BaseForm>
-            <Form onSubmit={submit} render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
-                <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                    <div className={classes.form}>
-                        {translate('ra.auth.token.clear.ask')}
-                    </div>
-                    <CardActions>
-                        <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                            {loading && (
-                                <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                            )}
-                            {translate('ra.auth.token.clear.clear')}
-                        </Button>
-                        <Button variant="contained" onClick={() => { redirect('/profile') }} color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                            {translate('ra.auth.cancel')}
-                        </Button>
-                    </CardActions>
-                </form>
-            )} />
-        </BaseForm>
-    );
+  return (
+    <BaseForm>
+      <Form
+        onSubmit={submit}
+        render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
+          <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+            <div className={classes.form}>{translate('ra.auth.token.clear.ask')}</div>
+            <CardActions>
+              <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                {translate('ra.auth.token.clear.clear')}
+              </Button>
+              <Button
+                variant="contained"
+                onClick={() => {
+                  redirect('/profile');
+                }}
+                color="secondary"
+                disabled={loading}
+                className={classes.button}>
+                {translate('ra.auth.cancel')}
+              </Button>
+            </CardActions>
+          </form>
+        )}
+      />
+    </BaseForm>
+  );
-export default TokenClear;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default TokenClear;
diff --git a/src/layout/forms/TokenNew.js b/src/layout/forms/TokenNew.js
index facf459defbd65e50eb313012237a2757b0b6fec..2d6f3557d06dbca68483a6dbd29569d63550fb46 100644
--- a/src/layout/forms/TokenNew.js
+++ b/src/layout/forms/TokenNew.js
@@ -8,141 +8,152 @@ import { Field, Form } from 'react-final-form';
 import BaseForm from './Form';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        form: {
-            padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
-            textAlign: 'center',
-            width: '420px'
-        },
-        input: {
-            marginTop: '1em',
-        },
-        button: {
-            width: '100%',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    form: {
+      padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
+      textAlign: 'center',
+      width: '420px'
+    },
+    input: {
+      marginTop: '1em'
+    },
+    button: {
+      width: '100%'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
 const Input = ({
-    meta: { touched, error }, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
-    input: inputProps, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
-    ...props
-}) => (
-    <TextField
-        error={!!(touched && error)}
-        helperText={touched && error}
-        {...inputProps}
-        {...props}
-        fullWidth
-    />
+  meta: { touched, error }, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
+  input: inputProps, // eslint-disable-line react/prop-types
+  ...props
+}) => <TextField error={!!(touched && error)} helperText={touched && error} {...inputProps} {...props} fullWidth />;
 const TokenNew = (props) => {
-    useAuthenticated();
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
-    const [step, setStep] = useSafeSetState(0);
-    const [qrcode, setQrcode] = useSafeSetState("");
-    const [token, setToken] = useSafeSetState("");
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
+  useAuthenticated();
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
+  const [step, setStep] = useSafeSetState(0);
+  const [qrcode, setQrcode] = useSafeSetState('');
+  const [token, setToken] = useSafeSetState('');
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const submit = (values) => {
-        setLoading(true);
-        switch (step) {
-            case 0:
-                return axios.post('/tokens', values).then(response => {
-                    setLoading(false);
-                    setQrcode(response.data.qrcode);
-                    setToken(response.data.token);
-                    setStep(1);
-                }).catch(error => {
-                    setLoading(false);
+  const submit = (values) => {
+    setLoading(true);
+    switch (step) {
+      case 0:
+        return axios
+          .post('/tokens', values)
+          .then((response) => {
+            setLoading(false);
+            setQrcode(response.data.qrcode);
+            setToken(response.data.token);
+            setStep(1);
+          })
+          .catch((error) => {
+            setLoading(false);
+            if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+              let message = '';
+              if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+                for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+                  for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+                    message += m + '\n';
+                  }
+                }
+              } else {
+                message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+              }
+              notify(message, 'warning');
+            } else {
+              notify(error?.message, 'warning');
+            }
+          });
+      case 1:
+        setLoading(false);
+        redirect('/profile');
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  };
-                    if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-                        let message = "";
-                        if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                            for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                                for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                                    message += m + "\n";
-                                }
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-                        }
-                        notify(message, "warning");
-                    } else {
-                        notify(error?.message, "warning");
-                    }
-                });
+  return (
+    <BaseForm>
+      <Form
+        onSubmit={submit}
+        render={({ handleSubmit }) => {
+          switch (step) {
+            case 0:
+              return (
+                <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+                  <div className={classes.form}>
+                    {translate('ra.auth.token.new.ask')}
+                    <div className={classes.input}>
+                      <Field id="name" name="name" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.token.new.name')} type="text" disabled={loading} />
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                  <CardActions>
+                    <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                      {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                      {translate('ra.auth.token.new.create')}
+                    </Button>
+                    <Button
+                      variant="contained"
+                      onClick={() => {
+                        redirect('/profile');
+                      }}
+                      color="secondary"
+                      disabled={loading}
+                      className={classes.button}>
+                      {translate('ra.auth.cancel')}
+                    </Button>
+                  </CardActions>
+                </form>
+              );
             case 1:
-                setLoading(false);
-                redirect('/profile');
-                break;
+              return (
+                <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+                  <div className={classes.form}>
+                    {translate('ra.auth.token.new.scan')}
+                    <div
+                      style={{
+                        display: 'flex',
+                        justifyContent: 'center',
+                        marginTop: '1em',
+                        marginBottom: '1em'
+                      }}>
+                      <div
+                        dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: qrcode }}
+                        style={{
+                          border: '8px solid white',
+                          width: '208px',
+                          height: '208px'
+                        }}></div>
+                    </div>
+                    <Box fontFamily="monospace">{token}</Box>
+                  </div>
+                  <CardActions>
+                    <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                      {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                      {translate('ra.auth.token.new.validate')}
+                    </Button>
+                  </CardActions>
+                </form>
+              );
-                break;
-        }
-    };
-    return (
-        <BaseForm>
-            <Form onSubmit={submit} render={({ handleSubmit }) => {
-                switch (step) {
-                    case 0:
-                        return (
-                            <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                                <div className={classes.form}>
-                                    {translate('ra.auth.token.new.ask')}
-                                    <div className={classes.input}>
-                                        <Field id="name" name="name" component={Input} label={translate('ra.auth.token.new.name')} type="text" disabled={loading} />
-                                    </div>
-                                </div>
-                                <CardActions>
-                                    <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                                        {loading && (
-                                            <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                                        )}
-                                        {translate('ra.auth.token.new.create')}
-                                    </Button>
-                                    <Button variant="contained" onClick={() => { redirect('/profile') }} color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                                        {translate('ra.auth.cancel')}
-                                    </Button>
-                                </CardActions>
-                            </form>
-                        );
-                    case 1:
-                        return (
-                            <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                                <div className={classes.form}>
-                                    {translate('ra.auth.token.new.scan')}
-                                    <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", marginTop: "1em", marginBottom: "1em" }}>
-                                        <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: qrcode }} style={{ border: "8px solid white", width: "208px", height: "208px" }}></div>
-                                    </div>
-                                    <Box fontFamily="monospace">
-                                        {token}
-                                    </Box>
-                                </div>
-                                <CardActions>
-                                    <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                                        {loading && (
-                                            <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                                        )}
-                                        {translate('ra.auth.token.new.validate')}
-                                    </Button>
-                                </CardActions>
-                            </form>
-                        );
-                    default:
-                        break;
-                }
-            }} />
-        </BaseForm>
-    );
+              break;
+          }
+        }}
+      />
+    </BaseForm>
+  );
-export default TokenNew;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default TokenNew;
diff --git a/src/layout/forms/TwoFactorDisable.js b/src/layout/forms/TwoFactorDisable.js
index a6beda87a8828911249da0cb9dc28292934bdbc3..765dbc58b2eb2d4b0e76c10531ffb1cac07a7a95 100644
--- a/src/layout/forms/TwoFactorDisable.js
+++ b/src/layout/forms/TwoFactorDisable.js
@@ -8,82 +8,91 @@ import { Form } from 'react-final-form';
 import BaseForm from './Form';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        form: {
-            padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
-            textAlign: 'center',
-            width: '420px'
-        },
-        input: {
-            marginTop: '1em',
-        },
-        button: {
-            width: '100%',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    form: {
+      padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
+      textAlign: 'center',
+      width: '420px'
+    },
+    input: {
+      marginTop: '1em'
+    },
+    button: {
+      width: '100%'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
 const TwoFactorDisable = (props) => {
-    useAuthenticated();
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
+  useAuthenticated();
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const submit = (values) => {
-        setLoading(true);
-        return axios.delete('/user/two-factor-authentication').then(response => {
-            notify("ra.auth.2fa.disabled");
-            setLoading(false);
-            redirect("/profile");
-        }).catch(error => {
-            setLoading(false);
+  const submit = () => {
+    setLoading(true);
+    return axios
+      .delete('/user/two-factor-authentication')
+      .then(() => {
+        notify('ra.auth.2fa.disabled');
+        setLoading(false);
+        redirect('/profile');
+      })
+      .catch((error) => {
+        setLoading(false);
-            if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-                let message = "";
-                if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                    for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                        for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                            message += m + "\n";
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-                }
-                notify(message, "warning");
-            } else {
-                notify(error?.message, "warning");
+        if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+          let message = '';
+          if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+            for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+              for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+                message += m + '\n';
+              }
-        });
-    };
+          } else {
+            message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+          }
+          notify(message, 'warning');
+        } else {
+          notify(error?.message, 'warning');
+        }
+      });
+  };
-    return (
-        <BaseForm>
-            <Form onSubmit={submit} render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
-                <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                    <div className={classes.form}>
-                        {translate('ra.auth.2fa.askdisable')}
-                    </div>
-                    <CardActions>
-                        <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                            {loading && (
-                                <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                            )}
-                            {translate('ra.auth.2fa.disable')}
-                        </Button>
-                        <Button variant="contained" onClick={() => { redirect('/profile') }} color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                            {translate('ra.auth.cancel')}
-                        </Button>
-                    </CardActions>
-                </form>
-            )} />
-        </BaseForm>
-    );
+  return (
+    <BaseForm>
+      <Form
+        onSubmit={submit}
+        render={({ handleSubmit }) => (
+          <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+            <div className={classes.form}>{translate('ra.auth.2fa.askdisable')}</div>
+            <CardActions>
+              <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                {translate('ra.auth.2fa.disable')}
+              </Button>
+              <Button
+                variant="contained"
+                onClick={() => {
+                  redirect('/profile');
+                }}
+                color="secondary"
+                disabled={loading}
+                className={classes.button}>
+                {translate('ra.auth.cancel')}
+              </Button>
+            </CardActions>
+          </form>
+        )}
+      />
+    </BaseForm>
+  );
-export default TwoFactorDisable;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default TwoFactorDisable;
diff --git a/src/layout/forms/TwoFactorEnable.js b/src/layout/forms/TwoFactorEnable.js
index 397d2299f368034e822cb971ae0e2320ca7e92b0..7d3856b3527d293b2fd0b63d3072ee0fa073e2e3 100644
--- a/src/layout/forms/TwoFactorEnable.js
+++ b/src/layout/forms/TwoFactorEnable.js
@@ -8,126 +8,148 @@ import { Form } from 'react-final-form';
 import BaseForm from './Form';
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    (theme) => ({
-        form: {
-            padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
-            textAlign: 'center',
-            width: '420px'
-        },
-        input: {
-            marginTop: '1em',
-        },
-        button: {
-            width: '100%',
-        },
-        icon: {
-            marginRight: theme.spacing(1),
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    form: {
+      padding: '0 1em 1em 1em',
+      textAlign: 'center',
+      width: '420px'
+    },
+    input: {
+      marginTop: '1em'
+    },
+    button: {
+      width: '100%'
+    },
+    icon: {
+      marginRight: theme.spacing(1)
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaLoginForm' }
 const TwoFactorEnable = (props) => {
-    useAuthenticated();
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
-    const [step, setStep] = useSafeSetState(0);
-    const [qrcode, setQrcode] = useSafeSetState("");
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
+  useAuthenticated();
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useSafeSetState(false);
+  const [step, setStep] = useSafeSetState(0);
+  const [qrcode, setQrcode] = useSafeSetState('');
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const submit = (values) => {
-        setLoading(true);
-        switch (step) {
-            case 0:
-                return axios.post('/user/two-factor-authentication').then(response => {
-                    return axios.get('/user/two-factor-qr-code').then(response => {
-                        setLoading(false);
-                        setQrcode(response.data.svg);
-                        setStep(1);
-                    }).catch(error => {
-                        setLoading(false);
-                        console.log(error);
-                        notify(error?.response?.data?.message);
-                    });
-                }).catch(error => {
-                    setLoading(false);
-                    if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-                        let message = "";
-                        if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                            for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                                for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                                    message += m + "\n";
-                                }
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-                        }
-                        notify(message, "warning");
-                    } else {
-                        notify(error?.message, "warning");
-                    }
-                });
-            case 1:
+  const submit = () => {
+    setLoading(true);
+    switch (step) {
+      case 0:
+        return axios
+          .post('/user/two-factor-authentication')
+          .then(() => {
+            return axios
+              .get('/user/two-factor-qr-code')
+              .then((response) => {
-                notify('ra.auth.2fa.success');
-                redirect('/profile');
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    };
+                setQrcode(response.data.svg);
+                setStep(1);
+              })
+              .catch((error) => {
+                setLoading(false);
+                console.log(error);
+                notify(error?.response?.data?.message);
+              });
+          })
+          .catch((error) => {
+            setLoading(false);
-    return (
-        <BaseForm>
-            <Form onSubmit={submit} render={({ handleSubmit }) => {
-                switch (step) {
-                    case 0:
-                        return (
-                            <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                                <div className={classes.form}>
-                                    {translate('ra.auth.2fa.ask')}
-                                </div>
-                                <CardActions>
-                                    <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                                        {loading && (
-                                            <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                                        )}
-                                        {translate('ra.auth.2fa.enable')}
-                                    </Button>
-                                    <Button variant="contained" onClick={() => { redirect('/profile') }} color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                                        {translate('ra.auth.cancel')}
-                                    </Button>
-                                </CardActions>
-                            </form>
-                        );
-                    case 1:
-                        return (
-                            <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
-                                <div className={classes.form}>
-                                    {translate('ra.auth.2fa.scan')}
-                                    <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", marginTop: "1em", marginBottom: "1em" }}>
-                                        <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: qrcode }} style={{ border: "8px solid white", width: "208px", height: "208px" }}></div>
-                                    </div>
-                                </div>
-                                <CardActions>
-                                    <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button} >
-                                        {loading && (
-                                            <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />
-                                        )}
-                                        {translate('ra.auth.2fa.validate')}
-                                    </Button>
-                                </CardActions>
-                            </form>
-                        );
-                    default:
-                        break;
+            if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+              let message = '';
+              if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+                for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+                  for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+                    message += m + '\n';
+                  }
-            }} />
-        </BaseForm>
-    );
+              } else {
+                message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+              }
+              notify(message, 'warning');
+            } else {
+              notify(error?.message, 'warning');
+            }
+          });
+      case 1:
+        setLoading(false);
+        notify('ra.auth.2fa.success');
+        redirect('/profile');
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  };
+  return (
+    <BaseForm>
+      <Form
+        onSubmit={submit}
+        render={({ handleSubmit }) => {
+          switch (step) {
+            case 0:
+              return (
+                <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+                  <div className={classes.form}>{translate('ra.auth.2fa.ask')}</div>
+                  <CardActions>
+                    <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                      {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                      {translate('ra.auth.2fa.enable')}
+                    </Button>
+                    <Button
+                      variant="contained"
+                      onClick={() => {
+                        redirect('/profile');
+                      }}
+                      color="secondary"
+                      disabled={loading}
+                      className={classes.button}>
+                      {translate('ra.auth.cancel')}
+                    </Button>
+                  </CardActions>
+                </form>
+              );
+            case 1:
+              return (
+                <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} noValidate>
+                  <div className={classes.form}>
+                    {translate('ra.auth.2fa.scan')}
+                    <div
+                      style={{
+                        display: 'flex',
+                        justifyContent: 'center',
+                        marginTop: '1em',
+                        marginBottom: '1em'
+                      }}>
+                      <div
+                        dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: qrcode }}
+                        style={{
+                          border: '8px solid white',
+                          width: '208px',
+                          height: '208px'
+                        }}></div>
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                  <CardActions>
+                    <Button variant="contained" type="submit" color="secondary" disabled={loading} className={classes.button}>
+                      {loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.icon} size={18} thickness={2} />}
+                      {translate('ra.auth.2fa.validate')}
+                    </Button>
+                  </CardActions>
+                </form>
+              );
+            default:
+              break;
+          }
+        }}
+      />
+    </BaseForm>
+  );
-export default TwoFactorEnable;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default TwoFactorEnable;
diff --git a/src/pages/Count.js b/src/pages/Count.js
index e31803b3b7283f522e57c84b203467c21485ee83..8e4d491f7892574c59266a6ba646f5b78d3e6778 100644
--- a/src/pages/Count.js
+++ b/src/pages/Count.js
@@ -10,191 +10,249 @@ import AddIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Add';
 import ClearIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Clear';
 import RemoveIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Remove';
 import SaveIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Save';
-import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import { Title, useDataProvider, useNotify, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
 const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
-    root: {
-        flexGrow: 1,
-    },
-    paper: {
-        padding: theme.spacing(2),
-        textAlign: 'center',
-        color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
-        backgroundColor: '#545454'
-    },
+  root: {
+    flexGrow: 1
+  },
+  paper: {
+    padding: theme.spacing(2),
+    textAlign: 'center',
+    color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
+    backgroundColor: '#545454'
+  }
 const Item = ({ value, updatePrice, ...props }) => {
-    const classes = useStyles();
-    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
-    const addCount = ((x) => {
-        if (count + x < 0) {
-            setCount(0);
-            updatePrice(value, 0);
-            return;
-        }
-        setCount(count + x);
-        updatePrice(value, count + x);
-    });
-    useEffect(() => {
-        setCount(0);
-        updatePrice(value, 0);
-    }, [props.refresh, updatePrice, value]);
-    return (
-        <Grid item xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={3} xl={2}>
-            <Paper className={classes.paper}>
-                <Typography variant="h6" gutterBottom>{Number(value).toFixed(2)} €</Typography>
-                <Grid container style={{ justifyContent: "center" }}>
-                    <Grid item className={classes.rows}>
-                        <IconButton aria-label="sub" onClick={(e) => { addCount(e.shiftKey ? -10 : -1) }}>
-                            <RemoveIcon />
-                        </IconButton>
-                    </Grid>
-                    <Grid item container alignItems="center" className={classes.rows} xs={4}>
-                        <Grid item>
-                            <TextField
-                                id="standard-number"
-                                type="text"
-                                inputProps={{ min: 0, style: { textAlign: 'center' } }}
-                                value={count}
-                                InputLabelProps={{
-                                    shrink: true,
-                                }}
-                                onChange={(e) => {
-                                    let val = e.target.value;
-                                    if (val === "")
-                                        val = "0";
-                                    val = parseInt(val);
-                                    if (!isNaN(val) && val >= 0) {
-                                        setCount(val);
-                                        updatePrice(value, val);
-                                    }
-                                }}
-                            />
-                        </Grid>
-                    </Grid>
-                    <Grid item className={classes.rows}>
-                        <IconButton aria-label="add" onClick={(e) => { addCount(e.shiftKey ? 10 : 1) }}>
-                            <AddIcon />
-                        </IconButton>
-                    </Grid>
-                </Grid>
-            </Paper>
+  const classes = useStyles();
+  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
+  const addCount = (x) => {
+    if (count + x < 0) {
+      setCount(0);
+      updatePrice(value, 0);
+      return;
+    }
+    setCount(count + x);
+    updatePrice(value, count + x);
+  };
+  useEffect(() => {
+    setCount(0);
+    updatePrice(value, 0);
+  }, [props.refresh, updatePrice, value]);
+  return (
+    <Grid item xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={3} xl={2}>
+      <Paper className={classes.paper}>
+        <Typography variant="h6" gutterBottom>
+          {Number(value).toFixed(2)} €
+        </Typography>
+        <Grid container style={{ justifyContent: 'center' }}>
+          <Grid item className={classes.rows}>
+            <IconButton
+              aria-label="sub"
+              onClick={(e) => {
+                addCount(e.shiftKey ? -10 : -1);
+              }}>
+              <RemoveIcon />
+            </IconButton>
+          </Grid>
+          <Grid item container alignItems="center" className={classes.rows} xs={4}>
+            <Grid item>
+              <TextField
+                id="standard-number"
+                type="text"
+                inputProps={{ min: 0, style: { textAlign: 'center' } }}
+                value={count}
+                InputLabelProps={{
+                  shrink: true
+                }}
+                onChange={(e) => {
+                  let val = e.target.value;
+                  if (val === '') val = '0';
+                  val = parseInt(val);
+                  if (!isNaN(val) && val >= 0) {
+                    setCount(val);
+                    updatePrice(value, val);
+                  }
+                }}
+              />
+            </Grid>
+          </Grid>
+          <Grid item className={classes.rows}>
+            <IconButton
+              aria-label="add"
+              onClick={(e) => {
+                addCount(e.shiftKey ? 10 : 1);
+              }}>
+              <AddIcon />
+            </IconButton>
+          </Grid>
-    );
+      </Paper>
+    </Grid>
+  );
+Item.propTypes = {
+  refresh: PropTypes.any,
+  updatePrice: PropTypes.func,
+  value: PropTypes.any
 const Count = () => {
-    let values = [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500];
-    const dataProvider = useDataProvider();
-    const [counts, setCounts] = useState({});
-    const [accounts, setAccounts] = useState([]);
-    const [selectAccount, setSelectAccount] = useState("");
-    const [selectType, setSelectType] = useState("cash");
-    const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
-    const [refresh, doRefresh] = useState(0);
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        dataProvider.getList('accounts', { pagination: { perPage: 100000, page: 1 }, sort: { field: 'id', order: 'asc' } }).then(({ data }) => {
-            setAccounts(data);
-        }).catch(error => {
-            console.error(error);
-        });
-    }, [dataProvider]);
-    const updatePrice = (value, count) => {
-        let c = counts;
-        c[value] = count;
-        setCounts(c);
-        let moula = 0;
-        for (let elem in c) {
-            moula += c[elem] * parseFloat(elem);
-        }
-        setPrice(moula);
-    };
+  let values = [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500];
+  const dataProvider = useDataProvider();
+  const [counts, setCounts] = useState({});
+  const [accounts, setAccounts] = useState([]);
+  const [selectAccount, setSelectAccount] = useState('');
+  const [selectType, setSelectType] = useState('cash');
+  const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
+  const [refresh, doRefresh] = useState(0);
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    let items = values.map((val) => {
-        return (
-            <Item key={val} value={val} refresh={refresh} updatePrice={updatePrice} />
-        );
-    });
-    const save = () => {
-        let data = {
-            type: selectType,
-            account_id: selectAccount
-        };
-        if (selectType === "cash") {
-            data["data"] = counts;
-        } else {
-            data["data"] = { amount: price };
-        }
-        dataProvider.create('accounts_counts', { data: data }).then((response) => {
-            doRefresh(prev => prev + 1);
-            notify('Count saved!');
-        }).catch((error) => {
-            notify(error.message, 'warning');
-        })
+  useEffect(() => {
+    dataProvider
+      .getList('accounts', {
+        pagination: { perPage: 100000, page: 1 },
+        sort: { field: 'id', order: 'asc' }
+      })
+      .then(({ data }) => {
+        setAccounts(data);
+      })
+      .catch((error) => {
+        console.error(error);
+      });
+  }, [dataProvider]);
+  const updatePrice = (value, count) => {
+    let c = counts;
+    c[value] = count;
+    setCounts(c);
+    let moula = 0;
+    for (let elem in c) {
+      moula += c[elem] * parseFloat(elem);
+    }
+    setPrice(moula);
+  };
+  let items = values.map((val) => {
+    return <Item key={val} value={val} refresh={refresh} updatePrice={updatePrice} />;
+  });
+  const save = () => {
+    let data = {
+      type: selectType,
+      account_id: selectAccount
-    return (
-        <>
-            <Grid container>
-                <Grid xs={12} item className="MuiToolbar-root MuiToolbar-regular RaTopToolbar-root-56" style={{ flexGrow: 1, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'end' }}>
-                    {(selectType === "cash" ? <Button color="primary" startIcon={<ClearIcon />} onClick={() => doRefresh(prev => prev + 1)}>{translate('actions.clear')}</Button> : "")}
-                    <Button color="primary" startIcon={<SaveIcon />} onClick={save}>{translate('ra.action.save')}</Button>
-                </Grid>
-                <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={4} style={{ padding: '0 4px' }}>
-                    <TextField select variant="filled" type="text" label={translate('sell.account')} value={selectAccount} onChange={(e) => { setSelectAccount(e.target.value) }}>
-                        <MenuItem key={""} value={""}><span style={{ color: 'transparent' }}>{translate('sell.none')}</span></MenuItem>
-                        {accounts.map((account) => (
-                            <MenuItem key={account.id} value={account.id}>
-                                {account.name}
-                            </MenuItem>
-                        ))}
-                    </TextField>
-                </Grid>
-                <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={4} style={{ padding: '0 4px' }}>
-                    <TextField select variant="filled" type="text" label={translate('sell.type')} value={selectType} onChange={(e) => { setSelectType(e.target.value) }}>
-                        <MenuItem key="cash" value="cash">
-                            {translate('sell.cash')}
-                        </MenuItem>
-                        <MenuItem key="value" value="value">
-                            {translate('sell.value')}
-                        </MenuItem>
-                    </TextField>
-                </Grid>
-                <Grid item xs={12} lg={4} style={{ padding: '0 4px' }}>
-                    {(selectType === "cash" ?
-                        <TextField value={Number(price).toFixed(2) + " €"} disabled variant="filled" type="text" label={translate('sell.balance')} />
-                        :
-                        <TextField value={price} onChange={(e) => { setPrice(e.target.value) }} variant="filled" type="text" label={translate('sell.balance')} />
-                    )}
-                </Grid>
+    if (selectType === 'cash') {
+      data['data'] = counts;
+    } else {
+      data['data'] = { amount: price };
+    }
+    dataProvider
+      .create('accounts_counts', { data: data })
+      .then(() => {
+        doRefresh((prev) => prev + 1);
+        notify('Count saved!');
+      })
+      .catch((error) => {
+        notify(error.message, 'warning');
+      });
+  };
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Grid container>
+        <Grid xs={12} item className="MuiToolbar-root MuiToolbar-regular RaTopToolbar-root-56" style={{ flexGrow: 1, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'end' }}>
+          {selectType === 'cash' ? (
+            <Button color="primary" startIcon={<ClearIcon />} onClick={() => doRefresh((prev) => prev + 1)}>
+              {translate('actions.clear')}
+            </Button>
+          ) : (
+            ''
+          )}
+          <Button color="primary" startIcon={<SaveIcon />} onClick={save}>
+            {translate('ra.action.save')}
+          </Button>
+        </Grid>
+        <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={4} style={{ padding: '0 4px' }}>
+          <TextField
+            select
+            variant="filled"
+            type="text"
+            label={translate('sell.account')}
+            value={selectAccount}
+            onChange={(e) => {
+              setSelectAccount(e.target.value);
+            }}>
+            <MenuItem key={''} value={''}>
+              <span style={{ color: 'transparent' }}>{translate('sell.none')}</span>
+            </MenuItem>
+            {accounts.map((account) => (
+              <MenuItem key={account.id} value={account.id}>
+                {account.name}
+              </MenuItem>
+            ))}
+          </TextField>
+        </Grid>
+        <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={4} style={{ padding: '0 4px' }}>
+          <TextField
+            select
+            variant="filled"
+            type="text"
+            label={translate('sell.type')}
+            value={selectType}
+            onChange={(e) => {
+              setSelectType(e.target.value);
+            }}>
+            <MenuItem key="cash" value="cash">
+              {translate('sell.cash')}
+            </MenuItem>
+            <MenuItem key="value" value="value">
+              {translate('sell.value')}
+            </MenuItem>
+          </TextField>
+        </Grid>
+        <Grid item xs={12} lg={4} style={{ padding: '0 4px' }}>
+          {selectType === 'cash' ? (
+            <TextField value={Number(price).toFixed(2) + ' €'} disabled variant="filled" type="text" label={translate('sell.balance')} />
+          ) : (
+            <TextField
+              value={price}
+              onChange={(e) => {
+                setPrice(e.target.value);
+              }}
+              variant="filled"
+              type="text"
+              label={translate('sell.balance')}
+            />
+          )}
+        </Grid>
+      </Grid>
+      <Card>
+        <Title title={translate('menu.left.count_money')} />
+        {selectType === 'cash' ? (
+          <CardContent>
+            <Grid container spacing={3}>
+              {items}
-            <Card>
-                <Title title={translate('menu.left.count_money')} />
-                {(selectType === "cash" ?
-                    <CardContent>
-                        <Grid container spacing={3} >
-                            {items}
-                        </Grid>
-                    </CardContent>
-                    : "")}
-            </Card>
-        </>
-    );
+          </CardContent>
+        ) : (
+          ''
+        )}
+      </Card>
+    </>
+  );
 export default Count;
diff --git a/src/pages/Dashboard.js b/src/pages/Dashboard.js
index f0da60f9b558592600ecc4a0356d1efe92018d25..af675ab570d64a383453c566acddca8183a0d75f 100644
--- a/src/pages/Dashboard.js
+++ b/src/pages/Dashboard.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import { Card, CardContent, CardHeader, Grid, makeStyles, Tab, Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableRow, Tabs, Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
-import React from "react";
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React from 'react';
 import { Error, Loading, Title, usePermissions, useQuery, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
 import ColorProvider from '../providers/ColorProvider';
 import AccountsStatistics from './statistics/AccountsStatistics';
@@ -7,174 +8,220 @@ import ProductsStatistics from './statistics/ProductsStatistics';
 import SellersStatistics from './statistics/SellersStatistics';
 const useStyles = makeStyles({
-    good: {
-        color: "#4caf50"
-    },
-    bad: {
-        color: "#f44336"
-    }
+  good: {
+    color: '#4caf50'
+  },
+  bad: {
+    color: '#f44336'
+  }
 const AccountsPanel = ({ data }) => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const styles = useStyles();
-    return ('accounts' in data && 'stocks_value' in data ? (
-        <Grid item xs={12} lg={4} xl={3}>
-            <Card style={{ height: '100%' }}>
-                <CardContent>
-                    {data['accounts'].length === 0 && !('stocks_value' in data) ? translate('dashboard.alerts.none') : (
-                        <Grid container style={{ justifyContent: "space-between" }}>
-                            {data['accounts'].length !== 0 ? (
-                                data['accounts'].map((value, i) => {
-                                    return (
-                                        <Grid item xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={12} key={i}>
-                                            <Typography variant="h6">{value.name}</Typography>
-                                            <Typography variant="h4" classes={{ root: value.balance > 0 ? styles.good : styles.bad }}>{value.balance > 0 ? '+' : ''}{Number(value.balance).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}</Typography>
-                                        </Grid>
-                                    );
-                                })
-                            ) : ''}
-                            {('stocks_value' in data) ? (
-                                <Grid item xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={12}>
-                                    <Typography variant="h6">{translate('dashboard.accounts.stocks_value')}</Typography>
-                                    <Typography variant="h4" classes={{ root: data.stocks_value > 0 ? styles.good : styles.bad }}>{data.stocks_value > 0 ? '+' : ''}{Number(data.stocks_value).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}</Typography>
-                                </Grid>
-                            ) : ''}
-                        </Grid>
-                    )}
-                </CardContent>
-            </Card>
-        </Grid>
-    ) : <></>);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const styles = useStyles();
+  return 'accounts' in data && 'stocks_value' in data ? (
+    <Grid item xs={12} lg={4} xl={3}>
+      <Card style={{ height: '100%' }}>
+        <CardContent>
+          {data['accounts'].length === 0 && !('stocks_value' in data) ? (
+            translate('dashboard.alerts.none')
+          ) : (
+            <Grid container style={{ justifyContent: 'space-between' }}>
+              {data['accounts'].length !== 0
+                ? data['accounts'].map((value, i) => {
+                    return (
+                      <Grid item xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={12} key={i}>
+                        <Typography variant="h6">{value.name}</Typography>
+                        <Typography
+                          variant="h4"
+                          classes={{
+                            root: value.balance > 0 ? styles.good : styles.bad
+                          }}>
+                          {value.balance > 0 ? '+' : ''}
+                          {Number(value.balance).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                            currency: 'EUR',
+                            currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                            style: 'currency'
+                          })}
+                        </Typography>
+                      </Grid>
+                    );
+                  })
+                : ''}
+              {'stocks_value' in data ? (
+                <Grid item xs={12} sm={6} md={4} lg={12}>
+                  <Typography variant="h6">{translate('dashboard.accounts.stocks_value')}</Typography>
+                  <Typography
+                    variant="h4"
+                    classes={{
+                      root: data.stocks_value > 0 ? styles.good : styles.bad
+                    }}>
+                    {data.stocks_value > 0 ? '+' : ''}
+                    {Number(data.stocks_value).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                      currency: 'EUR',
+                      currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                      style: 'currency'
+                    })}
+                  </Typography>
+                </Grid>
+              ) : (
+                ''
+              )}
+            </Grid>
+          )}
+        </CardContent>
+      </Card>
+    </Grid>
+  ) : (
+    <></>
+  );
+AccountsPanel.propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.any
 const ProductsAlertsPanel = ({ data }) => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    return ('products_alerts' in data ? (
-        <Grid item xs={12} lg xl>
-            <Card style={{ height: '100%' }}>
-                <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.alerts.title')} />
-                <CardContent>
-                    {data['products_alerts'].length === 0 ? translate('dashboard.alerts.none') : (
-                        <Table size="small">
-                            <TableBody>
-                                <TableRow>
-                                    <TableCell>{translate('dashboard.alerts.id')}</TableCell>
-                                    <TableCell>{translate('dashboard.alerts.name')}</TableCell>
-                                    <TableCell>{translate('dashboard.alerts.count')}</TableCell>
-                                    <TableCell>{translate('dashboard.alerts.treshold')}</TableCell>
-                                </TableRow>
-                                {data['products_alerts'].map((value) => (
-                                    <TableRow key={value.id}>
-                                        <TableCell>{value.id}</TableCell>
-                                        <TableCell component="th" scope="row">
-                                            {value.name}
-                                        </TableCell>
-                                        <TableCell component="th" scope="row">
-                                            {value.count}
-                                        </TableCell>
-                                        <TableCell component="th" scope="row">
-                                            {value.alert_level}
-                                        </TableCell>
-                                    </TableRow>
-                                ))}
-                            </TableBody>
-                        </Table>
-                    )}
-                </CardContent>
-            </Card>
-        </Grid >
-    ) : '');
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  return 'products_alerts' in data ? (
+    <Grid item xs={12} lg xl>
+      <Card style={{ height: '100%' }}>
+        <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.alerts.title')} />
+        <CardContent>
+          {data['products_alerts'].length === 0 ? (
+            translate('dashboard.alerts.none')
+          ) : (
+            <Table size="small">
+              <TableBody>
+                <TableRow>
+                  <TableCell>{translate('dashboard.alerts.id')}</TableCell>
+                  <TableCell>{translate('dashboard.alerts.name')}</TableCell>
+                  <TableCell>{translate('dashboard.alerts.count')}</TableCell>
+                  <TableCell>{translate('dashboard.alerts.treshold')}</TableCell>
+                </TableRow>
+                {data['products_alerts'].map((value) => (
+                  <TableRow key={value.id}>
+                    <TableCell>{value.id}</TableCell>
+                    <TableCell component="th" scope="row">
+                      {value.name}
+                    </TableCell>
+                    <TableCell component="th" scope="row">
+                      {value.count}
+                    </TableCell>
+                    <TableCell component="th" scope="row">
+                      {value.alert_level}
+                    </TableCell>
+                  </TableRow>
+                ))}
+              </TableBody>
+            </Table>
+          )}
+        </CardContent>
+      </Card>
+    </Grid>
+  ) : (
+    ''
+  );
+ProductsAlertsPanel.propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.any
 function TabPanel(props) {
-    const { children, value, index, ...other } = props;
-    return (
-        <div
-            role="tabpanel"
-            hidden={value !== index}
-            id={`simple-tabpanel-${index}`}
-            aria-labelledby={`simple-tab-${index}`}
-            {...other}
-        >
-            {value === index && (
-                <>{children}</>
-            )}
-        </div>
-    );
+  const { children, value, index, ...other } = props;
+  return (
+    <div role="tabpanel" hidden={value !== index} id={`simple-tabpanel-${index}`} aria-labelledby={`simple-tab-${index}`} {...other}>
+      {value === index && <>{children}</>}
+    </div>
+  );
+TabPanel.propTypes = {
+  children: PropTypes.any,
+  value: PropTypes.number,
+  index: PropTypes.number
 function permMatch(userperms, elemperm) {
-    if (userperms === undefined)
-        return false;
+  if (userperms === undefined) return false;
-    const [resource, access] = elemperm.split(".");
+  const [resource, access] = elemperm.split('.');
-    return userperms.includes("*.*") || userperms.includes(resource + ".*") || userperms.includes("*." + access) || userperms.includes(elemperm);
+  return userperms.includes('*.*') || userperms.includes(resource + '.*') || userperms.includes('*.' + access) || userperms.includes(elemperm);
-const StatisticsPanel = (props) => {
-    const [value, setValue] = React.useState(0);
-    const { permissions } = usePermissions();
-    const handleChange = (event, newValue) => {
-        setValue(newValue);
-    };
-    let i = 0;
-    return (permMatch(permissions, "accounts.show") || permMatch(permissions, "sales.show") || permMatch(permissions, "users.show")) ? (
-        <Grid item xs={12}>
-            <Card style={{ height: '100%' }}>
-                <Tabs
-                    value={value}
-                    onChange={handleChange}
-                    indicatorColor="primary"
-                    textColor="primary">
-                    {permMatch(permissions, "accounts.show") ? (<Tab label="Comptes" />) : ""}
-                    {permMatch(permissions, "sales.show") ? (<Tab label="Stocks" />) : ""}
-                    {permMatch(permissions, "users.show") ? (<Tab label="Vendeurs" />) : ""}
-                </Tabs>
-                {permMatch(permissions, "accounts.show") ? (<TabPanel value={value} index={i++}>
-                    <AccountsStatistics />
-                </TabPanel>) : ""}
-                {permMatch(permissions, "sales.show") ? (<TabPanel value={value} index={i++}>
-                    <ProductsStatistics />
-                </TabPanel>) : ""}
-                {permMatch(permissions, "users.show") ? (<TabPanel value={value} index={i++}>
-                    <SellersStatistics />
-                </TabPanel>) : ""}
-            </Card>
-        </Grid>
-    ) : "";
+const StatisticsPanel = () => {
+  const [value, setValue] = React.useState(0);
+  const { permissions } = usePermissions();
+  const handleChange = (event, newValue) => {
+    setValue(newValue);
+  };
+  let i = 0;
+  return permMatch(permissions, 'accounts.show') || permMatch(permissions, 'sales.show') || permMatch(permissions, 'users.show') ? (
+    <Grid item xs={12}>
+      <Card style={{ height: '100%' }}>
+        <Tabs value={value} onChange={handleChange} indicatorColor="primary" textColor="primary">
+          {permMatch(permissions, 'accounts.show') ? <Tab label="Comptes" /> : ''}
+          {permMatch(permissions, 'sales.show') ? <Tab label="Stocks" /> : ''}
+          {permMatch(permissions, 'users.show') ? <Tab label="Vendeurs" /> : ''}
+        </Tabs>
+        {permMatch(permissions, 'accounts.show') ? (
+          <TabPanel value={value} index={i++}>
+            <AccountsStatistics />
+          </TabPanel>
+        ) : (
+          ''
+        )}
+        {permMatch(permissions, 'sales.show') ? (
+          <TabPanel value={value} index={i++}>
+            <ProductsStatistics />
+          </TabPanel>
+        ) : (
+          ''
+        )}
+        {permMatch(permissions, 'users.show') ? (
+          <TabPanel value={value} index={i++}>
+            <SellersStatistics />
+          </TabPanel>
+        ) : (
+          ''
+        )}
+      </Card>
+    </Grid>
+  ) : (
+    ''
+  );
 const Dashboard = () => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    ColorProvider.shuffle(300);
-    const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({
-        type: 'getOne',
-        resource: 'dashboard',
-        payload: { id: 'home' }
-    });
-    if (loading) return <Loading />;
-    if (error) return <Error error={error} />;
-    if (!data) return null;
-    return (
-        <Grid container spacing={1}>
-            <Title title={translate('dashboard.welcome')} />
-            {localStorage.getItem("dash.showAccounts") !== "false" && <AccountsPanel data={data} />}
-            {localStorage.getItem("dash.showAlerts") !== "false" && <ProductsAlertsPanel data={data} />}
-            {localStorage.getItem("dash.showGraphs") !== "false" && <StatisticsPanel />}
-        </Grid >
-    );
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  ColorProvider.shuffle(300);
+  const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({
+    type: 'getOne',
+    resource: 'dashboard',
+    payload: { id: 'home' }
+  });
+  if (loading) return <Loading />;
+  if (error) return <Error error={error} />;
+  if (!data) return null;
+  return (
+    <Grid container spacing={1}>
+      <Title title={translate('dashboard.welcome')} />
+      {localStorage.getItem('dash.showAccounts') !== 'false' && <AccountsPanel data={data} />}
+      {localStorage.getItem('dash.showAlerts') !== 'false' && <ProductsAlertsPanel data={data} />}
+      {localStorage.getItem('dash.showGraphs') !== 'false' && <StatisticsPanel />}
+    </Grid>
+  );
 export default Dashboard;
diff --git a/src/pages/statistics/AccountsStatistics.js b/src/pages/statistics/AccountsStatistics.js
index f7a228ba1276dafc25241322cabc3dc8952312cd..c634d0a40cdc7ff3e30c60834ce519d568588766 100644
--- a/src/pages/statistics/AccountsStatistics.js
+++ b/src/pages/statistics/AccountsStatistics.js
@@ -1,109 +1,144 @@
 import { CardHeader, Grid } from '@material-ui/core';
 import { format } from 'date-fns';
-import { default as React } from "react";
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { default as React } from 'react';
 import { Error, Loading, useQuery, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
 import { CartesianGrid, Cell, Legend, Line, LineChart, Pie, PieChart, ResponsiveContainer, Tooltip, XAxis, YAxis } from 'recharts';
 import ColorProvider from '../../providers/ColorProvider';
-const dateFormatter = date => {
-    return format(new Date(date * 1000), "dd/MM/yyyy");
+const dateFormatter = (date) => {
+  return format(new Date(date * 1000), 'dd/MM/yyyy');
-const formatter = (value, name, props) => {
-    return (value >= 0 ? '+' : '') + Number(value).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' });
+const formatter = (value) => {
+  return (
+    (value >= 0 ? '+' : '') +
+    Number(value).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+      currency: 'EUR',
+      currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+      style: 'currency'
+    })
+  );
 const CategoriesPiePanel = ({ data }) => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    return ('categories' in data ? (
-        <>
-            <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={4}>
-                <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.categories_positive.title')} />
-                <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height={200}>
-                    <PieChart width={400} height={200}>
-                        <Tooltip itemStyle={{ color: 'white !important' }} formatter={formatter} />
-                        <Pie dataKey={'value'} label={(d) => (d.name)} data={data.categories_positive} cx="50%" cy="50%" innerRadius={30} outerRadius={50}>
-                            {data.categories_positive.map((entry, index) => (
-                                <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} />
-                            ))}
-                        </Pie>
-                    </PieChart>
-                </ResponsiveContainer>
-            </Grid>
-            <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={4}>
-                <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.categories_negative.title')} />
-                <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height={200}>
-                    <PieChart width={400} height={200}>
-                        <Tooltip itemStyle={{ color: 'white !important' }} formatter={formatter} />
-                        <Pie dataKey={'value'} label={(d) => (d.name)} data={data.categories_negative} cx="50%" cy="50%" innerRadius={30} outerRadius={50}>
-                            {data.categories_negative.map((entry, index) => (
-                                <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} />
-                            ))}
-                        </Pie>
-                    </PieChart>
-                </ResponsiveContainer>
-            </Grid>
-            <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={4}>
-                <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.categories.title')} />
-                <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height={200}>
-                    <PieChart width={400} height={200}>
-                        <Tooltip itemStyle={{ color: 'white !important' }} formatter={formatter} />
-                        <Pie dataKey={'value'} label={(d) => (d.name)} data={data.categories} cx="50%" cy="50%" innerRadius={30} outerRadius={50}>
-                            {data.categories.map((entry, index) => (
-                                <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} />
-                            ))}
-                        </Pie>
-                    </PieChart>
-                </ResponsiveContainer>
-            </Grid>
-        </>
-    ) : '');
+  return 'categories' in data ? (
+    <>
+      <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={4}>
+        <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.categories_positive.title')} />
+        <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height={200}>
+          <PieChart width={400} height={200}>
+            <Tooltip itemStyle={{ color: 'white !important' }} formatter={formatter} />
+            <Pie dataKey={'value'} label={(d) => d.name} data={data.categories_positive} cx="50%" cy="50%" innerRadius={30} outerRadius={50}>
+              {data.categories_positive.map((entry, index) => (
+                <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} />
+              ))}
+            </Pie>
+          </PieChart>
+        </ResponsiveContainer>
+      </Grid>
+      <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={4}>
+        <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.categories_negative.title')} />
+        <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height={200}>
+          <PieChart width={400} height={200}>
+            <Tooltip itemStyle={{ color: 'white !important' }} formatter={formatter} />
+            <Pie dataKey={'value'} label={(d) => d.name} data={data.categories_negative} cx="50%" cy="50%" innerRadius={30} outerRadius={50}>
+              {data.categories_negative.map((entry, index) => (
+                <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} />
+              ))}
+            </Pie>
+          </PieChart>
+        </ResponsiveContainer>
+      </Grid>
+      <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={4}>
+        <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.categories.title')} />
+        <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height={200}>
+          <PieChart width={400} height={200}>
+            <Tooltip itemStyle={{ color: 'white !important' }} formatter={formatter} />
+            <Pie dataKey={'value'} label={(d) => d.name} data={data.categories} cx="50%" cy="50%" innerRadius={30} outerRadius={50}>
+              {data.categories.map((entry, index) => (
+                <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} />
+              ))}
+            </Pie>
+          </PieChart>
+        </ResponsiveContainer>
+      </Grid>
+    </>
+  ) : (
+    ''
+  );
+CategoriesPiePanel.propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.any
 const TransactionsGraphPanel = ({ data }) => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  let start = new Date();
+  start.setFullYear(start.getFullYear() - 1);
-    let start = new Date();
-    start.setFullYear(start.getFullYear() - 1);
+  return 'transactions' in data ? (
+    <Grid item xs={12}>
+      <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.transactions.title')} />
+      <ResponsiveContainer width={'99%'} height={400}>
+        <LineChart data={data.transactions.data} width={600} height={300} margin={{ top: 10, right: 30, left: 0, bottom: 0 }}>
+          <XAxis
+            domain={[Math.floor(start.getTime() / 1000), Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)]}
+            type="number"
+            dataKey={data.transactions.date_field}
+            tickFormatter={dateFormatter}
+          />
+          <Tooltip labelFormatter={dateFormatter} formatter={formatter} />
+          <Legend verticalAlign="top" />
+          <YAxis />
+          {Object.keys(data.transactions.accounts).map((key) => {
+            return (
+              <Line
+                stroke={ColorProvider.randomSColor()}
+                connectNulls
+                type="monotone"
+                dataKey={key}
+                name={data.transactions.accounts[key]}
+                key={key}
+                strokeWidth={2}
+                dot={false}
+              />
+            );
+          })}
+          <CartesianGrid stroke="#505050" strokeDasharray="5 5" />
+        </LineChart>
+      </ResponsiveContainer>
+    </Grid>
+  ) : (
+    ''
+  );
-    return ('transactions' in data ? (
-        <Grid item xs={12}>
-            <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.transactions.title')} />
-            <ResponsiveContainer width={'99%'} height={400}>
-                <LineChart data={data.transactions.data} width={600} height={300}
-                    margin={{ top: 10, right: 30, left: 0, bottom: 0 }}>
-                    <XAxis domain={[Math.floor(start.getTime() / 1000), Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)]} type="number" dataKey={data.transactions.date_field} tickFormatter={dateFormatter} />
-                    <Tooltip labelFormatter={dateFormatter} formatter={formatter} />
-                    <Legend verticalAlign="top" />
-                    <YAxis />
-                    {Object.keys(data.transactions.accounts).map((key) => {
-                        return <Line stroke={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} connectNulls type="monotone" dataKey={key} name={data.transactions.accounts[key]} key={key} strokeWidth={2} dot={false} />;
-                    })}
-                    <CartesianGrid stroke="#505050" strokeDasharray="5 5" />
-                </LineChart>
-            </ResponsiveContainer>
-        </Grid>
-    ) : '');
+TransactionsGraphPanel.propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.any
-const AccountsStatistics = (props) => {
-    const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({
-        type: 'getOne',
-        resource: 'dashboard',
-        payload: { id: 'accounts' }
-    });
+const AccountsStatistics = () => {
+  const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({
+    type: 'getOne',
+    resource: 'dashboard',
+    payload: { id: 'accounts' }
+  });
-    if (loading) return <Loading />;
-    if (error) return <Error error={error} />;
-    if (!data) return null;
+  if (loading) return <Loading />;
+  if (error) return <Error error={error} />;
+  if (!data) return null;
-    return (
-        <Grid container>
-            <TransactionsGraphPanel data={data} />
-            <CategoriesPiePanel data={data} />
-        </Grid>
-    );
+  return (
+    <Grid container>
+      <TransactionsGraphPanel data={data} />
+      <CategoriesPiePanel data={data} />
+    </Grid>
+  );
-export default AccountsStatistics;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default AccountsStatistics;
diff --git a/src/pages/statistics/ProductsStatistics.js b/src/pages/statistics/ProductsStatistics.js
index d68657b32f70519ad622c1e70e7927972d2e0361..9688182a555a6638a54326d3af7733c19934375d 100644
--- a/src/pages/statistics/ProductsStatistics.js
+++ b/src/pages/statistics/ProductsStatistics.js
@@ -1,69 +1,73 @@
 import { CardHeader, Grid } from '@material-ui/core';
 import _ from 'lodash';
-import { default as React } from "react";
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { default as React } from 'react';
 import { Error, Loading, useQuery, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
 import { Bar, BarChart, Cell, LabelList, ResponsiveContainer, Tooltip, XAxis, YAxis } from 'recharts';
 import ColorProvider from '../../providers/ColorProvider';
 const renderCustomizedLabel = (props) => {
-    const {
-        x, y, width, height, value,
-    } = props;
+  const { x, y, width, height, value } = props;
-    const fireOffset = width < 100;
-    const offset = fireOffset ? -180 : 5;
-    return (
-        <text x={x + width - offset} y={y + height - (fireOffset ? 4 : 3)} fill={fireOffset ? "#fff" : "#303030"} textAnchor="end">
-            {value}
-        </text>
-    );
+  const fireOffset = width < 100;
+  const offset = fireOffset ? -180 : 5;
+  return (
+    <text x={x + width - offset} y={y + height - (fireOffset ? 4 : 3)} fill={fireOffset ? '#fff' : '#303030'} textAnchor="end">
+      {value}
+    </text>
+  );
 const BestProductsBarPanel = ({ data }) => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    let products = [];
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  let products = [];
-    if ('products' in data)
-        products = _.orderBy(data.products, 'value', 'desc');
+  if ('products' in data) products = _.orderBy(data.products, 'value', 'desc');
-    return ('products' in data ? (
-        <>
-            <Grid item xs={12}>
-                <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.products.title')} />
-                <ResponsiveContainer width={'99%'} height={products.length * 20 + 40}>
-                    <BarChart width={100} height={800} data={products} layout="vertical">
-                        <XAxis type="number" />
-                        <YAxis type="category" dataKey="name" tick={false} />
-                        <Tooltip itemStyle={{ color: 'white !important' }} />
-                        <Bar dataKey="value" label={(d) => (d.name)} barSize={16}>
-                            {products.map((entry, index) => (
-                                <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} />
-                            ))}
-                            <LabelList dataKey="name" content={renderCustomizedLabel} position="insideRight" style={{ fill: "white" }} />
-                        </Bar>
-                    </BarChart>
-                </ResponsiveContainer>
-            </Grid>
-        </>
-    ) : '');
+  return 'products' in data ? (
+    <>
+      <Grid item xs={12}>
+        <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.products.title')} />
+        <ResponsiveContainer width={'99%'} height={products.length * 20 + 40}>
+          <BarChart width={100} height={800} data={products} layout="vertical">
+            <XAxis type="number" />
+            <YAxis type="category" dataKey="name" tick={false} />
+            <Tooltip itemStyle={{ color: 'white !important' }} />
+            <Bar dataKey="value" label={(d) => d.name} barSize={16}>
+              {products.map((entry, index) => (
+                <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} />
+              ))}
+              <LabelList dataKey="name" content={renderCustomizedLabel} position="insideRight" style={{ fill: 'white' }} />
+            </Bar>
+          </BarChart>
+        </ResponsiveContainer>
+      </Grid>
+    </>
+  ) : (
+    ''
+  );
-const ProductsStatistics = (props) => {
-    const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({
-        type: 'getOne',
-        resource: 'dashboard',
-        payload: { id: 'products' }
-    });
+BestProductsBarPanel.propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.any
+const ProductsStatistics = () => {
+  const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({
+    type: 'getOne',
+    resource: 'dashboard',
+    payload: { id: 'products' }
+  });
-    if (loading) return <Loading />;
-    if (error) return <Error error={error} />;
-    if (!data) return null;
+  if (loading) return <Loading />;
+  if (error) return <Error error={error} />;
+  if (!data) return null;
-    return (
-        <Grid container>
-            <BestProductsBarPanel data={data} />
-        </Grid>
-    );
+  return (
+    <Grid container>
+      <BestProductsBarPanel data={data} />
+    </Grid>
+  );
-export default ProductsStatistics;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default ProductsStatistics;
diff --git a/src/pages/statistics/SellersStatistics.js b/src/pages/statistics/SellersStatistics.js
index 189e799c7ffd0646b822e5b2a68715cebb66db6b..e96f16c8b315748a028bc497c5742a018e412bd5 100644
--- a/src/pages/statistics/SellersStatistics.js
+++ b/src/pages/statistics/SellersStatistics.js
@@ -1,69 +1,73 @@
 import { CardHeader, Grid } from '@material-ui/core';
 import _ from 'lodash';
-import { default as React } from "react";
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { default as React } from 'react';
 import { Error, Loading, useQuery, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
 import { Bar, BarChart, Cell, LabelList, ResponsiveContainer, Tooltip, XAxis, YAxis } from 'recharts';
 import ColorProvider from '../../providers/ColorProvider';
 const renderCustomizedLabel = (props) => {
-    const {
-        x, y, width, height, value,
-    } = props;
+  const { x, y, width, height, value } = props;
-    const fireOffset = width < 100;
-    const offset = fireOffset ? -180 : 5;
-    return (
-        <text x={x + width - offset} y={y + height - (fireOffset ? 4 : 3)} fill={fireOffset ? "#fff" : "#303030"} textAnchor="end">
-            {value}
-        </text>
-    );
+  const fireOffset = width < 100;
+  const offset = fireOffset ? -180 : 5;
+  return (
+    <text x={x + width - offset} y={y + height - (fireOffset ? 4 : 3)} fill={fireOffset ? '#fff' : '#303030'} textAnchor="end">
+      {value}
+    </text>
+  );
 const BestSellersBarPanel = ({ data }) => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    let sellers = [];
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  let sellers = [];
-    if ('sellers' in data)
-        sellers = _.orderBy(data.sellers, 'value', 'desc');
+  if ('sellers' in data) sellers = _.orderBy(data.sellers, 'value', 'desc');
-    return ('sellers' in data ? (
-        <>
-            <Grid item xs={12}>
-                <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.sellers.title')} />
-                <ResponsiveContainer width={'99%'} height={sellers.length * 20 + 40}>
-                    <BarChart width={100} height={800} data={sellers} layout="vertical">
-                        <XAxis type="number" />
-                        <YAxis type="category" dataKey="name" tick={false} />
-                        <Tooltip itemStyle={{ color: 'white !important' }} />
-                        <Bar dataKey="value" label={(d) => (d.name)} barSize={16}>
-                            {sellers.map((entry, index) => (
-                                <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} />
-                            ))}
-                            <LabelList dataKey="name" content={renderCustomizedLabel} position="insideRight" style={{ fill: "white" }} />
-                        </Bar>
-                    </BarChart>
-                </ResponsiveContainer>
-            </Grid>
-        </>
-    ) : '');
+  return 'sellers' in data ? (
+    <>
+      <Grid item xs={12}>
+        <CardHeader title={translate('dashboard.sellers.title')} />
+        <ResponsiveContainer width={'99%'} height={sellers.length * 20 + 40}>
+          <BarChart width={100} height={800} data={sellers} layout="vertical">
+            <XAxis type="number" />
+            <YAxis type="category" dataKey="name" tick={false} />
+            <Tooltip itemStyle={{ color: 'white !important' }} />
+            <Bar dataKey="value" label={(d) => d.name} barSize={16}>
+              {sellers.map((entry, index) => (
+                <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={ColorProvider.randomSColor()} />
+              ))}
+              <LabelList dataKey="name" content={renderCustomizedLabel} position="insideRight" style={{ fill: 'white' }} />
+            </Bar>
+          </BarChart>
+        </ResponsiveContainer>
+      </Grid>
+    </>
+  ) : (
+    ''
+  );
-const SellersStatistics = (props) => {
-    const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({
-        type: 'getOne',
-        resource: 'dashboard',
-        payload: { id: 'sellers' }
-    });
+BestSellersBarPanel.propTypes = {
+  data: PropTypes.any
+const SellersStatistics = () => {
+  const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({
+    type: 'getOne',
+    resource: 'dashboard',
+    payload: { id: 'sellers' }
+  });
-    if (loading) return <Loading />;
-    if (error) return <Error error={error} />;
-    if (!data) return null;
+  if (loading) return <Loading />;
+  if (error) return <Error error={error} />;
+  if (!data) return null;
-    return (
-        <Grid container>
-            <BestSellersBarPanel data={data} />
-        </Grid>
-    );
+  return (
+    <Grid container>
+      <BestSellersBarPanel data={data} />
+    </Grid>
+  );
-export default SellersStatistics;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default SellersStatistics;
diff --git a/src/providers/AuthProvider.js b/src/providers/AuthProvider.js
index fa411ff2f4b5c7fbf3436f834e8212d140b04bc4..7489fc88783428e860d6de153baa2303fe4c1516 100644
--- a/src/providers/AuthProvider.js
+++ b/src/providers/AuthProvider.js
@@ -1,102 +1,108 @@
 import axios from 'axios';
 class AuthProvider {
-    /**
-     * Authenticates an user
-     */
-    login({ user }) {
-        let data = user;
-        data["fullName"] = data.email;
-        localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(data));
-        localStorage.setItem('logged', "1");
-        return Promise.resolve();
-    }
+  /**
+   * Authenticates an user
+   */
+  login({ user }) {
+    let data = user;
+    data['fullName'] = data.email;
+    localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(data));
+    localStorage.setItem('logged', '1');
+    return Promise.resolve();
+  }
-    /**
-     * Gets the identity of an user
-     */
-    getIdentity() {
-        if (localStorage.getItem('user')) {
-            return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user')));
-        } else {
-            return Promise.reject();
-        }
+  /**
+   * Gets the identity of an user
+   */
+  getIdentity() {
+    if (localStorage.getItem('user')) {
+      return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user')));
+    } else {
+      return Promise.reject();
+  }
-    /**
-     * Updates the email of the user in the localstorage
-     */
-    updateEmail(newEmail) {
-        if (localStorage.getItem('user')) {
-            const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user'));
-            data.email = newEmail;
-            data.fullName = newEmail;
-            localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(data));
-            return Promise.resolve();
-        } else {
-            return Promise.reject();
-        }
+  /**
+   * Updates the email of the user in the localstorage
+   */
+  updateEmail(newEmail) {
+    if (localStorage.getItem('user')) {
+      const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user'));
+      data.email = newEmail;
+      data.fullName = newEmail;
+      localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(data));
+      return Promise.resolve();
+    } else {
+      return Promise.reject();
+  }
-    /**
-     * Check if the error is an authentication error
-     */
-    checkError(error) {
-        const status = error?.status;
-        if (status === 401 || status === 403 || error.message === "Unauthenticated.") {
-            localStorage.setItem('logged', "0");
-            localStorage.removeItem('user');
-            return Promise.reject();
-        }
-        return Promise.resolve();
+  /**
+   * Check if the error is an authentication error
+   */
+  checkError(error) {
+    const status = error?.status;
+    if (status === 401 || status === 403 || error.message === 'Unauthenticated.') {
+      localStorage.setItem('logged', '0');
+      localStorage.removeItem('user');
+      return Promise.reject();
+    return Promise.resolve();
+  }
-    /**
-     * Check if we are authenticated
-     */
-    checkAuth(params) {
-        if (localStorage.getItem('user')) {
-            return Promise.resolve();
-        } else if (localStorage.getItem('logged') === "0") {
-            return Promise.reject();
-        } else {
-            return axios.get('/profile/me').then(response => {
-                let data = response.data.data;
-                data["fullName"] = data.email;
-                localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(data));
-                return Promise.resolve();
-            }).catch(error => {
-                console.log(error);
-                localStorage.setItem('logged', "0");
-                localStorage.removeItem('user');
-                return Promise.reject(error);
-            });
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Log out
-     */
-    logout() {
-        return axios.post('/logout').then(response => {
-            localStorage.removeItem('user');
-            localStorage.setItem('logged', "0");
-            return Promise.resolve();
-        }).catch(error => {
-            return Promise.reject();
+  /**
+   * Check if we are authenticated
+   */
+  checkAuth() {
+    if (localStorage.getItem('user')) {
+      return Promise.resolve();
+    } else if (localStorage.getItem('logged') === '0') {
+      return Promise.reject();
+    } else {
+      return axios
+        .get('/profile/me')
+        .then((response) => {
+          let data = response.data.data;
+          data['fullName'] = data.email;
+          localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(data));
+          return Promise.resolve();
+        })
+        .catch((error) => {
+          console.log(error);
+          localStorage.setItem('logged', '0');
+          localStorage.removeItem('user');
+          return Promise.reject(error);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Log out
+   */
+  logout() {
+    return axios
+      .post('/logout')
+      .then(() => {
+        localStorage.removeItem('user');
+        localStorage.setItem('logged', '0');
+        return Promise.resolve();
+      })
+      .catch(() => {
+        return Promise.reject();
+      });
+  }
-    /**
-     * Get a list of the permissions
-     */
-    getPermissions(params) {
-        if (localStorage.getItem('user')) {
-            return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user'))["permissions"]);
-        } else {
-            return Promise.resolve([]);
-        }
+  /**
+   * Get a list of the permissions
+   */
+  getPermissions() {
+    if (localStorage.getItem('user')) {
+      return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('user'))['permissions']);
+    } else {
+      return Promise.resolve([]);
+  }
 export default new AuthProvider();
diff --git a/src/providers/ColorProvider.js b/src/providers/ColorProvider.js
index 57a43be6e3806c3c43be25e907545ab9d19f32c7..756c7d35366b2b683e4852e7fb64e553e8ba546c 100644
--- a/src/providers/ColorProvider.js
+++ b/src/providers/ColorProvider.js
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 import amber from '@material-ui/core/colors/amber';
 import blue from '@material-ui/core/colors/blue';
 // import blueGrey from '@material-ui/core/colors/blueGrey';
@@ -21,60 +20,60 @@ import yellow from '@material-ui/core/colors/yellow';
 import _ from 'lodash';
 const colors = {
-    'amber': amber,
-    'blue': blue,
-    //    'blueGrey': blueGrey,
-    //    'brown': brown,
-    'cyan': cyan,
-    'deepOrange': deepOrange,
-    'deepPurple': deepPurple,
-    'green': green,
-    //    'grey': grey,
-    'indigo': indigo,
-    'lightBlue': lightBlue,
-    'lightGreen': lightGreen,
-    'lime': lime,
-    'orange': orange,
-    'pink': pink,
-    'purple': purple,
-    'red': red,
-    'teal': teal,
-    'yellow': yellow
+  amber: amber,
+  blue: blue,
+  //    'blueGrey': blueGrey,
+  //    'brown': brown,
+  cyan: cyan,
+  deepOrange: deepOrange,
+  deepPurple: deepPurple,
+  green: green,
+  //    'grey': grey,
+  indigo: indigo,
+  lightBlue: lightBlue,
+  lightGreen: lightGreen,
+  lime: lime,
+  orange: orange,
+  pink: pink,
+  purple: purple,
+  red: red,
+  teal: teal,
+  yellow: yellow
 const randomProperty = (obj) => {
-    var keys = Object.keys(obj);
-    return obj[keys[keys.length * Math.random() << 0]];
+  var keys = Object.keys(obj);
+  return obj[keys[(keys.length * Math.random()) << 0]];
 class ColorProvider {
-    constructor() {
-        this.shuffled_colors = ['#FF0000'];
-        this.counter = 0;
-    }
+  constructor() {
+    this.shuffled_colors = ['#FF0000'];
+    this.counter = 0;
+  }
-    randomColor(shade) {
-        return randomProperty(colors)[shade];
-    }
+  randomColor(shade) {
+    return randomProperty(colors)[shade];
+  }
-    randomSColor() {
-        this.counter = (this.counter + 1) % this.shuffled_colors.length;
-        return this.shuffled_colors[this.counter];
-    }
+  randomSColor() {
+    this.counter = (this.counter + 1) % this.shuffled_colors.length;
+    return this.shuffled_colors[this.counter];
+  }
-    shuffledColors(shade) {
-        let color_arr = [];
-        for (let key in colors) {
-            color_arr.push(colors[key][shade]);
-        }
-        return _.shuffle(color_arr);
+  shuffledColors(shade) {
+    let color_arr = [];
+    for (let key in colors) {
+      color_arr.push(colors[key][shade]);
+    return _.shuffle(color_arr);
+  }
-    shuffle(shade) {
-        this.shuffled_colors = this.shuffledColors(shade);
-        this.counter = 0;
-    }
+  shuffle(shade) {
+    this.shuffled_colors = this.shuffledColors(shade);
+    this.counter = 0;
+  }
 const instance = new ColorProvider();
-export default instance;
\ No newline at end of file
+export default instance;
diff --git a/src/providers/DataProvider.js b/src/providers/DataProvider.js
index d4eb36ba19feb10dc78a1ac5198d0be4d61ed025..75139cfea47b723d61fead4bf7af1491ed4639a3 100644
--- a/src/providers/DataProvider.js
+++ b/src/providers/DataProvider.js
@@ -2,145 +2,189 @@ import axios from 'axios';
 import _ from 'underscore';
 class DataProvider {
-    reload(resource) {
-        return axios.get('/' + resource + '/reload').then(response => {
-            return Promise.resolve({ 'data': {} });
-        }).catch(this.__handleError);
+  reload(resource) {
+    return axios
+      .get('/' + resource + '/reload')
+      .then(() => {
+        return Promise.resolve({ data: {} });
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  archive(resource) {
+    return axios
+      .get('/' + resource + '/archive')
+      .then(() => {
+        return Promise.resolve({ data: {} });
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  getList(resource, params) {
+    let filter = '';
+    for (let key in params.filter) {
+      if (params.filter[key] === true) params.filter[key] = 1;
+      if (params.filter[key] === false) params.filter[key] = 0;
+      filter += '&filter[' + encodeURIComponent(key) + ']=' + encodeURIComponent(params.filter[key]);
-    archive(resource) {
-        return axios.get('/' + resource + '/archive').then(response => {
-            return Promise.resolve({ 'data': {} });
-        }).catch(this.__handleError);
+    return axios
+      .get(
+        '/' +
+          resource +
+          '?per_page=' +
+          params.pagination.perPage +
+          '&page=' +
+          params.pagination.page +
+          '&order_by=' +
+          params.sort.field +
+          '&order_sort=' +
+          params.sort.order +
+          filter
+      )
+      .then((response) => {
+        return response.data;
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  getAll(resource, params) {
+    let filter = '';
+    for (let key in params.filter) {
+      if (params.filter[key] === true) params.filter[key] = 1;
+      if (params.filter[key] === false) params.filter[key] = 0;
+      filter += '?filter[' + encodeURIComponent(key) + ']=' + encodeURIComponent(params.filter[key]);
-    getList(resource, params) {
-        let filter = "";
-        for (let key in params.filter) {
-            if (params.filter[key] === true) params.filter[key] = 1;
-            if (params.filter[key] === false) params.filter[key] = 0;
-            filter += "&filter[" + encodeURIComponent(key) + "]=" + encodeURIComponent(params.filter[key]);
-        }
-        return axios.get('/' + resource +
-            '?per_page=' + params.pagination.perPage +
-            '&page=' + params.pagination.page +
-            '&order_by=' + params.sort.field +
-            '&order_sort=' + params.sort.order +
-            filter).then(response => {
-                return response.data;
-            }).catch(this.__handleError);
-    }
-    getAll(resource, params) {
-        let filter = "";
-        for (let key in params.filter) {
-            if (params.filter[key] === true) params.filter[key] = 1;
-            if (params.filter[key] === false) params.filter[key] = 0;
-            filter += "?filter[" + encodeURIComponent(key) + "]=" + encodeURIComponent(params.filter[key]);
-        }
-        return axios.get('/' + resource +
-            filter).then(response => {
-                return response.data;
-            }).catch(this.__handleError);
-    }
-    getOne(resource, { id }) {
-        return axios.get('/' + resource + '/' + id).then(response => {
-            return response.data;
-        }).catch(this.__handleError);
+    return axios
+      .get('/' + resource + filter)
+      .then((response) => {
+        return response.data;
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  getOne(resource, { id }) {
+    return axios
+      .get('/' + resource + '/' + id)
+      .then((response) => {
+        return response.data;
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  export(resource, { id }) {
+    return axios
+      .get('/' + resource + '/' + id + '/export')
+      .then((response) => {
+        return response.data;
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  getMany(resource, { ids }) {
+    let parameters = '';
+    for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+      if (i === 0) {
+        parameters += '?ids[]=' + ids[i];
+      } else {
+        parameters += '&ids[]=' + ids[i];
+      }
-    export(resource, { id }) {
-        return axios.get('/' + resource + '/' + id + '/export').then(response => {
-            return response.data;
-        }).catch(this.__handleError);
-    }
-    getMany(resource, { ids }) {
-        let parameters = "";
-        for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
-            if (i === 0) {
-                parameters += "?ids[]=" + ids[i];
-            } else {
-                parameters += "&ids[]=" + ids[i];
-            }
-        }
-        return axios.get('/' + resource + parameters).then(response => {
-            return response.data;
-        }).catch(this.__handleError);
+    return axios
+      .get('/' + resource + parameters)
+      .then((response) => {
+        return response.data;
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  deleteMany(resource, { ids }) {
+    let parameters = '';
+    for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+      if (i === 0) {
+        parameters += '?ids[]=' + ids[i];
+      } else {
+        parameters += '&ids[]=' + ids[i];
+      }
-    deleteMany(resource, { ids }) {
-        let parameters = "";
-        for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
-            if (i === 0) {
-                parameters += "?ids[]=" + ids[i];
-            } else {
-                parameters += "&ids[]=" + ids[i];
-            }
-        }
-        return axios.delete('/' + resource + parameters).then(response => {
-            return response.data;
-        }).catch(this.__handleError);
-    }
-    create(resource, { data }) {
-        return axios.post('/' + resource, data).then(response => {
-            return response.data;
-        }).catch(this.__handleError);
-    }
-    delete(resource, { id }) {
-        return axios.delete('/' + resource + "/" + id).then(response => {
-            return response.data;
-        }).catch(this.__handleError);
-    }
-    update(resource, { id, data, previousData }) {
-        let diff = _.omit(data, function (v, k) { return previousData[k] === v; });
-        return axios.put('/' + resource + "/" + id, diff).then(response => {
-            return response.data;
-        }).catch(this.__handleError);
-    }
-    updateMany(resource, { ids, data }) {
-        let parameters = "";
-        for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
-            if (i === 0) {
-                parameters += "?ids[]=" + ids[i];
-            } else {
-                parameters += "&ids[]=" + ids[i];
-            }
-        }
-        return axios.put('/' + resource + parameters, data).then(response => {
-            return response.data;
-        }).catch(this.__handleError);
+    return axios
+      .delete('/' + resource + parameters)
+      .then((response) => {
+        return response.data;
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  create(resource, { data }) {
+    return axios
+      .post('/' + resource, data)
+      .then((response) => {
+        return response.data;
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  delete(resource, { id }) {
+    return axios
+      .delete('/' + resource + '/' + id)
+      .then((response) => {
+        return response.data;
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  update(resource, { id, data, previousData }) {
+    let diff = _.omit(data, function (v, k) {
+      return previousData[k] === v;
+    });
+    return axios
+      .put('/' + resource + '/' + id, diff)
+      .then((response) => {
+        return response.data;
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  updateMany(resource, { ids, data }) {
+    let parameters = '';
+    for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
+      if (i === 0) {
+        parameters += '?ids[]=' + ids[i];
+      } else {
+        parameters += '&ids[]=' + ids[i];
+      }
-    __handleError(error) {
-        if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
-            let message = "";
-            if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
-                for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
-                    for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
-                        message += m + "\n";
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                message = error?.response?.data?.message;
-            }
-            return Promise.reject(new Error(message));
+    return axios
+      .put('/' + resource + parameters, data)
+      .then((response) => {
+        return response.data;
+      })
+      .catch(this.__handleError);
+  }
+  __handleError(error) {
+    if (error?.response?.data?.message) {
+      let message = '';
+      if (error?.response?.data?.errors !== undefined) {
+        for (let ms in error.response.data.errors) {
+          for (let m of error.response.data.errors[ms]) {
+            message += m + '\n';
+          }
-        return Promise.reject(new Error(error?.message));
+      } else {
+        message = error?.response?.data?.message;
+      }
+      return Promise.reject(new Error(message));
+    return Promise.reject(new Error(error?.message));
+  }
-export default new DataProvider();
\ No newline at end of file
+export default new DataProvider();
diff --git a/src/providers/I18nProvider.js b/src/providers/I18nProvider.js
index f7bbeb9c3265276319b3505a0a54b230e99e51b1..333c14d3c7047cf398fdf48283aad561430350bb 100644
--- a/src/providers/I18nProvider.js
+++ b/src/providers/I18nProvider.js
@@ -4,512 +4,515 @@ import polyglotI18nProvider from 'ra-i18n-polyglot';
 import frenchMessages from 'ra-language-french';
 const messages = {
-    'fr': merge(frenchMessages, {
-        ra: {
-            auth: {
-                email: "Email",
-                forgot: "Mot de passe oublié ?",
-                back: "Retour",
-                cancel: "Annuler",
-                reset_password: "Réinitaliser le mot de passe",
-                set_password: "Définir le mot de passe",
-                password_confirmation: "Confirmation",
-                new_password: "Nouveau mot de passe",
-                current_password: "Mot de passe actuel",
-                change_password: "Changer de mot de passe",
-                password_changed: "Mot de passe modifié!",
-                "2fa": {
-                    ask: "Voulez-vous vraiment activer l'Authentification à deux Facteurs ?",
-                    enable: "Activer l'A2F",
-                    scan: "Veuillez scanner le QR code dans votre application d'A2F",
-                    verify: "Entrez un code d'A2F pour valider",
-                    verification_code: "Code d'A2F",
-                    success: "L'Authentification à deux Facteurs et maintenant active.",
-                    validate: "Terminé",
-                    disabled: "L'Authentification à deux Facteurs a été désactivée.",
-                    disable: "Désactiver l'A2F",
-                    askdisable: "Voulez-vous vraiment désactiver l'Authentification à deux Facteurs ?",
-                    login: "Continue"
-                },
-                token: {
-                    new: {
-                        ask: "Voulez vous vraiment créer un nouveau token d'API ?",
-                        create: "Créer",
-                        name: "Nom du token",
-                        scan: "Voici votre nouveau token. Vous pouvez maintenant le scanner dans l'App ou le noter. Gardez le précieusement : vous ne le reverez jamais.",
-                        validate: "Terminé"
-                    },
-                    clear: {
-                        ask: "Voulez-vous vraiment effacer tous les tokens ? Attention: Vous devrez générer un nouveau token pour vous connecter dans l'Application.",
-                        clear: "Effacer",
-                        cleared: "Vos tokens ont étés effacés"
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            notification: {
-                exported: "Élement exporté!"
-            }
+  fr: merge(frenchMessages, {
+    ra: {
+      auth: {
+        email: 'Email',
+        forgot: 'Mot de passe oublié ?',
+        back: 'Retour',
+        cancel: 'Annuler',
+        reset_password: 'Réinitaliser le mot de passe',
+        set_password: 'Définir le mot de passe',
+        password_confirmation: 'Confirmation',
+        new_password: 'Nouveau mot de passe',
+        current_password: 'Mot de passe actuel',
+        change_password: 'Changer de mot de passe',
+        password_changed: 'Mot de passe modifié!',
+        '2fa': {
+          ask: "Voulez-vous vraiment activer l'Authentification à deux Facteurs ?",
+          enable: "Activer l'A2F",
+          scan: "Veuillez scanner le QR code dans votre application d'A2F",
+          verify: "Entrez un code d'A2F pour valider",
+          verification_code: "Code d'A2F",
+          success: "L'Authentification à deux Facteurs et maintenant active.",
+          validate: 'Terminé',
+          disabled: "L'Authentification à deux Facteurs a été désactivée.",
+          disable: "Désactiver l'A2F",
+          askdisable: "Voulez-vous vraiment désactiver l'Authentification à deux Facteurs ?",
+          login: 'Continue'
-        copying: {
-            title: "Licence et attributions",
-            notice: "Avis de droit d'auteur",
-            agpl: {
-                line1: "Copyright © 2021 - Association Amicale des Étudiants et Anciens Étudiants du Département Informatique de l'IUT Robert Schuman et al.",
-                line2: "Seb est un logiciel libre : vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le modifier selon les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU Affero telle que publiée par la Free Software Foundation, soit la version 3 de la Licence, soit (à votre choix) toute version ultérieure. ",
-                line3: {
-                    start: "Ce programme est distribué dans l'espoir qu'il sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE ; sans même la garantie implicite de QUALITÉ MARCHANDE ou D'ADAPTATION À UN USAGE PARTICULIER. Conformément aux exigences de la licence susmentionnée, vous pouvez obtenir une copie du code source de Seb",
-                    here: "ici",
-                    continue: "et lire la licence dans son intégralité (en anglais)",
-                    there: "là",
-                    end: "."
-                }
-            },
-            dependencies: "Dependences",
-            dependencies2: "Seb n'est pas construit à partir de zéro. Nos dépendances les plus notables sont : ",
-            released: "Distribué sous",
-            license: {
-                mit: "Licence MIT"
-            },
-            contributors: "Contributeurs",
-            bottommessage: "Copyright © 2021 Amicale CORE - Publié sous licence"
+        token: {
+          new: {
+            ask: "Voulez vous vraiment créer un nouveau token d'API ?",
+            create: 'Créer',
+            name: 'Nom du token',
+            scan: "Voici votre nouveau token. Vous pouvez maintenant le scanner dans l'App ou le noter. Gardez le précieusement : vous ne le reverez jamais.",
+            validate: 'Terminé'
+          },
+          clear: {
+            ask: "Voulez-vous vraiment effacer tous les tokens ? Attention: Vous devrez générer un nouveau token pour vous connecter dans l'Application.",
+            clear: 'Effacer',
+            cleared: 'Vos tokens ont étés effacés'
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      notification: {
+        exported: 'Élement exporté!'
+      }
+    },
+    copying: {
+      title: 'Licence et attributions',
+      notice: "Avis de droit d'auteur",
+      agpl: {
+        line1: "Copyright © 2021 - Association Amicale des Étudiants et Anciens Étudiants du Département Informatique de l'IUT Robert Schuman et al.",
+        line2:
+          'Seb est un logiciel libre : vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le modifier selon les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU Affero telle que publiée par la Free Software Foundation, soit la version 3 de la Licence, soit (à votre choix) toute version ultérieure. ',
+        line3: {
+          start:
+            "Ce programme est distribué dans l'espoir qu'il sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE ; sans même la garantie implicite de QUALITÉ MARCHANDE ou D'ADAPTATION À UN USAGE PARTICULIER. Conformément aux exigences de la licence susmentionnée, vous pouvez obtenir une copie du code source de Seb",
+          here: 'ici',
+          continue: 'et lire la licence dans son intégralité (en anglais)',
+          there: 'là',
+          end: '.'
+        }
+      },
+      dependencies: 'Dependences',
+      dependencies2: "Seb n'est pas construit à partir de zéro. Nos dépendances les plus notables sont : ",
+      released: 'Distribué sous',
+      license: {
+        mit: 'Licence MIT'
+      },
+      contributors: 'Contributeurs',
+      bottommessage: 'Copyright © 2021 Amicale CORE - Publié sous licence'
+    },
+    menu: {
+      user: {
+        copying: 'Redistribution',
+        profile: 'Profil'
+      },
+      left: {
+        dashboard: 'Accueil',
+        sell: 'Vendre',
+        buy: 'Acheter',
+        count_money: 'Compter les comptes',
+        count_stocks: 'Compter les stocks',
+        add_participant: 'Ajouter un participant',
+        members: 'Membres',
+        stocks: 'Stocks',
+        products: 'Produits',
+        categories: 'Catégories',
+        products_counts: 'Comptages de stocks',
+        movements: 'Mouvements de stocks',
+        accounting: 'Comptabilité',
+        accounts: 'Comptes',
+        accounts_counts: 'Comptages de comptes',
+        automated_transactions: 'Transactions Automatiques',
+        transactions: 'Transactions',
+        transferts: 'Virements',
+        sales: 'Ventes',
+        purchases: 'Achats',
+        users: 'Utilisateurs',
+        logout: 'Déconnexion',
+        create: 'Créer',
+        show: 'Voir',
+        products_categories: 'Catégories de Produits',
+        transactions_categories: 'Catégories de Transactions',
+        profile: 'Profil',
+        archives: 'Archives',
+        archived_members: 'Membres Archivés',
+        humans: 'Gens',
+        people: 'Personnes',
+        personal_accounts: 'Comptes Personnels',
+        personal_transactions: 'Transactions Personnelles',
+        personal_refills: 'Recharge Compte Perso.',
+        refill: 'Recharger',
+        events: 'Évènements',
+        participations: 'Participants'
+      }
+    },
+    resources: {
+      personal_refills: {
+        name: 'Recharger Compte Perso.',
+        fields: {
+          amount: 'Montant'
+        }
+      },
+      personal_transactions: {
+        name: 'Transaction Personnelle |||| Transactions Personnelles',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          amount: 'Montant',
+          personal_account_id: 'Compte Personel',
+          transaction_id: 'Transaction',
+          user_id: 'Créateur',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le'
+        }
+      },
+      personal_accounts: {
+        name: 'Compte Personnel |||| Comptes Personnels',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          person_id: 'Personne',
+          balance: 'Solde',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le'
+        }
+      },
+      members: {
+        name: 'Membre |||| Membres',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          paid: 'Payé',
+          person_id: 'Personne',
+          transaction: 'Transaction',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le'
-        menu: {
-            user: {
-                copying: "Redistribution",
-                profile: "Profil"
-            },
-            left: {
-                dashboard: "Accueil",
-                sell: "Vendre",
-                buy: "Acheter",
-                count_money: "Compter les comptes",
-                count_stocks: "Compter les stocks",
-                add_participant: "Ajouter un participant",
-                members: "Membres",
-                stocks: "Stocks",
-                products: "Produits",
-                categories: "Catégories",
-                products_counts: "Comptages de stocks",
-                movements: "Mouvements de stocks",
-                accounting: "Comptabilité",
-                accounts: "Comptes",
-                accounts_counts: "Comptages de comptes",
-                automated_transactions: "Transactions Automatiques",
-                transactions: "Transactions",
-                transferts: "Virements",
-                sales: "Ventes",
-                purchases: "Achats",
-                users: "Utilisateurs",
-                logout: "Déconnexion",
-                create: "Créer",
-                show: "Voir",
-                products_categories: "Catégories de Produits",
-                transactions_categories: "Catégories de Transactions",
-                profile: "Profil",
-                archives: "Archives",
-                archived_members: "Membres Archivés",
-                humans: "Gens",
-                people: "Personnes",
-                personal_accounts: "Comptes Personnels",
-                personal_transactions: "Transactions Personnelles",
-                personal_refills: "Recharge Compte Perso.",
-                refill: "Recharger",
-                events: "Évènements",
-                participations: "Participants"
-            }
+        mark_payed: 'Marqué comme payé'
+      },
+      people: {
+        name: 'Personne |||| Personnes',
+        fields: {
+          firstname: 'Prénom',
+          lastname: 'Nom',
+          discord_id: 'ID Discord',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le'
+        }
+      },
+      archived_members: {
+        name: 'Membre Archivé |||| Membres Archivés',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          person_id: 'Personne',
+          paid: 'Payé',
+          transaction: 'Transaction',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          school_year: 'Année Scolaire'
+        }
+      },
+      products: {
+        name: 'Produit |||| Produits',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          name: 'Nom',
+          category_id: 'Catégorie',
+          price: 'Prix',
+          count: 'Nombre',
+          alert_level: "Niveau d'alerte",
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          salable: 'Vendable'
-        resources: {
-            personal_refills: {
-                name: 'Recharger Compte Perso.',
-                fields: {
-                    amount: 'Montant'
-                }
-            },
-            personal_transactions: {
-                name: 'Transaction Personnelle |||| Transactions Personnelles',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    amount: 'Montant',
-                    personal_account_id: 'Compte Personel',
-                    transaction_id: 'Transaction',
-                    user_id: 'Créateur',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le'
-                }
-            },
-            personal_accounts: {
-                name: 'Compte Personnel |||| Comptes Personnels',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    person_id: 'Personne',
-                    balance: 'Solde',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le'
-                }
-            },
-            members: {
-                name: 'Membre |||| Membres',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    paid: 'Payé',
-                    person_id: 'Personne',
-                    transaction: 'Transaction',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le'
-                },
-                mark_payed: "Marqué comme payé"
-            },
-            people: {
-                name: 'Personne |||| Personnes',
-                fields: {
-                    firstname: 'Prénom',
-                    lastname: 'Nom',
-                    discord_id: 'ID Discord',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le'
-                }
-            },
-            archived_members: {
-                name: 'Membre Archivé |||| Membres Archivés',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    person_id: 'Personne',
-                    paid: 'Payé',
-                    transaction: 'Transaction',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    school_year: 'Année Scolaire'
-                }
-            },
-            products: {
-                name: 'Produit |||| Produits',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    category_id: 'Catégorie',
-                    price: 'Prix',
-                    count: 'Nombre',
-                    alert_level: 'Niveau d\'alerte',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    salable: 'Vendable'
-                },
-                mark_salabe: 'Marquer comme Vendable',
-                mark_unsalable: 'Marquer comme Invendable'
-            },
-            products_categories: {
-                name: 'Catégorie de Produits |||| Catégories de Produits',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le'
-                }
-            },
-            products_counts: {
-                name: 'Comptage de Stocks |||| Compatages de Stocks',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    movement_id: 'Mouvement',
-                    'movement.user_id': 'Créateur',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    data: 'Produits'
-                }
-            },
-            movements: {
-                name: 'Mouvement |||| Mouvements',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    rectification: 'Réctification',
-                    user_id: 'Créateur',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    product_id: 'Produit',
-                    'product.name': 'Nom',
-                    count: 'Différence',
-                    products: 'Produits',
-                    diff: 'Différence'
-                }
-            },
-            accounts: {
-                name: 'Compte |||| Comptes',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    iban: 'IBAN',
-                    bic: 'BIC',
-                    balance: 'Solde',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le'
-                }
-            },
-            accounts_counts: {
-                name: 'Comptage de Comptes |||| Compatages de Comptes',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    type: 'Type',
-                    balance: 'Solde',
-                    transaction: 'Transaction',
-                    'transaction.account_id': 'Compte',
-                    'transaction.user_id': 'Créateur',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    data: 'Données',
-                    value: 'Valeur',
-                    count: 'Nombre',
-                    total: 'Total'
-                }
-            },
-            transactions: {
-                name: 'Transaction |||| Transactions',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    amount: 'Montant',
-                    rectification: 'Réctification',
-                    account_id: 'Compte',
-                    category_id: 'Catégorie',
-                    user_id: 'Créateur',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                }
-            },
-            automated_transactions: {
-                name: 'Transaction Automatique |||| Transactions Automatiques',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    amount: 'Montant',
-                    rectification: 'Réctification',
-                    account_id: 'Compte',
-                    category_id: 'Catégorie',
-                    user_id: 'Créateur',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    frequency: 'Fréquence',
-                    day: 'Jour'
-                },
-                frequencies: {
-                    yearly: 'Annuelle',
-                    monthly: 'Mensuelle',
-                    weekly: 'Hébdomadaire',
-                    dayly: 'Journalière'
-                }
-            },
-            transferts: {
-                name: 'Virement |||| Virements',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    amount: 'Montant',
-                    'sub_transaction.user_id': 'Créateur',
-                    'add_transaction.amount': 'Montant',
-                    'sub_transaction.account_id': 'Depuis',
-                    'add_transaction.account_id': 'Vers',
-                    sub_transaction_id: 'Transaction soustraction',
-                    add_transaction_id: 'Transaction addition',
-                    from_account_id: 'Depuis',
-                    to_account_id: 'Vers',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le'
-                }
-            },
-            transactions_categories: {
-                name: 'Catégorie de Transactions |||| Catégories de Transactions',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                }
-            },
-            sales: {
-                name: 'Vente |||| Ventes',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    'transaction.amount': 'Montant',
-                    'transaction.user_id': 'Créateur',
-                    movement_id: 'Mouvement',
-                    transaction_id: 'Transaction',
-                    'movement.products': 'Produits',
-                    person_id: 'Personne',
-                    product_id: 'Produit',
-                    count: 'Différence'
-                }
-            },
-            events: {
-                name: "Évènement |||| Évènements",
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    location: "Lieux",
-                    inscriptions_closed_at: "Fermeture des inscriptions",
-                    start: "Début",
-                    end: "Fin",
-                    price: "Prix",
-                    price_member: "Prix (membre)",
-                    category_id: 'Catégorie',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    data: "Structure des données",
-                    type: "Type"
-                }
-            },
-            purchases: {
-                name: 'Achat |||| Achats',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    'transaction.amount': 'Montant',
-                    'transaction.user_id': 'Créateur',
-                    movement_id: 'Mouvement',
-                    transaction_id: 'Transaction',
-                    'movement_id.products': 'Produits',
-                    'movement.products': 'Produits',
-                    product_id: 'Produit',
-                    count: 'Différence',
-                    account_id: 'Compte',
-                    category_id: 'Catégorie',
-                    amount: 'Montant',
-                    has_products: 'L\'achat concerne des produits'
-                }
-            },
-            users: {
-                name: 'Utilisateur |||| Utilisateurs',
-                fields: {
-                    id: '#',
-                    username: 'Login',
-                    password: 'Mot de passe',
-                    person_id: 'Personne',
-                    email: 'Adresse email',
-                    permissions: 'Permissions',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    password_changed_at: 'MDP changé le'
-                }
-            },
-            participations: {
-                name: 'Participation |||| Participations',
-                fields: {
-                    id: "#",
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    updated_at: 'Modifié le',
-                    event_id: "Évènement",
-                    person_id: "Personne",
-                    transaction_id: "Transaction"
-                }
-            },
-            profile: {
-                name: 'Profile',
-                fields: {
-                    username: 'Login',
-                    firstname: 'Prénom',
-                    lastname: 'Nom',
-                    email: 'Adresse email'
-                },
-                me: "Mon Profil",
-                permissions: {
-                    title: "Permissions",
-                },
-                password: {
-                    title: "Mot de passe",
-                    last_change: "Dernier changement",
-                    never: "Jamais",
-                    change: 'Changer le mot de passe'
-                },
-                '2fa': {
-                    title: 'Authentification à deux Facteurs',
-                    enable: 'Activer l\'A2F',
-                    disable: 'Désactiver l\'A2F',
-                    enabled: 'L\'A2F est activée',
-                    disabled: 'L\'A2F est désactivée',
-                    status: 'Status de l\'A2F',
-                    recovery: 'Codes de récupération',
-                    recovery_message: 'Ces codes vous permettent de récupérer votre compte en ça de perte de votre périphérique d\'A2F. Veuillez les conserver précieusement.'
-                },
-                tokens: {
-                    title: 'Tokens d\'API',
-                    id: '#',
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    last_used_at: 'Dernière utilisation',
-                    created_at: 'Créé le',
-                    clear: 'Effacer les tokens',
-                    new: 'Nouveau token',
-                    none: 'Vous n\'avez pas de tokens d\'API'
-                }
-            }
+        mark_salabe: 'Marquer comme Vendable',
+        mark_unsalable: 'Marquer comme Invendable'
+      },
+      products_categories: {
+        name: 'Catégorie de Produits |||| Catégories de Produits',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          name: 'Nom',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le'
+        }
+      },
+      products_counts: {
+        name: 'Comptage de Stocks |||| Compatages de Stocks',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          movement_id: 'Mouvement',
+          'movement.user_id': 'Créateur',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          data: 'Produits'
+        }
+      },
+      movements: {
+        name: 'Mouvement |||| Mouvements',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          name: 'Nom',
+          rectification: 'Réctification',
+          user_id: 'Créateur',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          product_id: 'Produit',
+          'product.name': 'Nom',
+          count: 'Différence',
+          products: 'Produits',
+          diff: 'Différence'
+        }
+      },
+      accounts: {
+        name: 'Compte |||| Comptes',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          name: 'Nom',
+          iban: 'IBAN',
+          bic: 'BIC',
+          balance: 'Solde',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le'
+        }
+      },
+      accounts_counts: {
+        name: 'Comptage de Comptes |||| Compatages de Comptes',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          type: 'Type',
+          balance: 'Solde',
+          transaction: 'Transaction',
+          'transaction.account_id': 'Compte',
+          'transaction.user_id': 'Créateur',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          data: 'Données',
+          value: 'Valeur',
+          count: 'Nombre',
+          total: 'Total'
+        }
+      },
+      transactions: {
+        name: 'Transaction |||| Transactions',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          name: 'Nom',
+          amount: 'Montant',
+          rectification: 'Réctification',
+          account_id: 'Compte',
+          category_id: 'Catégorie',
+          user_id: 'Créateur',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le'
+        }
+      },
+      automated_transactions: {
+        name: 'Transaction Automatique |||| Transactions Automatiques',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          name: 'Nom',
+          amount: 'Montant',
+          rectification: 'Réctification',
+          account_id: 'Compte',
+          category_id: 'Catégorie',
+          user_id: 'Créateur',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          frequency: 'Fréquence',
+          day: 'Jour'
-        actions: {
-            recalculate: "Recalculer",
-            clear: "Réinitialiser",
-            archive: "Archiver"
+        frequencies: {
+          yearly: 'Annuelle',
+          monthly: 'Mensuelle',
+          weekly: 'Hébdomadaire',
+          dayly: 'Journalière'
+        }
+      },
+      transferts: {
+        name: 'Virement |||| Virements',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          amount: 'Montant',
+          'sub_transaction.user_id': 'Créateur',
+          'add_transaction.amount': 'Montant',
+          'sub_transaction.account_id': 'Depuis',
+          'add_transaction.account_id': 'Vers',
+          sub_transaction_id: 'Transaction soustraction',
+          add_transaction_id: 'Transaction addition',
+          from_account_id: 'Depuis',
+          to_account_id: 'Vers',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le'
+        }
+      },
+      transactions_categories: {
+        name: 'Catégorie de Transactions |||| Catégories de Transactions',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          name: 'Nom',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le'
+        }
+      },
+      sales: {
+        name: 'Vente |||| Ventes',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          'transaction.amount': 'Montant',
+          'transaction.user_id': 'Créateur',
+          movement_id: 'Mouvement',
+          transaction_id: 'Transaction',
+          'movement.products': 'Produits',
+          person_id: 'Personne',
+          product_id: 'Produit',
+          count: 'Différence'
+        }
+      },
+      events: {
+        name: 'Évènement |||| Évènements',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          name: 'Nom',
+          location: 'Lieux',
+          inscriptions_closed_at: 'Fermeture des inscriptions',
+          start: 'Début',
+          end: 'Fin',
+          price: 'Prix',
+          price_member: 'Prix (membre)',
+          category_id: 'Catégorie',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          data: 'Structure des données',
+          type: 'Type'
+        }
+      },
+      purchases: {
+        name: 'Achat |||| Achats',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          name: 'Nom',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          'transaction.amount': 'Montant',
+          'transaction.user_id': 'Créateur',
+          movement_id: 'Mouvement',
+          transaction_id: 'Transaction',
+          'movement_id.products': 'Produits',
+          'movement.products': 'Produits',
+          product_id: 'Produit',
+          count: 'Différence',
+          account_id: 'Compte',
+          category_id: 'Catégorie',
+          amount: 'Montant',
+          has_products: "L'achat concerne des produits"
+        }
+      },
+      users: {
+        name: 'Utilisateur |||| Utilisateurs',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          username: 'Login',
+          password: 'Mot de passe',
+          person_id: 'Personne',
+          email: 'Adresse email',
+          permissions: 'Permissions',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          password_changed_at: 'MDP changé le'
+        }
+      },
+      participations: {
+        name: 'Participation |||| Participations',
+        fields: {
+          id: '#',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          updated_at: 'Modifié le',
+          event_id: 'Évènement',
+          person_id: 'Personne',
+          transaction_id: 'Transaction'
+        }
+      },
+      profile: {
+        name: 'Profile',
+        fields: {
+          username: 'Login',
+          firstname: 'Prénom',
+          lastname: 'Nom',
+          email: 'Adresse email'
-        dashboard: {
-            welcome: "Bienvenue sur Sebâ„¢",
-            statistics: {
-                title: "Statistiques"
-            },
-            products: {
-                title: "Classement des produits"
-            },
-            sellers: {
-                title: "Classement des vendeurs"
-            },
-            alerts: {
-                none: "Pas d'alertes",
-                title: "Alertes de stocks",
-                id: "#",
-                name: "Nom",
-                count: "Nombre",
-                treshold: "Seuil d'alerte"
-            },
-            accounts: {
-                none: "Pas de comptes",
-                title: 'Comptes',
-                stocks_value: 'Valeur Stocks'
-            },
-            transactions: {
-                title: "Graphe des comptes"
-            },
-            categories_positive: {
-                title: "Répartitions des bénéfices"
-            },
-            categories_negative: {
-                title: "Répartitions des dépenses"
-            },
-            categories: {
-                title: "Répartition de la valeur"
-            }
+        me: 'Mon Profil',
+        permissions: {
+          title: 'Permissions'
-        sell: {
-            account: "Compte",
-            type: 'Type',
-            cash: 'Liquide',
-            value: 'Valeur absolue',
-            balance: 'Solde'
+        password: {
+          title: 'Mot de passe',
+          last_change: 'Dernier changement',
+          never: 'Jamais',
+          change: 'Changer le mot de passe'
-        inputs: {
-            multiproductcount: {
-                filters: {
-                    name: 'Nom',
-                    category: 'Catégorie',
-                    none: 'Aucun'
-                },
-                price: 'Total'
-            }
+        '2fa': {
+          title: 'Authentification à deux Facteurs',
+          enable: "Activer l'A2F",
+          disable: "Désactiver l'A2F",
+          enabled: "L'A2F est activée",
+          disabled: "L'A2F est désactivée",
+          status: "Status de l'A2F",
+          recovery: 'Codes de récupération',
+          recovery_message:
+            "Ces codes vous permettent de récupérer votre compte en ça de perte de votre périphérique d'A2F. Veuillez les conserver précieusement."
+        },
+        tokens: {
+          title: "Tokens d'API",
+          id: '#',
+          name: 'Nom',
+          last_used_at: 'Dernière utilisation',
+          created_at: 'Créé le',
+          clear: 'Effacer les tokens',
+          new: 'Nouveau token',
+          none: "Vous n'avez pas de tokens d'API"
-    }),
+      }
+    },
+    actions: {
+      recalculate: 'Recalculer',
+      clear: 'Réinitialiser',
+      archive: 'Archiver'
+    },
+    dashboard: {
+      welcome: 'Bienvenue sur Sebâ„¢',
+      statistics: {
+        title: 'Statistiques'
+      },
+      products: {
+        title: 'Classement des produits'
+      },
+      sellers: {
+        title: 'Classement des vendeurs'
+      },
+      alerts: {
+        none: "Pas d'alertes",
+        title: 'Alertes de stocks',
+        id: '#',
+        name: 'Nom',
+        count: 'Nombre',
+        treshold: "Seuil d'alerte"
+      },
+      accounts: {
+        none: 'Pas de comptes',
+        title: 'Comptes',
+        stocks_value: 'Valeur Stocks'
+      },
+      transactions: {
+        title: 'Graphe des comptes'
+      },
+      categories_positive: {
+        title: 'Répartitions des bénéfices'
+      },
+      categories_negative: {
+        title: 'Répartitions des dépenses'
+      },
+      categories: {
+        title: 'Répartition de la valeur'
+      }
+    },
+    sell: {
+      account: 'Compte',
+      type: 'Type',
+      cash: 'Liquide',
+      value: 'Valeur absolue',
+      balance: 'Solde'
+    },
+    inputs: {
+      multiproductcount: {
+        filters: {
+          name: 'Nom',
+          category: 'Catégorie',
+          none: 'Aucun'
+        },
+        price: 'Total'
+      }
+    }
+  })
 // TODO: Make this a setting
 const locale = 'fr';
-axios.defaults.params = {}
+axios.defaults.params = {};
 axios.defaults.params['lang'] = locale;
-export default polyglotI18nProvider(locale => messages[locale], locale);
+export default polyglotI18nProvider((locale) => messages[locale], locale);
diff --git a/src/reportWebVitals.js b/src/reportWebVitals.js
index 5253d3ad9e6be6690549cb255f5952337b02401d..532f29b0bb61f0b2e42e33a909b205a13b243020 100644
--- a/src/reportWebVitals.js
+++ b/src/reportWebVitals.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-const reportWebVitals = onPerfEntry => {
+const reportWebVitals = (onPerfEntry) => {
   if (onPerfEntry && onPerfEntry instanceof Function) {
     import('web-vitals').then(({ getCLS, getFID, getFCP, getLCP, getTTFB }) => {
diff --git a/src/resources/Accounts.js b/src/resources/Accounts.js
index 9baa7599f68892f4e007e38f4332591d386f9a5f..6c6bd179302ad83c5ffabb08d3820469e4e1e0f2 100644
--- a/src/resources/Accounts.js
+++ b/src/resources/Accounts.js
@@ -1,88 +1,103 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
-import { CreateButton, Datagrid, EditButton, ExportButton, FilterButton, List, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput, TopToolbar } from 'react-admin';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {
+  CreateButton,
+  Datagrid,
+  EditButton,
+  ExportButton,
+  FilterButton,
+  List,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField,
+  TextInput,
+  TopToolbar
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import DateInput from '../components/DateInput';
 import { CreateDialog, EditDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import MoneyField from "../components/MoneyField";
-import MoneyInput from "../components/MoneyInput";
+import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
+import MoneyInput from '../components/MoneyInput';
 import { RecalculateButton } from '../components/RecalculateButton';
-const AccountsFilters = [
-    <TextInput source="name" />,
-    <TextInput source="iban" />,
-    <TextInput source="bic" />,
+const AccountsFilters = [<TextInput key={0} source="name" />, <TextInput key={1} source="iban" />, <TextInput key={2} source="bic" />];
-const AccountsListActions = ({ basePath, ...props }) => (
-    <TopToolbar>
-        <FilterButton />
-        <RecalculateButton />
-        <CreateButton />
-        <ExportButton />
-    </TopToolbar>
+const AccountsListActions = () => (
+  <TopToolbar>
+    <FilterButton />
+    <RecalculateButton />
+    <CreateButton />
+    <ExportButton />
+  </TopToolbar>
 const Accounts = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={AccountsFilters} actions={<AccountsListActions />}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                        <TextField source="iban" />
-                        <TextField source="bic" />
-                        <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="balance" />
-                        <EditButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => record.name}
-                        secondaryText={record => Number(record.balance).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: "EUR", currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}
-                        tertiaryText={record => "#" + record.id}
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <TextInput source="iban" />
-                    <TextInput source="bic" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <EditDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput disabled source="id" />
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <TextInput source="iban" />
-                    <TextInput source="bic" />
-                    <MoneyInput disabled source="balance" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </EditDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="name" />
-                    <TextField source="iban" />
-                    <TextField source="bic" />
-                    <MoneyField source="balance" />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={AccountsFilters} actions={<AccountsListActions />}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="name" />
+            <TextField source="iban" />
+            <TextField source="bic" />
+            <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="balance" />
+            <EditButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => record.name}
+            secondaryText={(record) =>
+              Number(record.balance).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                currency: 'EUR',
+                currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                style: 'currency'
+              })
+            }
+            tertiaryText={(record) => '#' + record.id}
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <TextInput source="iban" />
+          <TextInput source="bic" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <EditDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput disabled source="id" />
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <TextInput source="iban" />
+          <TextInput source="bic" />
+          <MoneyInput disabled source="balance" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </EditDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="name" />
+          <TextField source="iban" />
+          <TextField source="bic" />
+          <MoneyField source="balance" />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const accounts = {
-    list: Accounts,
-    create: Accounts,
-    edit: Accounts,
-    show: Accounts
+  list: Accounts,
+  create: Accounts,
+  edit: Accounts,
+  show: Accounts
 export default accounts;
diff --git a/src/resources/AccountsCounts.js b/src/resources/AccountsCounts.js
index ca7ed3b633cfbfbe8d7ba66603e888f113f10343..0b882931e307849b39be106775bc80b8aa790585 100644
--- a/src/resources/AccountsCounts.js
+++ b/src/resources/AccountsCounts.js
@@ -1,122 +1,149 @@
 import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableRow, useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { Datagrid, Labeled, List, ReferenceField, ShowButton, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, useRecordContext, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import MoneyField from "../components/MoneyField";
+import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
 import Count from '../pages/Count';
 const CountField = (props) => {
-    const record = useRecordContext(props);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const { source } = props;
+  const record = useRecordContext(props);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const { source } = props;
-    return record['type'] === 'cash' ? (
-        <Labeled source={source} {...props}><>
-            <Table size="small">
-                <TableBody>
-                    <TableRow>
-                        <TableCell>{translate('resources.accounts_counts.fields.count')}</TableCell>
-                        <TableCell align="right">{translate('resources.accounts_counts.fields.value')}</TableCell>
-                        <TableCell align="right">{translate('resources.accounts_counts.fields.total')}</TableCell>
-                    </TableRow>
-                    {Object.keys(record[source]).map((key) => (
-                        <TableRow key={key}>
-                            <TableCell>{record[source][key]}</TableCell>
-                            <TableCell align="right" component="th" scope="row">
-                                {Number(key).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}
-                            </TableCell>
-                            <TableCell align="right" component="th" scope="row">
-                                {Number(parseFloat(key) * parseInt(record[source][key])).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}
-                            </TableCell>
-                        </TableRow>
-                    ))}
-                    <TableRow key={'total'}>
-                        <TableCell></TableCell>
-                        <TableCell align="right" component="th" scope="row"></TableCell>
-                        <TableCell align="right" component="th" scope="row">
-                            {Number(record['balance']).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}
-                        </TableCell>
-                    </TableRow>
-                </TableBody>
-            </Table>
-        </></Labeled>
-    ) : (<>
-        <MoneyField {...props} source="balance" />
-    </>);
+  return record['type'] === 'cash' ? (
+    <Labeled source={source} {...props}>
+      <>
+        <Table size="small">
+          <TableBody>
+            <TableRow>
+              <TableCell>{translate('resources.accounts_counts.fields.count')}</TableCell>
+              <TableCell align="right">{translate('resources.accounts_counts.fields.value')}</TableCell>
+              <TableCell align="right">{translate('resources.accounts_counts.fields.total')}</TableCell>
+            </TableRow>
+            {Object.keys(record[source]).map((key) => (
+              <TableRow key={key}>
+                <TableCell>{record[source][key]}</TableCell>
+                <TableCell align="right" component="th" scope="row">
+                  {Number(key).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                    currency: 'EUR',
+                    currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                    style: 'currency'
+                  })}
+                </TableCell>
+                <TableCell align="right" component="th" scope="row">
+                  {Number(parseFloat(key) * parseInt(record[source][key])).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                    currency: 'EUR',
+                    currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                    style: 'currency'
+                  })}
+                </TableCell>
+              </TableRow>
+            ))}
+            <TableRow key={'total'}>
+              <TableCell></TableCell>
+              <TableCell align="right" component="th" scope="row"></TableCell>
+              <TableCell align="right" component="th" scope="row">
+                {Number(record['balance']).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                  currency: 'EUR',
+                  currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                  style: 'currency'
+                })}
+              </TableCell>
+            </TableRow>
+          </TableBody>
+        </Table>
+      </>
+    </Labeled>
+  ) : (
+    <>
+      <MoneyField {...props} source="balance" />
+    </>
+  );
-const AccountsCounts = (props) => {
+CountField.propTypes = {
+  source: PropTypes.number
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} bulkActionButtons={false}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <TextField source="type" />
-                        <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="balance" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField label="Compte" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
-                            <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts" link="show">
-                                <TextField source="name" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
-                            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
-                                <TextField source="username" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record =>
-                            <ReferenceField record={record} label="Compte" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
-                                <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts" link={false}>
-                                    <TextField source="name" />
-                                </ReferenceField>
-                            </ReferenceField>}
-                        tertiaryText={record => Number(record.balance).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: "EUR", currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}
-                        secondaryText={record => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleString()}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="type" />
-                    <CountField source="data" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Compte" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="username" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+const AccountsCounts = (props) => {
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} bulkActionButtons={false}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="type" />
+            <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="balance" />
+            <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField label="Compte" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+              <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts" link="show">
+                <TextField source="name" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+              <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
+                <TextField source="username" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} label="Compte" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+                <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts" link={false}>
+                  <TextField source="name" />
+                </ReferenceField>
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            tertiaryText={(record) =>
+              Number(record.balance).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                currency: 'EUR',
+                currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                style: 'currency'
+              })
+            }
+            secondaryText={(record) => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleString()}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="type" />
+          <CountField source="data" />
+          <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Compte" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
+              <TextField source="username" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const accounts_counts = {
-    list: AccountsCounts,
-    show: AccountsCounts,
-    create: Count
+  list: AccountsCounts,
+  show: AccountsCounts,
+  create: Count
 export default accounts_counts;
diff --git a/src/resources/ArchivedMembers.js b/src/resources/ArchivedMembers.js
index 0707aa6bcc824a95f8fbb3063118989bcf152aac..6a9f0f7f1698d5b19f5affbe88cb07f7c9d25585 100644
--- a/src/resources/ArchivedMembers.js
+++ b/src/resources/ArchivedMembers.js
@@ -1,76 +1,93 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
-import { AutocompleteInput, BooleanField, BooleanInput, Datagrid, ExportButton, FilterButton, FunctionField, List, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, ShowButton, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TopToolbar } from 'react-admin';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  BooleanField,
+  BooleanInput,
+  Datagrid,
+  ExportButton,
+  FilterButton,
+  FunctionField,
+  List,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  ShowButton,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField,
+  TopToolbar
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
 const ArchivedMembersFilters = [
-    <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-    </ReferenceInput>,
-    <BooleanInput source="paid" />
+  <ReferenceInput key={0} source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ fullname: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+  </ReferenceInput>,
+  <BooleanInput key={1} source="paid" />
-const ArchivedMembersListActions = ({ basePath, ...props }) => (
-    <TopToolbar>
-        <FilterButton />
-        <ExportButton />
-    </TopToolbar>
+const ArchivedMembersListActions = () => (
+  <TopToolbar>
+    <FilterButton />
+    <ExportButton />
+  </TopToolbar>
 const ArchivedMembers = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={ArchivedMembersFilters} bulkActionButtons={false} actions={<ArchivedMembersListActions />}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                            <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <BooleanField source="paid" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show" >
-                            <FunctionField render={r => "#" + r.id} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <TextField source="school_year" />
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record =>
-                            <ReferenceField record={record} source="person_id" reference="people" link={false} >
-                                <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                            </ReferenceField>}
-                        tertiaryText={record => <BooleanField record={record} source="paid" />}
-                        secondaryText={record => record.school_year}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                        <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <BooleanField source="paid" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show" >
-                        <FunctionField render={r => "#" + r.id} />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <TextField source="school_year" />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={ArchivedMembersFilters} bulkActionButtons={false} actions={<ArchivedMembersListActions />}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+              <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <BooleanField source="paid" />
+            <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <FunctionField render={(r) => '#' + r.id} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <TextField source="school_year" />
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="person_id" reference="people" link={false}>
+                <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => <BooleanField record={record} source="paid" />}
+            secondaryText={(record) => record.school_year}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+            <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <BooleanField source="paid" />
+          <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <FunctionField render={(r) => '#' + r.id} />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <TextField source="school_year" />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const archived_members = {
-    list: ArchivedMembers,
-    create: ArchivedMembers,
-    show: ArchivedMembers
+  list: ArchivedMembers,
+  create: ArchivedMembers,
+  show: ArchivedMembers
 export default archived_members;
diff --git a/src/resources/AutomatedTransactions.js b/src/resources/AutomatedTransactions.js
index 29abc9b18f242870d6a972653ae2b6303227388e..0c649590165c83334f1d699c7052c9525ad25bc1 100644
--- a/src/resources/AutomatedTransactions.js
+++ b/src/resources/AutomatedTransactions.js
@@ -1,149 +1,235 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
-import { AutocompleteInput, BooleanField, BooleanInput, Datagrid, DateInput, EditButton, List, NumberField, NumberInput, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, SelectField, SelectInput, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  BooleanField,
+  BooleanInput,
+  Datagrid,
+  DateInput,
+  EditButton,
+  List,
+  NumberField,
+  NumberInput,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  SelectField,
+  SelectInput,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField,
+  TextInput,
+  useTranslate
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { CreateDialog, EditDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import MoneyField from "../components/MoneyField";
-import MoneyInput from "../components/MoneyInput";
+import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
+import MoneyInput from '../components/MoneyInput';
 const AutomatedTransactionsFilters = [
-    <TextInput source="name" />,
-    <ReferenceInput source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-    </ReferenceInput>,
-    <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-    </ReferenceInput>,
-    <ReferenceInput source="user_id" reference="users" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="username" />
-    </ReferenceInput>
+  <TextInput key={0} source="name" />,
+  <ReferenceInput key={1} source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+  </ReferenceInput>,
+  <ReferenceInput key={2} source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+  </ReferenceInput>,
+  <ReferenceInput key={3} source="user_id" reference="users" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="username" />
+  </ReferenceInput>
 const AutomatedTransactions = (props) => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    const l = {
-        yearly: "année",
-        monthly: "mois",
-        weekly: "semaine"
-    }
+  const l = {
+    yearly: 'année',
+    monthly: 'mois',
+    weekly: 'semaine'
+  };
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={AutomatedTransactionsFilters}>
-            {isDesktop ? (
-                <Datagrid>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="name" />
-                    <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="amount" />
-                    <BooleanField source="rectification" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                        <TextField source="username" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <SelectField source="frequency" choices={[
-                        { id: 'yearly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.yearly') },
-                        { id: 'monthly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.monthly') },
-                        { id: 'weekly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.weekly') },
-                        { id: 'dayly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.dayly') }
-                    ]} />
-                    <NumberField source="day" />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <EditButton />
-                </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => record.name}
-                        tertiaryText={record => Number(record.amount).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: "EUR", currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}
-                        secondaryText={record => record.frequency === 'dayly' ? 'Tous les jours' : `Le ${record.day} de chaque ${l[record.frequency]}`}
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <MoneyInput source="amount" />
-                    <BooleanInput source="rectification" />
-                    <ReferenceInput source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <SelectInput source="frequency" choices={[
-                        { id: 'yearly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.yearly') },
-                        { id: 'monthly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.monthly') },
-                        { id: 'weekly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.weekly') },
-                        { id: 'dayly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.dayly') }
-                    ]} />
-                    <NumberInput source="day" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="name" />
-                    <MoneyField source="amount" />
-                    <BooleanField source="rectification" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                        <TextField source="username" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <SelectField source="frequency" choices={[
-                        { id: 'yearly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.yearly') },
-                        { id: 'monthly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.monthly') },
-                        { id: 'weekly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.weekly') },
-                        { id: 'dayly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.dayly') }
-                    ]} />
-                    <NumberField source="day" />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-            <EditDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput disabled source="id" />
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <MoneyInput source="amount" />
-                    <BooleanInput source="rectification" />
-                    <ReferenceInput source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <SelectInput source="frequency" choices={[
-                        { id: 'yearly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.yearly') },
-                        { id: 'monthly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.monthly') },
-                        { id: 'weekly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.weekly') },
-                        { id: 'dayly', name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.dayly') }
-                    ]} />
-                    <NumberInput source="day" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </EditDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={AutomatedTransactionsFilters}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="name" />
+            <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="amount" />
+            <BooleanField source="rectification" />
+            <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+              <TextField source="username" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <SelectField
+              source="frequency"
+              choices={[
+                {
+                  id: 'yearly',
+                  name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.yearly')
+                },
+                {
+                  id: 'monthly',
+                  name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.monthly')
+                },
+                {
+                  id: 'weekly',
+                  name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.weekly')
+                },
+                {
+                  id: 'dayly',
+                  name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.dayly')
+                }
+              ]}
+            />
+            <NumberField source="day" />
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <EditButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => record.name}
+            tertiaryText={(record) =>
+              Number(record.amount).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                currency: 'EUR',
+                currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                style: 'currency'
+              })
+            }
+            secondaryText={(record) => (record.frequency === 'dayly' ? 'Tous les jours' : `Le ${record.day} de chaque ${l[record.frequency]}`)}
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <MoneyInput source="amount" />
+          <BooleanInput source="rectification" />
+          <ReferenceInput source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <SelectInput
+            source="frequency"
+            choices={[
+              {
+                id: 'yearly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.yearly')
+              },
+              {
+                id: 'monthly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.monthly')
+              },
+              {
+                id: 'weekly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.weekly')
+              },
+              {
+                id: 'dayly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.dayly')
+              }
+            ]}
+          />
+          <NumberInput source="day" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="name" />
+          <MoneyField source="amount" />
+          <BooleanField source="rectification" />
+          <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+            <TextField source="username" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <SelectField
+            source="frequency"
+            choices={[
+              {
+                id: 'yearly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.yearly')
+              },
+              {
+                id: 'monthly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.monthly')
+              },
+              {
+                id: 'weekly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.weekly')
+              },
+              {
+                id: 'dayly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.dayly')
+              }
+            ]}
+          />
+          <NumberField source="day" />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+      <EditDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput disabled source="id" />
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <MoneyInput source="amount" />
+          <BooleanInput source="rectification" />
+          <ReferenceInput source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <SelectInput
+            source="frequency"
+            choices={[
+              {
+                id: 'yearly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.yearly')
+              },
+              {
+                id: 'monthly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.monthly')
+              },
+              {
+                id: 'weekly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.weekly')
+              },
+              {
+                id: 'dayly',
+                name: translate('resources.automated_transactions.frequencies.dayly')
+              }
+            ]}
+          />
+          <NumberInput source="day" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </EditDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const automated_transactions = {
-    list: AutomatedTransactions,
-    create: AutomatedTransactions,
-    show: AutomatedTransactions,
-    edit: AutomatedTransactions
+  list: AutomatedTransactions,
+  create: AutomatedTransactions,
+  show: AutomatedTransactions,
+  edit: AutomatedTransactions
 export default automated_transactions;
diff --git a/src/resources/Events.js b/src/resources/Events.js
index d0dc5cd02d431164346627f8de62ce3de8134813..5e7f6253d2783d451d8cd0963d3d33a135f829c3 100644
--- a/src/resources/Events.js
+++ b/src/resources/Events.js
@@ -1,101 +1,115 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
-import { AutocompleteInput, Datagrid, DateField, List, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, ShowButton, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
-import { JsonField, JsonInput } from "react-admin-json-view";
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  Datagrid,
+  DateField,
+  List,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  ShowButton,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField,
+  TextInput
+} from 'react-admin';
+import { JsonField, JsonInput } from 'react-admin-json-view';
 import { DateTimeInput } from '../components/DateTimeInput';
 import { CreateDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
 import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
 import MoneyInput from '../components/MoneyInput';
 const EventsFilters = [
-    <TextInput source="name" />,
-    <TextInput source="location" />,
-    <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-    </ReferenceInput>
+  <TextInput key={0} source="name" />,
+  <TextInput key={1} source="location" />,
+  <ReferenceInput key={2} source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+  </ReferenceInput>
 const Events = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={EventsFilters} bulkActionButtons={false}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                        <TextField source="location" />
-                        <DateField source="start" />
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => record.name}
-                        secondaryText={record => record.location + " - " + new Date(record.start).toLocaleDateString()}
-                        tertiaryText={record => "#" + record.id}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <TextInput source="location" />
-                    <DateTimeInput source="start" />
-                    <DateTimeInput source="end" />
-                    <DateTimeInput source="inscriptions_closed_at" />
-                    <JsonInput
-                        source="data"
-                        reactJsonOptions={{
-                            theme: "monokai",
-                            displayObjectSize: false,
-                            displayDataTypes: false,
-                            enableClipboard: false,
-                            defaultValue: {
-                                name: "", type: ""
-                            }
-                        }}
-                        initialValue={[]}
-                    />
-                    <MoneyInput source="price" />
-                    <MoneyInput source="price_member" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="name" />
-                    <TextField source="location" />
-                    <DateField source="start" />
-                    <DateField source="end" />
-                    <DateField source="inscriptions_closed_at" />
-                    <MoneyField source="price" />
-                    <MoneyField source="price_member" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <JsonField
-                        source="data"
-                        addLabel
-                        reactJsonOptions={{
-                            theme: "monokai",
-                            displayObjectSize: false,
-                            displayDataTypes: false,
-                            enableClipboard: false
-                        }}
-                    />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={EventsFilters} bulkActionButtons={false}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="name" />
+            <TextField source="location" />
+            <DateField source="start" />
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => record.name}
+            secondaryText={(record) => record.location + ' - ' + new Date(record.start).toLocaleDateString()}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => '#' + record.id}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <TextInput source="location" />
+          <DateTimeInput source="start" />
+          <DateTimeInput source="end" />
+          <DateTimeInput source="inscriptions_closed_at" />
+          <JsonInput
+            source="data"
+            reactJsonOptions={{
+              theme: 'monokai',
+              displayObjectSize: false,
+              displayDataTypes: false,
+              enableClipboard: false,
+              defaultValue: {
+                name: '',
+                type: ''
+              }
+            }}
+            initialValue={[]}
+          />
+          <MoneyInput source="price" />
+          <MoneyInput source="price_member" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="name" />
+          <TextField source="location" />
+          <DateField source="start" />
+          <DateField source="end" />
+          <DateField source="inscriptions_closed_at" />
+          <MoneyField source="price" />
+          <MoneyField source="price_member" />
+          <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <JsonField
+            source="data"
+            addLabel
+            reactJsonOptions={{
+              theme: 'monokai',
+              displayObjectSize: false,
+              displayDataTypes: false,
+              enableClipboard: false
+            }}
+          />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const events = {
-    list: Events,
-    create: Events,
-    show: Events
+  list: Events,
+  create: Events,
+  show: Events
 export default events;
diff --git a/src/resources/Members.js b/src/resources/Members.js
index df31b8aa95952742f028a0fc3b26f7d21fcc2823..05cc2338ff5cef32f3c9e59cfc4f3a309b724d41 100644
--- a/src/resources/Members.js
+++ b/src/resources/Members.js
@@ -1,106 +1,135 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
 import AttachMoneyIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AttachMoney';
-import * as React from "react";
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { Fragment } from 'react';
-import { AutocompleteInput, BooleanField, BooleanInput, BulkDeleteButton, BulkUpdateButton, CreateButton, Datagrid, EditButton, ExportButton, FilterButton, FunctionField, List, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput, TopToolbar, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
+import {
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  BooleanField,
+  BooleanInput,
+  BulkDeleteButton,
+  BulkUpdateButton,
+  CreateButton,
+  Datagrid,
+  EditButton,
+  ExportButton,
+  FilterButton,
+  FunctionField,
+  List,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField,
+  TextInput,
+  TopToolbar,
+  useTranslate
+} from 'react-admin';
 import { ArchiveButton } from '../components/ArchiveButton';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import DateInput from '../components/DateInput';
 import { CreateDialog, EditDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
 const MembersFilters = [
-    <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText, is_member: true })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-    </ReferenceInput>,
-    <BooleanInput source="paid" />
+  <ReferenceInput key={0} source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ fullname: searchText, is_member: true })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+  </ReferenceInput>,
+  <BooleanInput key={1} source="paid" />
-const MembersListActions = ({ basePath, ...props }) => (
-    <TopToolbar>
-        <FilterButton />
-        <ArchiveButton />
-        <CreateButton />
-        <ExportButton />
-    </TopToolbar>
+const MembersListActions = () => (
+  <TopToolbar>
+    <FilterButton />
+    <ArchiveButton />
+    <CreateButton />
+    <ExportButton />
+  </TopToolbar>
-const MembersBulkActionButtons = props => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    return (
-        <Fragment>
-            <BulkUpdateButton {...props} label={translate('resources.members.mark_payed')} data={{ "paid": true }} icon={<AttachMoneyIcon />} />
-            <BulkDeleteButton {...props} />
-        </Fragment>
-    );
+const MembersBulkActionButtons = (props) => {
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  return (
+    <Fragment>
+      <BulkUpdateButton {...props} label={translate('resources.members.mark_payed')} data={{ paid: true }} icon={<AttachMoneyIcon />} />
+      <BulkDeleteButton {...props} />
+    </Fragment>
+  );
 const Members = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={MembersFilters} bulkActionButtons={<MembersBulkActionButtons />} actions={<MembersListActions />}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                            <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <BooleanField source="paid" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show" >
-                            <FunctionField render={r => "#" + r.id} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <EditButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record =>
-                            <ReferenceField record={record} source="person_id" reference="people" link={false} >
-                                <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                            </ReferenceField>}
-                        tertiaryText={record => <BooleanField record={record} source="paid" />}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText, is_member: false })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <BooleanInput source="paid" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <EditDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput disabled source="id" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" >
-                        <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <BooleanInput source="paid" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </EditDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                        <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <BooleanField source="paid" />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={MembersFilters} bulkActionButtons={<MembersBulkActionButtons />} actions={<MembersListActions />}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+              <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <BooleanField source="paid" />
+            <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <FunctionField render={(r) => '#' + r.id} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <EditButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="person_id" reference="people" link={false}>
+                <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => <BooleanField record={record} source="paid" />}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <ReferenceInput
+            source="person_id"
+            reference="people"
+            filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({
+              fullname: searchText,
+              is_member: false
+            })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <BooleanInput source="paid" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <EditDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput disabled source="id" />
+          <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people">
+            <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <BooleanInput source="paid" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </EditDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+            <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <BooleanField source="paid" />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const members = {
-    list: Members,
-    create: Members,
-    edit: Members,
-    show: Members
+  list: Members,
+  create: Members,
+  edit: Members,
+  show: Members
 export default members;
diff --git a/src/resources/Movements.js b/src/resources/Movements.js
index 458108f09816693d58ea5ae85eafcd7a10fb36b6..70e69d20d870a9f37811f14e52e0209193bbe0d4 100644
--- a/src/resources/Movements.js
+++ b/src/resources/Movements.js
@@ -1,79 +1,95 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import React from "react";
-import { ArrayField, ArrayInput, AutocompleteInput, BooleanField, BooleanInput, Datagrid, List, NumberInput, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, ShowButton, SimpleForm, SimpleFormIterator, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
+import React from 'react';
+import {
+  ArrayField,
+  ArrayInput,
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  BooleanField,
+  BooleanInput,
+  Datagrid,
+  List,
+  NumberInput,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  ShowButton,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleFormIterator,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField,
+  TextInput
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { CreateDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-const MovementsFilters = [
-    <TextInput source="name" />
+const MovementsFilters = [<TextInput key={0} source="name" />];
 const Movements = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={MovementsFilters} bulkActionButtons={false} >
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                        <BooleanField source="rectification" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                            <TextField source="username" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => record.name}
-                        tertiaryText={record => "#" + record.id}
-                        secondaryText={record => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleString()}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <BooleanInput source="rectification" />
-                    <ArrayInput source="products">
-                        <SimpleFormIterator>
-                            <ReferenceInput source="id" reference="products" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                                <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                            </ReferenceInput>
-                            <NumberInput source="diff" />
-                        </SimpleFormIterator>
-                    </ArrayInput>
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="name" />
-                    <ArrayField source="products" >
-                        <Datagrid>
-                            <ReferenceField source="product_id" reference="products" link="edit">
-                                <TextField source="name" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                            <TextField source="count" />
-                        </Datagrid>
-                    </ArrayField>
-                    <BooleanField source="rectification" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                        <TextField source="username" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={MovementsFilters} bulkActionButtons={false}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="name" />
+            <BooleanField source="rectification" />
+            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+              <TextField source="username" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => record.name}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => '#' + record.id}
+            secondaryText={(record) => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleString()}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <BooleanInput source="rectification" />
+          <ArrayInput source="products">
+            <SimpleFormIterator>
+              <ReferenceInput source="id" reference="products" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+                <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+              </ReferenceInput>
+              <NumberInput source="diff" />
+            </SimpleFormIterator>
+          </ArrayInput>
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="name" />
+          <ArrayField source="products">
+            <Datagrid>
+              <ReferenceField source="product_id" reference="products" link="edit">
+                <TextField source="name" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+              <TextField source="count" />
+            </Datagrid>
+          </ArrayField>
+          <BooleanField source="rectification" />
+          <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+            <TextField source="username" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
-const movements =  {
-    list: Movements,
-    create: Movements,
-    show: Movements
+const movements = {
+  list: Movements,
+  create: Movements,
+  show: Movements
 export default movements;
diff --git a/src/resources/Participations.js b/src/resources/Participations.js
index 12882b4c808e9cc0c43fb31a157eeff97e844efb..b10e804b012c3227ea3cdff3601c88ddf4b3750b 100644
--- a/src/resources/Participations.js
+++ b/src/resources/Participations.js
@@ -1,301 +1,422 @@
 import { capitalize, FormControl, FormControlLabel, InputLabel, MenuItem, Select, Switch, TextField as MuiTextField, useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
 import CheckIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Check';
 import CloseIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Close';
-import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
-import { AutocompleteInput, BooleanField, Create, Datagrid, DateField, Edit, EditButton, Error, FormDataConsumer, FormTab, FunctionField, Labeled, List, Loading, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, ShowButton, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TabbedForm, TextField, useInput, useNotify, useQuery, useRefresh, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import {
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  BooleanField,
+  Create,
+  Datagrid,
+  DateField,
+  Edit,
+  EditButton,
+  Error,
+  FormDataConsumer,
+  FormTab,
+  FunctionField,
+  Labeled,
+  List,
+  Loading,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  ShowButton,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TabbedForm,
+  TextField,
+  useInput,
+  useNotify,
+  useQuery,
+  useRefresh,
+  useTranslate
+} from 'react-admin';
 import { ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import PaymentInput from "../components/PaymentInput";
+import PaymentInput from '../components/PaymentInput';
 const ParticipationFilters = [
-    <ReferenceInput source="event_id" reference="events" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-    </ReferenceInput>,
-    <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText, has_account: true })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-    </ReferenceInput>
+  <ReferenceInput key={0} source="event_id" reference="events" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+  </ReferenceInput>,
+  <ReferenceInput
+    key={1}
+    source="person_id"
+    reference="people"
+    filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({
+      fullname: searchText,
+      has_account: true
+    })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+  </ReferenceInput>
 const EventDataField = (props) => {
-    const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({
-        type: 'getOne',
-        resource: 'events',
-        payload: { id: props.record.event_id }
-    });
+  const { data, loading, error } = useQuery({
+    type: 'getOne',
+    resource: 'events',
+    payload: { id: props.record.event_id }
+  });
-    if (loading) return <Loading />;
-    if (error) return <Error />;
-    if (!data) return null;
+  if (loading) return <Loading />;
+  if (error) return <Error />;
+  if (!data) return null;
-    return data.data.map((val, i) => {
-        if (val.type === "bool") {
-            return (<Labeled key={i} label={capitalize(val.name)}>
-                <BooleanField source={"data." + val.name} record={props.record} />
-            </Labeled>);
-        } else {
-            return (<Labeled key={i} label={capitalize(val.name)}>
-                <TextField source={"data." + val.name} label={val.name} record={props.record} />
-            </Labeled>);
-        }
-    });
+  return data.data.map((val, i) => {
+    if (val.type === 'bool') {
+      return (
+        <Labeled key={i} label={capitalize(val.name)}>
+          <BooleanField source={'data.' + val.name} record={props.record} />
+        </Labeled>
+      );
+    } else {
+      return (
+        <Labeled key={i} label={capitalize(val.name)}>
+          <TextField source={'data.' + val.name} label={val.name} record={props.record} />
+        </Labeled>
+      );
+    }
+  });
+EventDataField.propTypes = {
+  record: PropTypes.any
 const MultiButton = (props) => {
-    if (props?.record?.transaction_id === null || props?.record?.transaction_id === undefined) {
-        return <EditButton {...props} />;
-    } else {
-        return <ShowButton {...props} />;
-    }
+  if (props?.record?.transaction_id === null || props?.record?.transaction_id === undefined) {
+    return <EditButton {...props} />;
+  } else {
+    return <ShowButton {...props} />;
+  }
+MultiButton.propTypes = {
+  record: PropTypes.any
 const Participation = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={ParticipationFilters} bulkActionButtons={false}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="event_id" reference="events" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                            <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <MultiButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        secondaryText={record =>
-                            <ReferenceField record={record} source="event_id" reference="events" link={false}>
-                                <TextField source="name" />
-                            </ReferenceField>}
-                        primaryText={record =>
-                            <ReferenceField record={record} source="person_id" reference="people" link={false} >
-                                <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                            </ReferenceField>}
-                        tertiaryText={record => (record.transaction_id === null ? <CloseIcon /> : <CheckIcon />)}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="event_id" reference="events" link="show">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                        <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <EventDataField />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={ParticipationFilters} bulkActionButtons={false}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <ReferenceField source="event_id" reference="events" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+              <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <MultiButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            secondaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="event_id" reference="events" link={false}>
+                <TextField source="name" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            primaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="person_id" reference="people" link={false}>
+                <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => (record.transaction_id === null ? <CloseIcon /> : <CheckIcon />)}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <ReferenceField source="event_id" reference="events" link="show">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+            <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <EventDataField />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const eventPrice = (event, person, data) => {
-    const member = person.is_member;
-    let price = member ? event.price_member : event.price;
+  const member = person.is_member;
+  let price = member ? event.price_member : event.price;
-    for (let dat of event.data) {
-        if (dat.type === "boolean") {
-            if (data[dat.name] === true) {
-                price += member ? dat.price_member : dat.price;
-            }
-        } else if (dat.type === "select") {
-            for (let val of dat.values) {
-                if (data[dat.name] === val.name) {
-                    price += member ? val.price_member : val.price;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
+  for (let dat of event.data) {
+    if (dat.type === 'boolean') {
+      if (data[dat.name] === true) {
+        price += member ? dat.price_member : dat.price;
+      }
+    } else if (dat.type === 'select') {
+      for (let val of dat.values) {
+        if (data[dat.name] === val.name) {
+          price += member ? val.price_member : val.price;
+          break;
+      }
+  }
-    return price;
+  return price;
 const EventDataInput = ({ eventId, personId, priceChanged, ...props }) => {
-    // TODO: Calculate and report price
-    const {
-        input: { name, onChange, initialValue },
-        meta: { touched, error },
-        isRequired
-    } = useInput(props);
-    console.log(initialValue);
+  // TODO: Calculate and report price
+  const {
+    input: { onChange, initialValue }
+  } = useInput(props);
+  console.log(initialValue);
-    const [value, setValue] = useState({});
+  const [value, setValue] = useState({});
-    const { data: event, loading: loading1, error: error1 } = useQuery({
-        type: 'getOne',
-        resource: 'events',
-        payload: { id: eventId }
-    });
+  const {
+    data: event,
+    loading: loading1,
+    error: error1
+  } = useQuery({
+    type: 'getOne',
+    resource: 'events',
+    payload: { id: eventId }
+  });
-    const { data: person, loading: loading2, error: error2 } = useQuery({
-        type: 'getOne',
-        resource: 'people',
-        payload: { id: personId }
-    });
+  const {
+    data: person,
+    loading: loading2,
+    error: error2
+  } = useQuery({
+    type: 'getOne',
+    resource: 'people',
+    payload: { id: personId }
+  });
-    const onChangeWrapper = (name) => {
-        return (e) => {
-            let val = { ...value };
-            val[name] = e.target.type === 'checkbox' ? e.target.checked : e.target.value;
-            setValue(val);
-            onChange(val);
-        }
-    }
+  const onChangeWrapper = (name) => {
+    return (e) => {
+      let val = { ...value };
+      val[name] = e.target.type === 'checkbox' ? e.target.checked : e.target.value;
+      setValue(val);
+      onChange(val);
+    };
+  };
-    useEffect(() => {
-        if (priceChanged !== undefined && event !== undefined && person !== undefined && value !== undefined)
-            priceChanged(eventPrice(event, person, value));
-    }, [event, person, value]);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (priceChanged !== undefined && event !== undefined && person !== undefined && value !== undefined) priceChanged(eventPrice(event, person, value));
+  }, [event, person, value]); // eslint-disable-line
-    useEffect(() => {
-        let val = {};
+  useEffect(() => {
+    let val = {};
-        event?.data?.map((v) => {
-            if (v.type === "boolean") {
-                val[v.name] = false;
-            } else if (v.type === "select") {
-                val[v.name] = v.values[0]?.name;
-            } else {
-                val[v.name] = "";
-            }
-        });
+    event?.data?.forEach((v) => {
+      if (v.type === 'boolean') {
+        val[v.name] = false;
+      } else if (v.type === 'select') {
+        val[v.name] = v.values[0]?.name;
+      } else {
+        val[v.name] = '';
+      }
+    });
-        setValue(val);
-    }, [event]);
+    setValue(val);
+  }, [event]);
-    if (loading1 || loading2) return <Loading />;
-    if (error1 || error2) return <Error />;
-    if ((!event) || (!person)) return null;
+  if (loading1 || loading2) return <Loading />;
+  if (error1 || error2) return <Error />;
+  if (!event || !person) return null;
-    return event.data.map((structure, index) => {
-        if (structure.type === "boolean") {
+  return event.data.map((structure, index) => {
+    if (structure.type === 'boolean') {
+      return (
+        <FormControlLabel
+          key={index}
+          margin="normal"
+          control={<Switch checked={value[structure.name] ?? false} onChange={onChangeWrapper(structure.name)} name={structure.name} />}
+          label={capitalize(structure.name)}
+        />
+      );
+    } else if (structure.type === 'select') {
+      return (
+        <FormControl key={index} variant="filled" margin="normal">
+          <InputLabel id={'data-' + index}>{capitalize(structure.name)}</InputLabel>
+          <Select labelId={'data-' + index} id={'data-select-' + index} value={value[structure.name] ?? ''} onChange={onChangeWrapper(structure.name)}>
+            {structure.values.map((item, i) => {
+              return (
+                <MenuItem value={item.name} key={i}>
+                  {capitalize(item.name)}
+                </MenuItem>
+              );
+            })}
+          </Select>
+        </FormControl>
+      );
+    } else {
+      return (
+        <MuiTextField
+          key={index}
+          name={structure.name}
+          label={capitalize(structure.name)}
+          onChange={onChangeWrapper(structure.name)}
+          value={value[structure.name] ?? ''}
+          variant="filled"
+          margin="normal"
+          size="small"
+        />
+      );
+    }
+  });
-            return <FormControlLabel key={index} margin="normal"
-                control={<Switch checked={value[structure.name] ?? false} onChange={onChangeWrapper(structure.name)} name={structure.name} />}
-                label={capitalize(structure.name)}
-            />;
-        } else if (structure.type === "select") {
-            return <FormControl key={index} variant="filled" margin="normal">
-                <InputLabel id={"data-" + index}>{capitalize(structure.name)}</InputLabel>
-                <Select
-                    labelId={"data-" + index}
-                    id={"data-select-" + index}
-                    value={value[structure.name] ?? ""}
-                    onChange={onChangeWrapper(structure.name)}
-                >
-                    {structure.values.map((item, i) => {
-                        return <MenuItem value={item.name} key={i}>{capitalize(item.name)}</MenuItem>
-                    })}
-                </Select>
-            </FormControl>;
-        } else {
-            return <MuiTextField key={index} name={structure.name} label={capitalize(structure.name)} onChange={onChangeWrapper(structure.name)} value={value[structure.name] ?? ""} variant="filled" margin="normal" size="small" />;
-        }
-    });
+EventDataInput.propTypes = {
+  eventId: PropTypes.number,
+  personId: PropTypes.number,
+  priceChanged: PropTypes.func
-const EditParticipation = props => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const refresh = useRefresh();
-    const notify = useNotify();
+const EditParticipation = (props) => {
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const refresh = useRefresh();
+  const notify = useNotify();
-    const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
+  const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
-    return <>
-        <Edit {...props} onSuccess={() => {
-            notify('ra.notification.created', 'info', { smart_count: 1 });
-            refresh();
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Edit
+        {...props}
+        onSuccess={() => {
+          notify('ra.notification.created', 'info', { smart_count: 1 });
+          refresh();
-            <TabbedForm syncWithLocation={false}>
-                <FormTab label="Produits">
-                    <ReferenceField source="event_id" reference="events" link="show">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                        <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <FormDataConsumer>
-                        {({ formData, ...rest }) => {
-                            if (formData.event_id === undefined || formData.person_id === undefined || (formData.transaction_id !== null && formData.transaction_id !== undefined))
-                                return null;
-                            return <EventDataInput priceChanged={setPrice} source="data" key={formData.event_id + " " + formData.person_id} eventId={formData.event_id} personId={formData.person_id} />;
-                        }}
-                    </FormDataConsumer>
-                    <MuiTextField value={Number(price).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })} disabled variant="filled" type="text" label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.price')} />
-                </FormTab>
-                <FormTab label="Paiement">
-                    <FormDataConsumer>
-                        {({ formData, ...rest }) => {
-                            if (formData.transaction_id !== null && formData.transaction_id !== undefined)
-                                return null;
-                            return <PaymentInput price={price} optional />;
-                        }}
-                    </FormDataConsumer>
-                </FormTab>
-            </TabbedForm>
-        </Edit>
+        <TabbedForm syncWithLocation={false}>
+          <FormTab label="Produits">
+            <ReferenceField source="event_id" reference="events" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+              <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <FormDataConsumer>
+              {({ formData }) => {
+                if (
+                  formData.event_id === undefined ||
+                  formData.person_id === undefined ||
+                  (formData.transaction_id !== null && formData.transaction_id !== undefined)
+                )
+                  return null;
+                return (
+                  <EventDataInput
+                    priceChanged={setPrice}
+                    source="data"
+                    key={formData.event_id + ' ' + formData.person_id}
+                    eventId={formData.event_id}
+                    personId={formData.person_id}
+                  />
+                );
+              }}
+            </FormDataConsumer>
+            <MuiTextField
+              value={Number(price).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                currency: 'EUR',
+                currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                style: 'currency'
+              })}
+              disabled
+              variant="filled"
+              type="text"
+              label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.price')}
+            />
+          </FormTab>
+          <FormTab label="Paiement">
+            <FormDataConsumer>
+              {({ formData }) => {
+                if (formData.transaction_id !== null && formData.transaction_id !== undefined) return null;
+                return <PaymentInput price={price} optional />;
+              }}
+            </FormDataConsumer>
+          </FormTab>
+        </TabbedForm>
+      </Edit>
+  );
-const AddParticipation = props => {
-    const refresh = useRefresh();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+const AddParticipation = (props) => {
+  const refresh = useRefresh();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
+  const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
-    return <>
-        <Create {...props} onSuccess={() => {
-            notify('ra.notification.created', 'info', { smart_count: 1 });
-            refresh();
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Create
+        {...props}
+        onSuccess={() => {
+          notify('ra.notification.created', 'info', { smart_count: 1 });
+          refresh();
-            <TabbedForm syncWithLocation={false}>
-                <FormTab label="Produits">
-                    <ReferenceInput source="event_id" reference="events" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <FormDataConsumer>
-                        {({ formData, ...rest }) => {
-                            if (formData.event_id === undefined || formData.person_id === undefined)
-                                return null;
-                            return <EventDataInput priceChanged={setPrice} source="data" key={formData.event_id + " " + formData.person_id} eventId={formData.event_id} personId={formData.person_id} />;
-                        }}
-                    </FormDataConsumer>
-                    <MuiTextField value={Number(price).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: 'EUR', currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })} disabled variant="filled" type="text" label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.price')} />
-                </FormTab>
-                <FormTab label="Paiement">
-                    <PaymentInput price={price} optional />
-                </FormTab>
-            </TabbedForm>
-        </Create>
+        <TabbedForm syncWithLocation={false}>
+          <FormTab label="Produits">
+            <ReferenceInput source="event_id" reference="events" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+              <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+            </ReferenceInput>
+            <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ fullname: searchText })}>
+              <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+            </ReferenceInput>
+            <FormDataConsumer>
+              {({ formData }) => {
+                if (formData.event_id === undefined || formData.person_id === undefined) return null;
+                return (
+                  <EventDataInput
+                    priceChanged={setPrice}
+                    source="data"
+                    key={formData.event_id + ' ' + formData.person_id}
+                    eventId={formData.event_id}
+                    personId={formData.person_id}
+                  />
+                );
+              }}
+            </FormDataConsumer>
+            <MuiTextField
+              value={Number(price).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                currency: 'EUR',
+                currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                style: 'currency'
+              })}
+              disabled
+              variant="filled"
+              type="text"
+              label={translate('inputs.multiproductcount.price')}
+            />
+          </FormTab>
+          <FormTab label="Paiement">
+            <PaymentInput price={price} optional />
+          </FormTab>
+        </TabbedForm>
+      </Create>
+  );
 const participations = {
-    list: Participation,
-    create: AddParticipation,
-    edit: EditParticipation,
-    show: Participation
+  list: Participation,
+  create: AddParticipation,
+  edit: EditParticipation,
+  show: Participation
 export default participations;
diff --git a/src/resources/People.js b/src/resources/People.js
index 02f4d1a249f50c4710d3f43d413dd2535a353120..e4e02e489f4bdbb1b2c30021c3209849f4db2565 100644
--- a/src/resources/People.js
+++ b/src/resources/People.js
@@ -1,105 +1,108 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
 import GetAppIcon from '@material-ui/icons/GetApp';
-import * as React from "react";
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { Button, Datagrid, EditButton, List, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput, useDataProvider, useNotify } from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import DateInput from '../components/DateInput';
 import { CreateDialog, EditDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-const PeopleFilters = [
-    <TextInput source="firstname" />,
-    <TextInput source="lastname" />,
-    <TextInput source="discord_id" />
+const PeopleFilters = [<TextInput key={0} source="firstname" />, <TextInput key={1} source="lastname" />, <TextInput key={2} source="discord_id" />];
 const download = (data, filename, type) => {
-    let file = new Blob([data], { type: type });
-    let a = document.createElement("a"),
-        url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
-    a.href = url;
-    a.download = filename;
-    document.body.appendChild(a);
-    a.click();
-    setTimeout(function () {
-        document.body.removeChild(a);
-        window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
-    }, 0);
+  let file = new Blob([data], { type: type });
+  let a = document.createElement('a'),
+    url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
+  a.href = url;
+  a.download = filename;
+  document.body.appendChild(a);
+  a.click();
+  setTimeout(function () {
+    document.body.removeChild(a);
+    window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
+  }, 0);
 const PeopleExportButton = ({ record, ...rest }) => {
+  const dataProvider = useDataProvider();
+  const notify = useNotify();
-    const dataProvider = useDataProvider();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const onClick = () => {
-        dataProvider.export('people', { id: record.id }).then((response) => {
-            download(JSON.stringify(response), "export.json", "application/json");
-            notify('ra.notification.exported');
-        });
-    }
+  const onClick = () => {
+    dataProvider.export('people', { id: record.id }).then((response) => {
+      download(JSON.stringify(response), 'export.json', 'application/json');
+      notify('ra.notification.exported');
+    });
+  };
-    return (
-        <Button label="Exporter" {...rest} onClick={onClick}>
-            <GetAppIcon />
-        </Button>
-    )
+  return (
+    <Button label="Exporter" {...rest} onClick={onClick}>
+      <GetAppIcon />
+    </Button>
+  );
 const People = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={PeopleFilters}>
-                {isDesktop ? (<Datagrid>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="firstname" />
-                    <TextField source="lastname" />
-                    <TextField source="discord_id" />
-                    <EditButton />
-                    <PeopleExportButton />
-                </Datagrid>) : (<SimpleList 
-                    primaryText={record => record.firstname + " " + record.lastname}
-                    secondaryText={record => record.discord_id}
-                    tertiaryText={record => "#" + record.id}
-                />)}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="firstname" />
-                    <TextInput source="lastname" />
-                    <TextInput source="discord_id" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <EditDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput disabled source="id" />
-                    <TextInput source="firstname" />
-                    <TextInput source="lastname" />
-                    <TextInput source="discord_id" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </EditDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="firstname" />
-                    <TextField source="lastname" />
-                    <TextField source="discord_id" />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={PeopleFilters}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="firstname" />
+            <TextField source="lastname" />
+            <TextField source="discord_id" />
+            <EditButton />
+            <PeopleExportButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => record.firstname + ' ' + record.lastname}
+            secondaryText={(record) => record.discord_id}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => '#' + record.id}
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="firstname" />
+          <TextInput source="lastname" />
+          <TextInput source="discord_id" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <EditDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput disabled source="id" />
+          <TextInput source="firstname" />
+          <TextInput source="lastname" />
+          <TextInput source="discord_id" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </EditDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="firstname" />
+          <TextField source="lastname" />
+          <TextField source="discord_id" />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
+PeopleExportButton.propTypes = {
+  record: PropTypes.any
 const people = {
-    list: People,
-    create: People,
-    edit: People,
-    show: People
+  list: People,
+  create: People,
+  edit: People,
+  show: People
 export default people;
diff --git a/src/resources/PersonalAccounts.js b/src/resources/PersonalAccounts.js
index 20128984cffad04bc95263527713997aebb4c252..149b97044496d7f22b0217113939523f8cd1e789 100644
--- a/src/resources/PersonalAccounts.js
+++ b/src/resources/PersonalAccounts.js
@@ -1,88 +1,131 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
 import AttachMoneyIcon from '@material-ui/icons/AttachMoney';
-import * as React from "react";
-import { AutocompleteInput, Button, CreateButton, Datagrid, ExportButton, FilterButton, FunctionField, List, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, ShowButton, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TopToolbar, useRedirect } from 'react-admin';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  Button,
+  CreateButton,
+  Datagrid,
+  ExportButton,
+  FilterButton,
+  FunctionField,
+  List,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  ShowButton,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField,
+  TopToolbar,
+  useRedirect
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { CreateDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import MoneyField from "../components/MoneyField";
-import QRInput from "../components/QRInput";
+import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
+import QRInput from '../components/QRInput';
 const PersonalAccountsFilters = [
-    <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText, has_account: true })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-    </ReferenceInput>
+  <ReferenceInput
+    key={0}
+    source="person_id"
+    reference="people"
+    filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({
+      fullname: searchText,
+      has_account: true
+    })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+  </ReferenceInput>
-const PersonalAccountsListActions = ({ basePath, ...props }) => {
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
+const PersonalAccountsListActions = () => {
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
-    return (
-        <TopToolbar>
-            <Button
-                onClick={() => {
-                    redirect('/personal_accounts/refill');
-                }}
-                label="Recharger"
-            ><AttachMoneyIcon /></Button>
-            <FilterButton />
-            <CreateButton />
-            <ExportButton />
-        </TopToolbar>
-    );
+  return (
+    <TopToolbar>
+      <Button
+        onClick={() => {
+          redirect('/personal_accounts/refill');
+        }}
+        label="Recharger">
+        <AttachMoneyIcon />
+      </Button>
+      <FilterButton />
+      <CreateButton />
+      <ExportButton />
+    </TopToolbar>
+  );
 const PersonalAccounts = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={PersonalAccountsFilters} actions={<PersonalAccountsListActions />}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                            <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="balance" />
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record =>
-                            <ReferenceField record={record} source="person_id" reference="people" link={false} >
-                                <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                            </ReferenceField>}
-                        tertiaryText={record => Number(record.balance).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: "EUR", currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText, has_account: false })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <QRInput source="token" label="Scan Carte Étudiant" regexp="(?:https?:\/\/esc\.gg\/|core:\/\/)([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}).*" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                        <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <MoneyField noLabel={false} source="balance" />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={PersonalAccountsFilters} actions={<PersonalAccountsListActions />}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+              <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="balance" />
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="person_id" reference="people" link={false}>
+                <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            tertiaryText={(record) =>
+              Number(record.balance).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                currency: 'EUR',
+                currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                style: 'currency'
+              })
+            }
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <ReferenceInput
+            source="person_id"
+            reference="people"
+            filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({
+              fullname: searchText,
+              has_account: false
+            })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <QRInput
+            source="token"
+            label="Scan Carte Étudiant"
+            regexp="(?:https?:\/\/esc\.gg\/|core:\/\/)([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}).*"
+          />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+            <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <MoneyField noLabel={false} source="balance" />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const personal_accounts = {
-    list: PersonalAccounts,
-    create: PersonalAccounts,
-    show: PersonalAccounts
+  list: PersonalAccounts,
+  create: PersonalAccounts,
+  show: PersonalAccounts
 export default personal_accounts;
diff --git a/src/resources/PersonalRefills.js b/src/resources/PersonalRefills.js
index fb73166ff673d002910f1fbd8f027790a7750609..4c6aaca565f4be0e68d30b5d0bfc0c3cec1325db 100644
--- a/src/resources/PersonalRefills.js
+++ b/src/resources/PersonalRefills.js
@@ -1,31 +1,40 @@
-import React from "react";
+import React from 'react';
 import { Create, SelectInput, SimpleForm, useNotify, useRefresh } from 'react-admin';
-import MoneyInput from "../components/MoneyInput";
-import PersonalAccountSelector from "../components/PersonalAccountSelector";
+import MoneyInput from '../components/MoneyInput';
+import PersonalAccountSelector from '../components/PersonalAccountSelector';
-const PersonalRefills = props => {
-    const refresh = useRefresh();
-    const notify = useNotify();
+const PersonalRefills = (props) => {
+  const refresh = useRefresh();
+  const notify = useNotify();
-    return (
-        <Create {...props} onSuccess={() => {
-            notify('ra.notification.created', 'info', { smart_count: 1 });
-            refresh();
-        }} basePath="/personal_accounts" resource="personal_refills">
-            <SimpleForm>
-                <PersonalAccountSelector source="token" label="Compte" />
-                <MoneyInput source="amount" />
-                <SelectInput source="payment" label="Moyen de paiement" allowEmpty={false} choices={[
-                    { id: 'cash', name: 'Liquide (Caisse)' },
-                    { id: 'card', name: 'Carte Bancaire' }
-                ]} />
-            </SimpleForm>
-        </Create>
-    );
+  return (
+    <Create
+      {...props}
+      onSuccess={() => {
+        notify('ra.notification.created', 'info', { smart_count: 1 });
+        refresh();
+      }}
+      basePath="/personal_accounts"
+      resource="personal_refills">
+      <SimpleForm>
+        <PersonalAccountSelector source="token" label="Compte" />
+        <MoneyInput source="amount" />
+        <SelectInput
+          source="payment"
+          label="Moyen de paiement"
+          allowEmpty={false}
+          choices={[
+            { id: 'cash', name: 'Liquide (Caisse)' },
+            { id: 'card', name: 'Carte Bancaire' }
+          ]}
+        />
+      </SimpleForm>
+    </Create>
+  );
 const personal_refills = {
-    create: PersonalRefills
+  create: PersonalRefills
 export default personal_refills;
diff --git a/src/resources/PersonalTransactions.js b/src/resources/PersonalTransactions.js
index f1f6ae4ff74d0ee63f6b11649965b4af7b790f65..9315ad5582da502f1759b5b77aa5717925c78754 100644
--- a/src/resources/PersonalTransactions.js
+++ b/src/resources/PersonalTransactions.js
@@ -1,87 +1,95 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { AutocompleteInput, Datagrid, List, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, ShowButton, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField } from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import MoneyField from "../components/MoneyField";
+import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
 const PersonalTransactionsFilters = [
-    <ReferenceInput source="personal_account_id" reference="personal_accounts">
-        <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText })}>
-            <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-        </ReferenceInput>
-    </ReferenceInput>,
-    <ReferenceInput source="user_id" reference="users" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ username: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="username" />
+  <ReferenceInput key={0} source="personal_account_id" reference="personal_accounts">
+    <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ fullname: searchText })}>
+      <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+  </ReferenceInput>,
+  <ReferenceInput key={1} source="user_id" reference="users" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ username: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="username" />
+  </ReferenceInput>
 const PersonalTransactions = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={PersonalTransactionsFilters} bulkActionButtons={false}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="amount" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="personal_account_id" reference="personal_accounts" link={false}>
-                            <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
-                                <TextField source="fullname" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                            <TextField source="username" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record =>
-                            <ReferenceField record={record} source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false} >
-                                <TextField source="name" />
-                            </ReferenceField>}
-                        secondaryText={record =>
-                            <ReferenceField record={record} source="personal_account_id" reference="personal_accounts">
-                                <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link={false}>
-                                    <TextField source="fullname" />
-                                </ReferenceField>
-                            </ReferenceField>}
-                        tertiaryText={record => Number(record.amount).toLocaleString('fr-FR', { currency: "EUR", currencyDisplay: 'symbol', style: 'currency' })}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <MoneyField source="amount" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="personal_account_id" reference="personal_accounts">
-                        <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="fullname" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
-                        <TextField source="username" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={PersonalTransactionsFilters} bulkActionButtons={false}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="amount" />
+            <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="personal_account_id" reference="personal_accounts" link={false}>
+              <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+                <TextField source="fullname" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+              <TextField source="username" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+                <TextField source="name" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            secondaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="personal_account_id" reference="personal_accounts">
+                <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link={false}>
+                  <TextField source="fullname" />
+                </ReferenceField>
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            tertiaryText={(record) =>
+              Number(record.amount).toLocaleString('fr-FR', {
+                currency: 'EUR',
+                currencyDisplay: 'symbol',
+                style: 'currency'
+              })
+            }
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <MoneyField source="amount" />
+          <ReferenceField source="personal_account_id" reference="personal_accounts">
+            <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+              <TextField source="fullname" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
+            <TextField source="username" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const personal_transactions = {
-    list: PersonalTransactions,
-    show: PersonalTransactions
+  list: PersonalTransactions,
+  show: PersonalTransactions
 export default personal_transactions;
diff --git a/src/resources/Products.js b/src/resources/Products.js
index 3d36e275c922a53555ceaebea13d8fcab05105ce..1ae88970e5f9af93c715393d924c98884e6db7f3 100644
--- a/src/resources/Products.js
+++ b/src/resources/Products.js
@@ -1,126 +1,151 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
 import RemoveShoppingCartIcon from '@material-ui/icons/RemoveShoppingCart';
 import ShoppingCartIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ShoppingCart';
-import * as React from "react";
-import { AutocompleteInput, BooleanField, BooleanInput, BulkDeleteButton, BulkUpdateButton, CreateButton, Datagrid, EditButton, ExportButton, FilterButton, List, NullableBooleanInput, NumberField, NumberInput, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput, TopToolbar, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  BooleanField,
+  BooleanInput,
+  BulkDeleteButton,
+  BulkUpdateButton,
+  CreateButton,
+  Datagrid,
+  EditButton,
+  ExportButton,
+  FilterButton,
+  List,
+  NullableBooleanInput,
+  NumberField,
+  NumberInput,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField,
+  TextInput,
+  TopToolbar,
+  useTranslate
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import DateInput from '../components/DateInput';
 import { CreateDialog, EditDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import MoneyField from "../components/MoneyField";
-import MoneyInput from "../components/MoneyInput";
+import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
+import MoneyInput from '../components/MoneyInput';
 import { RecalculateButton } from '../components/RecalculateButton';
 const ProductsFilters = [
-    <TextInput source="name" />,
-    <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="products_categories" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-    </ReferenceInput>,
-    <NullableBooleanInput source="alerts" />,
-    <NullableBooleanInput source="salable" />
+  <TextInput key={0} source="name" />,
+  <ReferenceInput key={1} source="category_id" reference="products_categories" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+  </ReferenceInput>,
+  <NullableBooleanInput key={2} source="alerts" />,
+  <NullableBooleanInput key={3} source="salable" />
-const ProductsListActions = ({ basePath, ...props }) => (
-    <TopToolbar>
-        <FilterButton />
-        <RecalculateButton />
-        <CreateButton />
-        <ExportButton />
-    </TopToolbar>
+const ProductsListActions = () => (
+  <TopToolbar>
+    <FilterButton />
+    <RecalculateButton />
+    <CreateButton />
+    <ExportButton />
+  </TopToolbar>
-const ProductsBulkActionButtons = props => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    return (
-        <React.Fragment>
-            <BulkUpdateButton {...props} label={translate('resources.products.mark_salabe')} data={{ "salable": true }} icon={<ShoppingCartIcon />} />
-            <BulkUpdateButton {...props} label={translate('resources.products.mark_unsalable')} data={{ "salable": false }} icon={<RemoveShoppingCartIcon />} />
-            <BulkDeleteButton {...props} />
-        </React.Fragment>
-    );
+const ProductsBulkActionButtons = (props) => {
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  return (
+    <React.Fragment>
+      <BulkUpdateButton {...props} label={translate('resources.products.mark_salabe')} data={{ salable: true }} icon={<ShoppingCartIcon />} />
+      <BulkUpdateButton {...props} label={translate('resources.products.mark_unsalable')} data={{ salable: false }} icon={<RemoveShoppingCartIcon />} />
+      <BulkDeleteButton {...props} />
+    </React.Fragment>
+  );
 const Products = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={ProductsFilters} bulkActionButtons={<ProductsBulkActionButtons />} actions={<ProductsListActions />}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="products_categories" >
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="price" />
-                        <NumberField source="count" />
-                        <NumberField source="alert_level" />
-                        <BooleanField source="salable" />
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                        <EditButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => record.name}
-                        secondaryText={record =>
-                            <ReferenceField record={record} source="category_id" reference="products_categories" link={false}>
-                                <TextField source="name" />
-                            </ReferenceField>}
-                        tertiaryText={record => record.count}
-                        linkType="edit"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="products_categories" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <MoneyInput source="price" />
-                    <NumberInput source="alert_level" />
-                    <BooleanInput source="salable" defaultValue={true} />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <EditDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput disabled source="id" />
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="products_categories" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <MoneyInput source="price" />
-                    <NumberInput disabled source="count" />
-                    <NumberInput source="alert_level" />
-                    <BooleanInput source="salable" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </EditDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="name" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="products_categories" >
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <MoneyField source="price" />
-                    <NumberField source="count" />
-                    <NumberField source="alert_level" />
-                    <BooleanField source="salable" />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={ProductsFilters} bulkActionButtons={<ProductsBulkActionButtons />} actions={<ProductsListActions />}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="name" />
+            <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="products_categories">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="price" />
+            <NumberField source="count" />
+            <NumberField source="alert_level" />
+            <BooleanField source="salable" />
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <DateField source="updated_at" />
+            <EditButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => record.name}
+            secondaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="category_id" reference="products_categories" link={false}>
+                <TextField source="name" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => record.count}
+            linkType="edit"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="products_categories" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <MoneyInput source="price" />
+          <NumberInput source="alert_level" />
+          <BooleanInput source="salable" defaultValue={true} />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <EditDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput disabled source="id" />
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="products_categories" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <MoneyInput source="price" />
+          <NumberInput disabled source="count" />
+          <NumberInput source="alert_level" />
+          <BooleanInput source="salable" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </EditDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="name" />
+          <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="products_categories">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <MoneyField source="price" />
+          <NumberField source="count" />
+          <NumberField source="alert_level" />
+          <BooleanField source="salable" />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const products = {
-    list: Products,
-    create: Products,
-    edit: Products,
-    show: Products
+  list: Products,
+  create: Products,
+  edit: Products,
+  show: Products
 export default products;
diff --git a/src/resources/ProductsCategories.js b/src/resources/ProductsCategories.js
index d3da82a246a7b2904ca3dfe1c223c84ed9ff9e4f..8dada504572c77a5b62675e78e9b7e1ed1158049 100644
--- a/src/resources/ProductsCategories.js
+++ b/src/resources/ProductsCategories.js
@@ -1,65 +1,59 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { Datagrid, EditButton, List, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import DateInput from '../components/DateInput';
 import { CreateDialog, EditDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-const ProductsCategoriesFilters = [
-    <TextInput source="name" />
+const ProductsCategoriesFilters = [<TextInput key={0} source="name" />];
 const ProductsCategories = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={ProductsCategoriesFilters}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                        <EditButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => record.name}
-                        tertiaryText={record => "#" + record.id}
-                        linkType="edit"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <EditDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput disabled source="id" />
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </EditDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="name" />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={ProductsCategoriesFilters}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="name" />
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <DateField source="updated_at" />
+            <EditButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList primaryText={(record) => record.name} tertiaryText={(record) => '#' + record.id} linkType="edit" />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <EditDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput disabled source="id" />
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </EditDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="name" />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const products_categories = {
-    list: ProductsCategories,
-    create: ProductsCategories,
-    edit: ProductsCategories,
-    show: ProductsCategories
+  list: ProductsCategories,
+  create: ProductsCategories,
+  edit: ProductsCategories,
+  show: ProductsCategories
 export default products_categories;
diff --git a/src/resources/ProductsCounts.js b/src/resources/ProductsCounts.js
index 0210daa6cd5df2820a623ad1d0898603eb096232..0a5ebda5b15bca1dcec22f0510c3b3fd93bf0175 100644
--- a/src/resources/ProductsCounts.js
+++ b/src/resources/ProductsCounts.js
@@ -1,83 +1,87 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { ArrayField, Create, Datagrid, List, ReferenceField, ShowButton, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField } from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import { MultiProductCountInput, MultiProductCountItem } from "../components/MultiProductCountInput";
+import { MultiProductCountInput, MultiProductCountItem } from '../components/MultiProductCountInput';
 const ProductsCounts = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} bulkActionButtons={false}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="movement_id" reference="movements" link={false}>
-                            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
-                                <TextField source="username" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => <ReferenceField record={record} source="movement_id" reference="movements" link={false}>
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>}
-                        secondaryText={record => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleString()}
-                        tertiaryText={record => "#" + record.id}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <ArrayField source="data">
-                        <Datagrid>
-                            <ReferenceField source="id" reference="products" link="show">
-                                <TextField source="name" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                            <TextField source="count" />
-                        </Datagrid>
-                    </ArrayField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
-                        <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                            <TextField source="username" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} bulkActionButtons={false}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <ReferenceField source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="movement_id" reference="movements" link={false}>
+              <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
+                <TextField source="username" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="movement_id" reference="movements" link={false}>
+                <TextField source="name" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            secondaryText={(record) => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleString()}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => '#' + record.id}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <ArrayField source="data">
+            <Datagrid>
+              <ReferenceField source="id" reference="products" link="show">
+                <TextField source="name" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+              <TextField source="count" />
+            </Datagrid>
+          </ArrayField>
+          <ReferenceField source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
+            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+              <TextField source="username" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const CountProducts = (props) => {
-    return <>
-        <Create {...props}>
-            <SimpleForm>
-                <MultiProductCountInput countZero source="data">
-                    <MultiProductCountItem />
-                </MultiProductCountInput>
-            </SimpleForm>
-        </Create>
-    </>;
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Create {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm>
+          <MultiProductCountInput countZero source="data">
+            <MultiProductCountItem />
+          </MultiProductCountInput>
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </Create>
+    </>
+  );
 const products_counts = {
-    list: ProductsCounts,
-    show: ProductsCounts,
-    create: CountProducts
+  list: ProductsCounts,
+  show: ProductsCounts,
+  create: CountProducts
 export default products_counts;
diff --git a/src/resources/Profile.js b/src/resources/Profile.js
index 4e6884bc62dc9d8689de79f066f1309067a96f3d..20bb234e1fea4c6a41d4a5c13d9cf5173d5f3002 100644
--- a/src/resources/Profile.js
+++ b/src/resources/Profile.js
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
-import { Button as MuiButton, Dialog, DialogActions as MuiDialogActions, DialogContent as MuiDialogContent, DialogTitle, FormControlLabel, FormGroup, Grid, IconButton, Switch, Typography, withStyles } from '@material-ui/core';
-import { makeStyles, styled } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
+import {
+  Button as MuiButton,
+  Dialog,
+  DialogActions as MuiDialogActions,
+  DialogContent as MuiDialogContent,
+  DialogTitle,
+  FormControlLabel,
+  FormGroup,
+  Grid,
+  IconButton,
+  Switch,
+  Typography,
+  withStyles
+} from '@material-ui/core';
+import { makeStyles, styled } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
 import { fade } from '@material-ui/core/styles/colorManipulator';
 import AddIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Add';
 import ClearIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Clear';
@@ -9,337 +22,471 @@ import LockIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Lock';
 import LockOpenIcon from '@material-ui/icons/LockOpen';
 import SecurityIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Security';
 import VpnKeyIcon from '@material-ui/icons/VpnKey';
-import { spacing } from "@material-ui/system";
+import { spacing } from '@material-ui/system';
 import axios from 'axios';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
 import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
-import { ArrayField, Button, ChipField, Datagrid, Edit, Labeled, ReferenceArrayField, SaveButton, SimpleForm, SingleFieldList, TextField, TextInput, Toolbar, useAuthProvider, useDeleteWithConfirmController, useNotify, useRecordContext, useRedirect, useRefresh, useTranslate, useUpdateLoading } from 'react-admin';
+import {
+  ArrayField,
+  Button,
+  ChipField,
+  Datagrid,
+  Edit,
+  Labeled,
+  ReferenceArrayField,
+  SaveButton,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SingleFieldList,
+  TextField,
+  TextInput,
+  Toolbar,
+  useAuthProvider,
+  useDeleteWithConfirmController,
+  useNotify,
+  useRecordContext,
+  useRedirect,
+  useRefresh,
+  useTranslate,
+  useUpdateLoading
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 const StyledButton = styled(Button)(spacing);
 const StyledGrid = styled(Grid)(spacing);
 const ChangePasswordField = (props) => {
-    const { source } = props;
-    const record = useRecordContext(props);
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    return <>
-        <StyledGrid container mb={2} alignItems="center">
-            <Grid item xs>
-                {record[source] !== null ?
-                    <Labeled label={translate('resources.profile.password.last_change')} {...props}>
-                        <DateField {...props} />
-                    </Labeled>
-                    :
-                    <Labeled label={translate('resources.profile.password.last_change')} {...props}>
-                        <><Typography component="span" variant="body2">{translate('resources.profile.password.never')}</Typography></>
-                    </Labeled>
-                }
-            </Grid>
-            <Grid item>
-                <StyledButton size="medium" ml="auto" label={translate('resources.profile.password.change')} onClick={() => redirect("/change-password")}><VpnKeyIcon /></StyledButton>
-            </Grid>
-        </StyledGrid>
-    </>;
+  const { source } = props;
+  const record = useRecordContext(props);
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  return (
+    <>
+      <StyledGrid container mb={2} alignItems="center">
+        <Grid item xs>
+          {record[source] !== null ? (
+            <Labeled label={translate('resources.profile.password.last_change')} {...props}>
+              <DateField {...props} />
+            </Labeled>
+          ) : (
+            <Labeled label={translate('resources.profile.password.last_change')} {...props}>
+              <>
+                <Typography component="span" variant="body2">
+                  {translate('resources.profile.password.never')}
+                </Typography>
+              </>
+            </Labeled>
+          )}
+        </Grid>
+        <Grid item>
+          <StyledButton size="medium" ml="auto" label={translate('resources.profile.password.change')} onClick={() => redirect('/change-password')}>
+            <VpnKeyIcon />
+          </StyledButton>
+        </Grid>
+      </StyledGrid>
+    </>
+  );
+ChangePasswordField.propTypes = {
+  source: PropTypes.string
 const styles = (theme) => ({
-    root: {
-        margin: 0,
-        padding: theme.spacing(2),
-    },
-    closeButton: {
-        position: 'absolute',
-        right: theme.spacing(1),
-        top: theme.spacing(1),
-        color: theme.palette.grey[500],
-    },
+  root: {
+    margin: 0,
+    padding: theme.spacing(2)
+  },
+  closeButton: {
+    position: 'absolute',
+    right: theme.spacing(1),
+    top: theme.spacing(1),
+    color: theme.palette.grey[500]
+  }
 const MyDialogTitle = withStyles(styles)((props) => {
-    const { children, classes, onClose, ...other } = props;
-    return (
-        <DialogTitle disableTypography className={classes.root} {...other}>
-            <Typography variant="h6" style={{ marginTop: '1rem', marginBottom: '1rem' }}>{children}</Typography>
-            {onClose ? (
-                <IconButton aria-label="close" className={classes.closeButton} onClick={onClose}>
-                    <CloseIcon />
-                </IconButton>
-            ) : null}
-        </DialogTitle>
-    );
+  const { children, classes, onClose, ...other } = props;
+  return (
+    <DialogTitle disableTypography className={classes.root} {...other}>
+      <Typography variant="h6" style={{ marginTop: '1rem', marginBottom: '1rem' }}>
+        {children}
+      </Typography>
+      {onClose ? (
+        <IconButton aria-label="close" className={classes.closeButton} onClick={onClose}>
+          <CloseIcon />
+        </IconButton>
+      ) : null}
+    </DialogTitle>
+  );
 const DialogContent = withStyles((theme) => ({
-    root: {
-        padding: theme.spacing(2),
-    },
+  root: {
+    padding: theme.spacing(2)
+  }
 const DialogActions = withStyles((theme) => ({
-    root: {
-        margin: 0,
-        padding: theme.spacing(1),
-    },
+  root: {
+    margin: 0,
+    padding: theme.spacing(1)
+  }
 const TwoFactorAuthField = (props) => {
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const { source } = props;
-    const record = useRecordContext(props);
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
-    const [codes, setCodes] = useState([]);
-    const { startLoading, stopLoading } = useUpdateLoading();
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const { source } = props;
+  const record = useRecordContext(props);
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
+  const [codes, setCodes] = useState([]);
+  const { startLoading, stopLoading } = useUpdateLoading();
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    const handleClickOpen = () => {
-        setOpen(true);
-    };
-    const handleClose = () => {
-        setOpen(false);
-    };
+  const handleClickOpen = () => {
+    setOpen(true);
+  };
+  const handleClose = () => {
+    setOpen(false);
+  };
-    return <>
-        <StyledGrid container mb={2} alignItems="center">
-            <Grid item xs>
-                <Labeled label={translate('resources.profile.2fa.status')} {...props}>
-                    {record[source] ? (
-                        <div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', flexWrap: 'wrap' }}>
-                            <DoneIcon />
-                            <span style={{ marginLeft: '8px' }}>{translate('resources.profile.2fa.enabled')}</span>
-                        </div>
-                    ) : (
-                        <div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', flexWrap: 'wrap' }}>
-                            <ClearIcon />
-                            <span style={{ marginLeft: '8px' }}>{translate('resources.profile.2fa.disabled')}</span>
-                        </div>
-                    )}
-                </Labeled>
-            </Grid>
-            <Grid item>
-                {record[source] ? (<>
-                    <StyledButton size="medium" ml="auto" label={translate('resources.profile.2fa.recovery')} onClick={() => {
-                        startLoading();
-                        return axios.get('/user/two-factor-recovery-codes').then(response => {
-                            stopLoading();
-                            setCodes(response.data);
-                            handleClickOpen();
-                        }).catch(error => {
-                            stopLoading();
-                            console.log(error);
-                            notify(error?.response?.data?.message);
-                        });
-                    }}><SecurityIcon /></StyledButton>
-                    <StyledButton className={classes.deleteButton} size="medium" ml="auto" label={translate('resources.profile.2fa.disable')} onClick={() => redirect("/two-factor/disable")}><LockOpenIcon /></StyledButton>
-                </>) : (
-                    <StyledButton size="medium" ml="auto" label={translate('resources.profile.2fa.enable')} onClick={() => redirect("/two-factor/enable")}><LockIcon /></StyledButton>
-                )}
-            </Grid>
-        </StyledGrid>
-        {record[source] ?
-            <Dialog onClose={handleClose} aria-labelledby="customized-dialog-title" open={open}>
-                <MyDialogTitle id="customized-dialog-title" onClose={handleClose}>
-                    {translate('resources.profile.2fa.recovery')}
-                </MyDialogTitle>
-                <DialogContent>
-                    <Typography gutterBottom style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
-                        {translate('resources.profile.2fa.recovery_message')}
-                    </Typography>
-                    {codes.map((code, key) => (
-                        <Typography style={{ fontFamily: 'monospace', textAlign: 'center' }} gutterBottom key={key}>
-                            {code}
-                        </Typography>
-                    ))}
-                </DialogContent>
-                <DialogActions>
-                    <MuiButton autoFocus onClick={() => {
-                        startLoading();
-                        return axios.post('/user/two-factor-recovery-codes').then(response => {
-                            return axios.get('/user/two-factor-recovery-codes').then(response => {
-                                stopLoading();
-                                setCodes(response.data);
-                            }).catch(error => {
-                                stopLoading();
-                                console.log(error);
-                                notify(error?.response?.data?.message);
-                            });
-                        }).catch(error => {
-                            stopLoading();
-                            console.log(error);
-                            notify(error?.response?.data?.message);
-                        });
-                    }} color="primary">
-                        Regen
-                    </MuiButton>
-                    <MuiButton autoFocus onClick={handleClose} color="primary">
-                        Close
-                    </MuiButton>
-                </DialogActions>
-            </Dialog> : ""
-        }
-    </>;
+  return (
+    <>
+      <StyledGrid container mb={2} alignItems="center">
+        <Grid item xs>
+          <Labeled label={translate('resources.profile.2fa.status')} {...props}>
+            {record[source] ? (
+              <div
+                style={{
+                  display: 'flex',
+                  alignItems: 'center',
+                  flexWrap: 'wrap'
+                }}>
+                <DoneIcon />
+                <span style={{ marginLeft: '8px' }}>{translate('resources.profile.2fa.enabled')}</span>
+              </div>
+            ) : (
+              <div
+                style={{
+                  display: 'flex',
+                  alignItems: 'center',
+                  flexWrap: 'wrap'
+                }}>
+                <ClearIcon />
+                <span style={{ marginLeft: '8px' }}>{translate('resources.profile.2fa.disabled')}</span>
+              </div>
+            )}
+          </Labeled>
+        </Grid>
+        <Grid item>
+          {record[source] ? (
+            <>
+              <StyledButton
+                size="medium"
+                ml="auto"
+                label={translate('resources.profile.2fa.recovery')}
+                onClick={() => {
+                  startLoading();
+                  return axios
+                    .get('/user/two-factor-recovery-codes')
+                    .then((response) => {
+                      stopLoading();
+                      setCodes(response.data);
+                      handleClickOpen();
+                    })
+                    .catch((error) => {
+                      stopLoading();
+                      console.log(error);
+                      notify(error?.response?.data?.message);
+                    });
+                }}>
+                <SecurityIcon />
+              </StyledButton>
+              <StyledButton
+                className={classes.deleteButton}
+                size="medium"
+                ml="auto"
+                label={translate('resources.profile.2fa.disable')}
+                onClick={() => redirect('/two-factor/disable')}>
+                <LockOpenIcon />
+              </StyledButton>
+            </>
+          ) : (
+            <StyledButton size="medium" ml="auto" label={translate('resources.profile.2fa.enable')} onClick={() => redirect('/two-factor/enable')}>
+              <LockIcon />
+            </StyledButton>
+          )}
+        </Grid>
+      </StyledGrid>
+      {record[source] ? (
+        <Dialog onClose={handleClose} aria-labelledby="customized-dialog-title" open={open}>
+          <MyDialogTitle id="customized-dialog-title" onClose={handleClose}>
+            {translate('resources.profile.2fa.recovery')}
+          </MyDialogTitle>
+          <DialogContent>
+            <Typography gutterBottom style={{ marginBottom: '16px' }}>
+              {translate('resources.profile.2fa.recovery_message')}
+            </Typography>
+            {codes.map((code, key) => (
+              <Typography style={{ fontFamily: 'monospace', textAlign: 'center' }} gutterBottom key={key}>
+                {code}
+              </Typography>
+            ))}
+          </DialogContent>
+          <DialogActions>
+            <MuiButton
+              autoFocus
+              onClick={() => {
+                startLoading();
+                return axios
+                  .post('/user/two-factor-recovery-codes')
+                  .then(() => {
+                    return axios
+                      .get('/user/two-factor-recovery-codes')
+                      .then((response) => {
+                        stopLoading();
+                        setCodes(response.data);
+                      })
+                      .catch((error) => {
+                        stopLoading();
+                        console.log(error);
+                        notify(error?.response?.data?.message);
+                      });
+                  })
+                  .catch((error) => {
+                    stopLoading();
+                    console.log(error);
+                    notify(error?.response?.data?.message);
+                  });
+              }}
+              color="primary">
+              Regen
+            </MuiButton>
+            <MuiButton autoFocus onClick={handleClose} color="primary">
+              Close
+            </MuiButton>
+          </DialogActions>
+        </Dialog>
+      ) : (
+        ''
+      )}
+    </>
+  );
+TwoFactorAuthField.propTypes = {
+  source: PropTypes.string
 const useStyles = makeStyles(
-    theme => ({
-        deleteButton: {
-            color: theme.palette.error.main,
-            '&:hover': {
-                backgroundColor: fade(theme.palette.error.main, 0.12),
-                // Reset on mouse devices
-                '@media (hover: none)': {
-                    backgroundColor: 'transparent',
-                },
-            },
-        },
-    }),
-    { name: 'RaDeleteWithUndoButton' }
+  (theme) => ({
+    deleteButton: {
+      color: theme.palette.error.main,
+      '&:hover': {
+        backgroundColor: fade(theme.palette.error.main, 0.12),
+        // Reset on mouse devices
+        '@media (hover: none)': {
+          backgroundColor: 'transparent'
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }),
+  { name: 'RaDeleteWithUndoButton' }
-const TokenField = ({ onClick, ...props }) => {
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const record = useRecordContext(props);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+const TokenField = (props) => {
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
+  const record = useRecordContext(props);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    const { loading, handleDelete } = useDeleteWithConfirmController({
-        resource: "tokens",
-        record: record,
-        basePath: "profile",
-        mutationMode: "pessimistic"
-    });
-    return (
-        <>
-            <div style={{ width: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'end' }}>
-                <StyledButton size="medium" ml="auto" className={classes.deleteButton} label={translate('ra.action.delete')} onClick={handleDelete} disabled={loading}>
-                    <ClearIcon />
-                </StyledButton>
-            </div>
-        </>
-    );
+  const { loading, handleDelete } = useDeleteWithConfirmController({
+    resource: 'tokens',
+    record: record,
+    basePath: 'profile',
+    mutationMode: 'pessimistic'
+  });
+  return (
+    <>
+      <div style={{ width: '100%', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'end' }}>
+        <StyledButton size="medium" ml="auto" className={classes.deleteButton} label={translate('ra.action.delete')} onClick={handleDelete} disabled={loading}>
+          <ClearIcon />
+        </StyledButton>
+      </div>
+    </>
+  );
 const TokensField = (props) => {
-    const redirect = useRedirect();
-    const classes = useStyles(props);
-    const translate = useTranslate();
+  const redirect = useRedirect();
+  const classes = useStyles(props);
+  const translate = useTranslate();
-    return (<>
-        <StyledGrid container mb={2} alignItems="center">
-            <Grid item xs>
-                <Typography variant="h5" component="h2">{translate('resources.profile.tokens.title')}</Typography>
-            </Grid>
-            <Grid item>
-                <StyledButton size="medium" ml="auto" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.new')} onClick={() => redirect("/tokens/create")}><AddIcon /></StyledButton>
-                <StyledButton className={classes.deleteButton} size="medium" ml="auto" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.clear')} onClick={() => redirect("/tokens/clear")}><ClearIcon /></StyledButton>
-            </Grid>
-        </StyledGrid>
-        <>
-            {props.record.tokens.length === 0 ? <Typography>{translate('resources.profile.tokens.none')}</Typography> :
-                <ArrayField source="tokens" {...props}>
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.id')} />
-                        <TextField source="name" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.name')} />
-                        <DateField source="last_used_at" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.last_used_at')} />
-                        <DateField source="created_at" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.created_at')} />
-                        <TokenField source="id" label="" />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                </ArrayField>
-            }
-        </>
-    </>);
+  return (
+    <>
+      <StyledGrid container mb={2} alignItems="center">
+        <Grid item xs>
+          <Typography variant="h5" component="h2">
+            {translate('resources.profile.tokens.title')}
+          </Typography>
+        </Grid>
+        <Grid item>
+          <StyledButton size="medium" ml="auto" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.new')} onClick={() => redirect('/tokens/create')}>
+            <AddIcon />
+          </StyledButton>
+          <StyledButton
+            className={classes.deleteButton}
+            size="medium"
+            ml="auto"
+            label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.clear')}
+            onClick={() => redirect('/tokens/clear')}>
+            <ClearIcon />
+          </StyledButton>
+        </Grid>
+      </StyledGrid>
+      <>
+        {props.record.tokens.length === 0 ? (
+          <Typography>{translate('resources.profile.tokens.none')}</Typography>
+        ) : (
+          <ArrayField source="tokens" {...props}>
+            <Datagrid>
+              <TextField source="id" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.id')} />
+              <TextField source="name" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.name')} />
+              <DateField source="last_used_at" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.last_used_at')} />
+              <DateField source="created_at" label={translate('resources.profile.tokens.created_at')} />
+              <TokenField source="id" label="" />
+            </Datagrid>
+          </ArrayField>
+        )}
+      </>
+    </>
+  );
+TokensField.propTypes = {
+  record: PropTypes.any
 const ProfileEditToolbar = (props) => {
+  return (
+    <Toolbar {...props}>
+      <SaveButton disabled={props.pristine} color="secondary" />
+    </Toolbar>
+  );
-    return (
-        <Toolbar {...props} >
-            <SaveButton disabled={props.pristine} color="secondary" />
-        </Toolbar>
-    );
+ProfileEditToolbar.propTypes = {
+  pristine: PropTypes.bool
-const DashboardSettings = (props) => {
-    const [showAccounts, setShowAccounts] = useState(localStorage.getItem("dash.showAccounts") !== "false");
-    const [showAlerts, setShowAlerts] = useState(localStorage.getItem("dash.showAlerts") !== "false");
-    const [showGraphs, setShowGraphs] = useState(localStorage.getItem("dash.showGraphs") !== "false");
+const DashboardSettings = () => {
+  const [showAccounts, setShowAccounts] = useState(localStorage.getItem('dash.showAccounts') !== 'false');
+  const [showAlerts, setShowAlerts] = useState(localStorage.getItem('dash.showAlerts') !== 'false');
+  const [showGraphs, setShowGraphs] = useState(localStorage.getItem('dash.showGraphs') !== 'false');
-    useEffect(() => localStorage.setItem("dash.showAccounts", showAccounts), [showAccounts]);
-    useEffect(() => localStorage.setItem("dash.showAlerts", showAlerts), [showAlerts]);
-    useEffect(() => localStorage.setItem("dash.showGraphs", showGraphs), [showGraphs]);
+  useEffect(() => localStorage.setItem('dash.showAccounts', showAccounts), [showAccounts]);
+  useEffect(() => localStorage.setItem('dash.showAlerts', showAlerts), [showAlerts]);
+  useEffect(() => localStorage.setItem('dash.showGraphs', showGraphs), [showGraphs]);
-    return (
-        <StyledGrid container mt={2} mb={2} alignItems="center">
-            <Grid item xs={12}>
-                <Typography variant="h5" component="h2">Accueil</Typography>
-            </Grid>
-            <Grid item xs={12}>
-                <FormGroup column>
-                    <FormControlLabel
-                        control={<Switch color="primary" checked={showAccounts} onChange={() => setShowAccounts(!showAccounts)} name="showAccounts" />}
-                        label="Afficher les comptes"
-                    />
-                    <FormControlLabel
-                        control={<Switch color="primary" checked={showAlerts} onChange={() => setShowAlerts(!showAlerts)} name="showAccounts" />}
-                        label="Afficher les alertes de stock"
-                    />
-                    <FormControlLabel
-                        control={<Switch color="primary" checked={showGraphs} onChange={() => setShowGraphs(!showGraphs)} name="showAccounts" />}
-                        label="Afficher les graphiques"
-                    />
-                </FormGroup>
-            </Grid>
-        </StyledGrid>
-    );
+  return (
+    <StyledGrid container mt={2} mb={2} alignItems="center">
+      <Grid item xs={12}>
+        <Typography variant="h5" component="h2">
+          Accueil
+        </Typography>
+      </Grid>
+      <Grid item xs={12}>
+        <FormGroup column>
+          <FormControlLabel
+            control={<Switch color="primary" checked={showAccounts} onChange={() => setShowAccounts(!showAccounts)} name="showAccounts" />}
+            label="Afficher les comptes"
+          />
+          <FormControlLabel
+            control={<Switch color="primary" checked={showAlerts} onChange={() => setShowAlerts(!showAlerts)} name="showAccounts" />}
+            label="Afficher les alertes de stock"
+          />
+          <FormControlLabel
+            control={<Switch color="primary" checked={showGraphs} onChange={() => setShowGraphs(!showGraphs)} name="showAccounts" />}
+            label="Afficher les graphiques"
+          />
+        </FormGroup>
+      </Grid>
+    </StyledGrid>
+  );
-const ProfileEdit = ({ staticContext, ...props }) => {
-    const translate = useTranslate();
-    const notify = useNotify();
-    const authProvider = useAuthProvider();
-    const refresh = useRefresh();
+const ProfileEdit = (props) => {
+  const translate = useTranslate();
+  const notify = useNotify();
+  const authProvider = useAuthProvider();
+  const refresh = useRefresh();
-    const onSuccess = ({ data }) => {
-        notify('ra.notification.updated', 'info', { smart_count: 1 }, false);
-        document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('profileUpdated', { detail: data }));
-        authProvider.updateEmail(data.email);
-        refresh();
-    };
+  const onSuccess = ({ data }) => {
+    notify('ra.notification.updated', 'info', { smart_count: 1 }, false);
+    document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('profileUpdated', { detail: data }));
+    authProvider.updateEmail(data.email);
+    refresh();
+  };
-    return (
-        <Edit onSuccess={onSuccess} mutationMode="pessimistic" height={1} id="me" resource="profile" basePath="/profile" redirect={false} title={translate('resources.profile.me')} {...props} >
-            <SimpleForm redirect={false} toolbar={<ProfileEditToolbar />}>
-                <><Typography variant="h5" component="h2">{translate('resources.profile.name')}</Typography></>
-                <TextInput source="username" />
-                <>{((props) => (
-                    <Grid container spacing={3}>
-                        <Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
-                            <TextInput {...props} source="firstname" label={translate('resources.profile.fields.firstname')} />
-                        </Grid>
-                        <Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
-                            <TextInput {...props} source="lastname" label={translate('resources.profile.fields.lastname')} />
-                        </Grid>
-                    </Grid>
-                ))()}</>
-                <TextInput source="email" />
-                <><Typography variant="h5" component="h2">{translate('resources.profile.permissions.title')}</Typography></>
-                <><ReferenceArrayField reference="permissions" source="permissions" style={{ marginBottom: '2px', marginTop: '2px' }}>
-                    <SingleFieldList linkType={false}>
-                        <ChipField source="name" />
-                    </SingleFieldList>
-                </ReferenceArrayField></>
-                <><Typography variant="h5" component="h2">{translate('resources.profile.password.title')}</Typography></>
-                <ChangePasswordField source="password_changed_at" />
-                <><Typography variant="h5" component="h2">{translate('resources.profile.2fa.title')}</Typography></>
-                <TwoFactorAuthField source="two_factor" />
-                <TokensField />
-                <DashboardSettings />
-            </SimpleForm>
-        </Edit>
-    );
+  return (
+    <Edit
+      onSuccess={onSuccess}
+      mutationMode="pessimistic"
+      height={1}
+      id="me"
+      resource="profile"
+      basePath="/profile"
+      redirect={false}
+      title={translate('resources.profile.me')}
+      {...props}>
+      <SimpleForm redirect={false} toolbar={<ProfileEditToolbar />}>
+        <>
+          <Typography variant="h5" component="h2">
+            {translate('resources.profile.name')}
+          </Typography>
+        </>
+        <TextInput source="username" />
+        <>
+          {((props) => (
+            <Grid container spacing={3}>
+              <Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
+                <TextInput {...props} source="firstname" label={translate('resources.profile.fields.firstname')} />
+              </Grid>
+              <Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
+                <TextInput {...props} source="lastname" label={translate('resources.profile.fields.lastname')} />
+              </Grid>
+            </Grid>
+          ))()}
+        </>
+        <TextInput source="email" />
+        <>
+          <Typography variant="h5" component="h2">
+            {translate('resources.profile.permissions.title')}
+          </Typography>
+        </>
+        <>
+          <ReferenceArrayField reference="permissions" source="permissions" style={{ marginBottom: '2px', marginTop: '2px' }}>
+            <SingleFieldList linkType={false}>
+              <ChipField source="name" />
+            </SingleFieldList>
+          </ReferenceArrayField>
+        </>
+        <>
+          <Typography variant="h5" component="h2">
+            {translate('resources.profile.password.title')}
+          </Typography>
+        </>
+        <ChangePasswordField source="password_changed_at" />
+        <>
+          <Typography variant="h5" component="h2">
+            {translate('resources.profile.2fa.title')}
+          </Typography>
+        </>
+        <TwoFactorAuthField source="two_factor" />
+        <TokensField />
+        <DashboardSettings />
+      </SimpleForm>
+    </Edit>
+  );
 export default ProfileEdit;
diff --git a/src/resources/Purchases.js b/src/resources/Purchases.js
index 666e5757ccec5ec28dfbbd75de9815ee795397f4..3d448eda195fad46d1365215f036d3ccfff0eff1 100644
--- a/src/resources/Purchases.js
+++ b/src/resources/Purchases.js
@@ -1,107 +1,129 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import React from "react";
-import { ArrayField, AutocompleteInput, BooleanInput, Create, Datagrid, FormDataConsumer, List, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, ShowButton, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
+import React from 'react';
+import {
+  ArrayField,
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  BooleanInput,
+  Create,
+  Datagrid,
+  FormDataConsumer,
+  List,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  ShowButton,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField,
+  TextInput
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import MoneyField from "../components/MoneyField";
+import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
 import MoneyInput from '../components/MoneyInput';
-import { MultiProductCountInput, MultiProductCountItem } from "../components/MultiProductCountInput";
+import { MultiProductCountInput, MultiProductCountItem } from '../components/MultiProductCountInput';
 const Purchases = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} bulkActionButtons={false} >
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
-                            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
-                                <TextField source="username" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => record.name}
-                        secondaryText={record => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleString()}
-                        tertiaryText={record => <ReferenceField record={record} label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
-                            <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
-                        </ReferenceField>}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="name" />
-                    <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel="true" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                            <TextField source="username" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Produits" source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
-                        <ArrayField source="products" >
-                            <Datagrid>
-                                <ReferenceField source="product_id" reference="products" link="edit">
-                                    <TextField source="name" />
-                                </ReferenceField>
-                                <TextField source="count" />
-                            </Datagrid>
-                        </ArrayField>
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} bulkActionButtons={false}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="name" />
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+              <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
+                <TextField source="username" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => record.name}
+            secondaryText={(record) => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleString()}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+                <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="name" />
+          <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel="true" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+              <TextField source="username" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Produits" source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
+            <ArrayField source="products">
+              <Datagrid>
+                <ReferenceField source="product_id" reference="products" link="edit">
+                  <TextField source="name" />
+                </ReferenceField>
+                <TextField source="count" />
+              </Datagrid>
+            </ArrayField>
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const Buy = (props) => {
-    return <>
-        <Create {...props}>
-            <SimpleForm>
-                <TextInput source="name" />
-                <ReferenceInput source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                    <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                </ReferenceInput>
-                <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                    <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                </ReferenceInput>
-                <MoneyInput source="amount" />
-                <BooleanInput source="has_products" />
-                <FormDataConsumer>
-                    {({ formData, ...rest }) => formData.has_products &&
-                        <MultiProductCountInput source="products" {...rest}>
-                            <MultiProductCountItem />
-                        </MultiProductCountInput>
-                    }
-                </FormDataConsumer>
-            </SimpleForm>
-        </Create>
-    </>;
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Create {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm>
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <ReferenceInput source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <MoneyInput source="amount" />
+          <BooleanInput source="has_products" />
+          <FormDataConsumer>
+            {({ formData, ...rest }) =>
+              formData.has_products && (
+                <MultiProductCountInput source="products" {...rest}>
+                  <MultiProductCountItem />
+                </MultiProductCountInput>
+              )
+            }
+          </FormDataConsumer>
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </Create>
+    </>
+  );
 const purchases = {
-    list: Purchases,
-    create: Buy,
-    show: Purchases
+  list: Purchases,
+  create: Buy,
+  show: Purchases
 export default purchases;
diff --git a/src/resources/Sales.js b/src/resources/Sales.js
index 59cd08b7049cf5a5ca78df75ece1d13f7354ec23..abf2b0b73f7332645c0e65b5c08c1c0c1c6eb945 100644
--- a/src/resources/Sales.js
+++ b/src/resources/Sales.js
@@ -1,113 +1,145 @@
-import { useMediaQuery } from "@material-ui/core";
-import React, { useState } from "react";
-import { ArrayField, AutocompleteInput, Create, Datagrid, FormTab, FunctionField, List, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, ShowButton, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TabbedForm, TextField, useNotify, useRefresh } from 'react-admin';
+import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import {
+  ArrayField,
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  Create,
+  Datagrid,
+  FormTab,
+  FunctionField,
+  List,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  ShowButton,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TabbedForm,
+  TextField,
+  useNotify,
+  useRefresh
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import MoneyField from "../components/MoneyField";
-import { MultiProductCountInput, MultiProductCountItem } from "../components/MultiProductCountInput";
-import PaymentInput from "../components/PaymentInput";
+import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
+import { MultiProductCountInput, MultiProductCountItem } from '../components/MultiProductCountInput';
+import PaymentInput from '../components/PaymentInput';
 const SalesFilters = [
-    <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText, has_account: true })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-    </ReferenceInput>
+  <ReferenceInput
+    key={0}
+    source="person_id"
+    reference="people"
+    filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({
+      fullname: searchText,
+      has_account: true
+    })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+  </ReferenceInput>
 const Sales = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={SalesFilters} bulkActionButtons={false} >
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
-                            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
-                                <TextField source="username" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                            <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => <ReferenceField record={record} source="movement_id" reference="movements" link={false}>
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>}
-                        secondaryText={record => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleString()}
-                        tertiaryText={record => <ReferenceField record={record} label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
-                            <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
-                        </ReferenceField>}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                            <TextField source="username" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ArrayField source="movement.products" >
-                        <Datagrid>
-                            <TextField source="product_id" />
-                            <TextField source="product.name" />
-                            <TextField source="count" />
-                        </Datagrid>
-                    </ArrayField>
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={SalesFilters} bulkActionButtons={false}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+              <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users" link="show">
+                <TextField source="username" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="movement_id" reference="movements" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+              <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="movement_id" reference="movements" link={false}>
+                <TextField source="name" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            secondaryText={(record) => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleString()}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+                <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+              <TextField source="username" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ArrayField source="movement.products">
+            <Datagrid>
+              <TextField source="product_id" />
+              <TextField source="product.name" />
+              <TextField source="count" />
+            </Datagrid>
+          </ArrayField>
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
-const Sell = props => {
-    const refresh = useRefresh();
-    const notify = useNotify();
+const Sell = (props) => {
+  const refresh = useRefresh();
+  const notify = useNotify();
-    const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
+  const [price, setPrice] = useState(0);
-    return <>
-        <Create {...props} onSuccess={() => {
-            notify('ra.notification.created', 'info', { smart_count: 1 });
-            refresh();
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Create
+        {...props}
+        onSuccess={() => {
+          notify('ra.notification.created', 'info', { smart_count: 1 });
+          refresh();
-            <TabbedForm syncWithLocation={false}>
-                <FormTab label="Produits">
-                    <MultiProductCountInput source="products" total onlysalable priceChanged={(p) => setPrice(p)}>
-                        <MultiProductCountItem price showcount />
-                    </MultiProductCountInput>
-                </FormTab>
-                <FormTab label="Paiement">
-                    <PaymentInput price={price} />
-                </FormTab>
-            </TabbedForm>
-        </Create>
+        <TabbedForm syncWithLocation={false}>
+          <FormTab label="Produits">
+            <MultiProductCountInput source="products" total onlysalable priceChanged={(p) => setPrice(p)}>
+              <MultiProductCountItem price showcount />
+            </MultiProductCountInput>
+          </FormTab>
+          <FormTab label="Paiement">
+            <PaymentInput price={price} />
+          </FormTab>
+        </TabbedForm>
+      </Create>
+  );
 const sales = {
-    list: Sales,
-    create: Sell,
-    show: Sales
+  list: Sales,
+  create: Sell,
+  show: Sales
 export default sales;
diff --git a/src/resources/Transactions.js b/src/resources/Transactions.js
index cacfb654862aa3d0c47ce84b1019caa99abfb9c6..0ac945b5a86af16f128465014bd94b9a9aa6822f 100644
--- a/src/resources/Transactions.js
+++ b/src/resources/Transactions.js
@@ -1,96 +1,110 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
-import { AutocompleteInput, BooleanField, BooleanInput, Datagrid, List, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, ShowButton, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  BooleanField,
+  BooleanInput,
+  Datagrid,
+  List,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  ShowButton,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField,
+  TextInput
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { CreateDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import MoneyField from "../components/MoneyField";
-import MoneyInput from "../components/MoneyInput";
+import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
+import MoneyInput from '../components/MoneyInput';
 const TransactionsFilters = [
-    <TextInput source="name" />,
-    <ReferenceInput source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-    </ReferenceInput>,
-    <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-    </ReferenceInput>,
-    <ReferenceInput source="user_id" reference="users" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-        <AutocompleteInput optionText="username" />
-    </ReferenceInput>
+  <TextInput key={0} source="name" />,
+  <ReferenceInput key={1} source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+  </ReferenceInput>,
+  <ReferenceInput key={2} source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+  </ReferenceInput>,
+  <ReferenceInput key={3} source="user_id" reference="users" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+    <AutocompleteInput optionText="username" />
+  </ReferenceInput>
 const Transactions = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={TransactionsFilters} bulkActionButtons={false}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                        <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="amount" />
-                        <BooleanField source="rectification" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                            <TextField source="username" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => record.name}
-                        secondaryText={record => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleDateString()}
-                        tertiaryText={record => <MoneyField record={record} source="amount" noLabel={true} />}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <MoneyInput source="amount" />
-                    <BooleanInput source="rectification" />
-                    <ReferenceInput source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="name" />
-                    <MoneyField source="amount" />
-                    <BooleanField source="rectification" />
-                    <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                        <TextField source="username" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={TransactionsFilters} bulkActionButtons={false}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="name" />
+            <MoneyField noLabel={true} source="amount" />
+            <BooleanField source="rectification" />
+            <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+              <TextField source="username" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => record.name}
+            secondaryText={(record) => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleDateString()}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => <MoneyField record={record} source="amount" noLabel={true} />}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <MoneyInput source="amount" />
+          <BooleanInput source="rectification" />
+          <ReferenceInput source="account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <ReferenceInput source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="name" />
+          <MoneyField source="amount" />
+          <BooleanField source="rectification" />
+          <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField source="category_id" reference="transactions_categories">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+            <TextField source="username" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const transactions = {
-    list: Transactions,
-    create: Transactions,
-    show: Transactions
+  list: Transactions,
+  create: Transactions,
+  show: Transactions
 export default transactions;
diff --git a/src/resources/TransactionsCategories.js b/src/resources/TransactionsCategories.js
index f3c82cb6414e869d3df2c0e284a8a62df46651b1..2f58a63989a8fa7fbac9ce6cddcefb480d4603d7 100644
--- a/src/resources/TransactionsCategories.js
+++ b/src/resources/TransactionsCategories.js
@@ -1,65 +1,59 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
+import * as React from 'react';
 import { Datagrid, EditButton, List, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import DateInput from '../components/DateInput';
 import { CreateDialog, EditDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-const TransactionsCategoriesFilters = [
-    <TextInput source="name" />
+const TransactionsCategoriesFilters = [<TextInput key={0} source="name" />];
 const TransactionsCategories = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={TransactionsCategoriesFilters}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                        <EditButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => record.name}
-                        tertiaryText={record => "#" + record.id}
-                        linkType="edit"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <EditDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput disabled source="id" />
-                    <TextInput source="name" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </EditDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <TextField source="name" />
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={TransactionsCategoriesFilters}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="name" />
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <DateField source="updated_at" />
+            <EditButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList primaryText={(record) => record.name} tertiaryText={(record) => '#' + record.id} linkType="edit" />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <EditDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput disabled source="id" />
+          <TextInput source="name" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </EditDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <TextField source="name" />
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const transactions_categories = {
-    list: TransactionsCategories,
-    create: TransactionsCategories,
-    edit: TransactionsCategories,
-    show: TransactionsCategories
+  list: TransactionsCategories,
+  create: TransactionsCategories,
+  edit: TransactionsCategories,
+  show: TransactionsCategories
 export default transactions_categories;
diff --git a/src/resources/Transferts.js b/src/resources/Transferts.js
index 842f58559f7f087cabfc998fd13ccb8c03c27c7f..5aff32e5049d9d4ac0e4e4e2ba1cdbce5fd94bf6 100644
--- a/src/resources/Transferts.js
+++ b/src/resources/Transferts.js
@@ -1,113 +1,128 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
-import { AutocompleteInput, Datagrid, List, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, ShowButton, SimpleForm, SimpleList, SimpleShowLayout, TextField } from 'react-admin';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  Datagrid,
+  List,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  ShowButton,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleList,
+  SimpleShowLayout,
+  TextField
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import { CreateDialog, ShowDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-import MoneyField from "../components/MoneyField";
-import MoneyInput from "../components/MoneyInput";
+import MoneyField from '../components/MoneyField';
+import MoneyInput from '../components/MoneyInput';
 const Transferts = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} bulkActionButtons={false}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <ReferenceField label="Depuis" source="sub_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
-                                <TextField source="name" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField label="Vers" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
-                                <TextField source="name" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                                <TextField source="username" />
-                            </ReferenceField>
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <ShowButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => (
-                            <>
-                                <ReferenceField record={record} label="Depuis" source="sub_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
-                                    <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts" link={false}>
-                                        <TextField source="name" />
-                                    </ReferenceField>
-                                </ReferenceField> &rarr; <ReferenceField record={record} label="Vers" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
-                                    <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts" link={false}>
-                                        <TextField source="name" />
-                                    </ReferenceField>
-                                </ReferenceField>
-                            </>
-                        )}
-                        secondaryText={record => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleDateString()}
-                        tertiaryText={record => <ReferenceField record={record} label="Montant" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
-                            <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
-                        </ReferenceField>}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <MoneyInput source="amount" />
-                    <ReferenceInput source="from_account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <ReferenceInput source="to_account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ name: searchText })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <ShowDialog>
-                <SimpleShowLayout>
-                    <TextField source="id" />
-                    <ReferenceField label="Depuis" source="sub_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Transaction soustraction" source="sub_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Vers" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
-                            <TextField source="name" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Transaction addition" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <TextField source="name" />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
-                        <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
-                            <TextField source="username" />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                    </ReferenceField>
-                    <DateField source="created_at" />
-                    <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                </SimpleShowLayout>
-            </ShowDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} bulkActionButtons={false}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <ReferenceField label="Depuis" source="sub_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
+                <TextField source="name" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField label="Vers" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
+                <TextField source="name" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+              <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+                <TextField source="username" />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <ShowButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => (
+              <>
+                <ReferenceField record={record} label="Depuis" source="sub_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+                  <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts" link={false}>
+                    <TextField source="name" />
+                  </ReferenceField>
+                </ReferenceField>{' '}
+                &rarr;{' '}
+                <ReferenceField record={record} label="Vers" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+                  <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts" link={false}>
+                    <TextField source="name" />
+                  </ReferenceField>
+                </ReferenceField>
+              </>
+            )}
+            secondaryText={(record) => new Date(record.created_at).toLocaleDateString()}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} label="Montant" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link={false}>
+                <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <MoneyInput source="amount" />
+          <ReferenceInput source="from_account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <ReferenceInput source="to_account_id" reference="accounts" filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({ name: searchText })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="name" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <ShowDialog>
+        <SimpleShowLayout>
+          <TextField source="id" />
+          <ReferenceField label="Depuis" source="sub_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Transaction soustraction" source="sub_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Vers" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <ReferenceField source="account_id" reference="accounts">
+              <TextField source="name" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Transaction addition" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <TextField source="name" />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Montant" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <MoneyField source="amount" noLabel={true} />
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <ReferenceField label="Créateur" source="add_transaction_id" reference="transactions" link="show">
+            <ReferenceField source="user_id" reference="users">
+              <TextField source="username" />
+            </ReferenceField>
+          </ReferenceField>
+          <DateField source="created_at" />
+          <DateField source="updated_at" />
+        </SimpleShowLayout>
+      </ShowDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const transferts = {
-    list: Transferts,
-    create: Transferts,
-    show: Transferts
+  list: Transferts,
+  create: Transferts,
+  show: Transferts
 export default transferts;
diff --git a/src/resources/Users.js b/src/resources/Users.js
index 747d03ee690aa46e72c65f299967b87e6eb751bc..ea8c82ce741304c7a75e10d7171dbd41df5e468b 100644
--- a/src/resources/Users.js
+++ b/src/resources/Users.js
@@ -1,80 +1,106 @@
 import { useMediaQuery } from '@material-ui/core';
-import * as React from "react";
-import { AutocompleteArrayInput, AutocompleteInput, Datagrid, EditButton, FunctionField, List, ReferenceArrayInput, ReferenceField, ReferenceInput, SimpleForm, SimpleList, TextField, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {
+  AutocompleteArrayInput,
+  AutocompleteInput,
+  Datagrid,
+  EditButton,
+  FunctionField,
+  List,
+  ReferenceArrayInput,
+  ReferenceField,
+  ReferenceInput,
+  SimpleForm,
+  SimpleList,
+  TextField,
+  TextInput
+} from 'react-admin';
 import DateField from '../components/DateField';
 import DateInput from '../components/DateInput';
 import { CreateDialog, EditDialog } from '../components/DialogForm';
-const UsersFilters = [
-    <TextInput label="Username" source="username" />,
-    <TextInput label="Email" source="email" />
+const UsersFilters = [<TextInput key={0} label="Username" source="username" />, <TextInput key={1} label="Email" source="email" />];
 const Users = (props) => {
-    const isDesktop = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
-    return (
-        <>
-            <List {...props} filters={UsersFilters}>
-                {isDesktop ? (
-                    <Datagrid>
-                        <TextField source="id" />
-                        <TextField source="username" />
-                        <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show" >
-                            <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                        </ReferenceField>
-                        <TextField source="email" />
-                        <DateField source="created_at" />
-                        <DateField source="updated_at" />
-                        <DateField source="password_changed_at" />
-                        <EditButton />
-                    </Datagrid>
-                ) : (
-                    <SimpleList
-                        primaryText={record => <ReferenceField record={record} source="person_id" reference="people" link={false} >
-                            <FunctionField render={r => r.firstname + " " + r.lastname} />
-                        </ReferenceField>}
-                        secondaryText={record => record.username}
-                        tertiaryText={record => "#" + record.id}
-                        linkType="show"
-                    />
-                )}
-            </List>
-            <CreateDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="username" />
-                    <ReferenceInput source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText, has_account: false })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <TextInput source="email" />
-                    <ReferenceArrayInput label="Permissions" reference="permissions" source="permissions">
-                        <AutocompleteArrayInput />
-                    </ReferenceArrayInput>
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </CreateDialog>
-            <EditDialog {...props}>
-                <SimpleForm redirect="list">
-                    <TextInput source="username" />
-                    <ReferenceInput disabled source="person_id" reference="people" filterToQuery={searchText => ({ fullname: searchText, has_account: false })}>
-                        <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
-                    </ReferenceInput>
-                    <TextInput source="email" />
-                    <ReferenceArrayInput label="Permissions" reference="permissions" source="permissions">
-                        <AutocompleteArrayInput />
-                    </ReferenceArrayInput>
-                    <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
-                    <DateInput disabled source="password_changed_at" />
-                </SimpleForm>
-            </EditDialog>
-        </>
-    );
+  const isDesktop = useMediaQuery((theme) => theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
+  return (
+    <>
+      <List {...props} filters={UsersFilters}>
+        {isDesktop ? (
+          <Datagrid>
+            <TextField source="id" />
+            <TextField source="username" />
+            <ReferenceField source="person_id" reference="people" link="show">
+              <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+            </ReferenceField>
+            <TextField source="email" />
+            <DateField source="created_at" />
+            <DateField source="updated_at" />
+            <DateField source="password_changed_at" />
+            <EditButton />
+          </Datagrid>
+        ) : (
+          <SimpleList
+            primaryText={(record) => (
+              <ReferenceField record={record} source="person_id" reference="people" link={false}>
+                <FunctionField render={(r) => r.firstname + ' ' + r.lastname} />
+              </ReferenceField>
+            )}
+            secondaryText={(record) => record.username}
+            tertiaryText={(record) => '#' + record.id}
+            linkType="show"
+          />
+        )}
+      </List>
+      <CreateDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="username" />
+          <ReferenceInput
+            source="person_id"
+            reference="people"
+            filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({
+              fullname: searchText,
+              has_account: false
+            })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <TextInput source="email" />
+          <ReferenceArrayInput label="Permissions" reference="permissions" source="permissions">
+            <AutocompleteArrayInput />
+          </ReferenceArrayInput>
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </CreateDialog>
+      <EditDialog {...props}>
+        <SimpleForm redirect="list">
+          <TextInput source="username" />
+          <ReferenceInput
+            disabled
+            source="person_id"
+            reference="people"
+            filterToQuery={(searchText) => ({
+              fullname: searchText,
+              has_account: false
+            })}>
+            <AutocompleteInput optionText="fullname" />
+          </ReferenceInput>
+          <TextInput source="email" />
+          <ReferenceArrayInput label="Permissions" reference="permissions" source="permissions">
+            <AutocompleteArrayInput />
+          </ReferenceArrayInput>
+          <DateInput disabled source="created_at" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="updated_at" />
+          <DateInput disabled source="password_changed_at" />
+        </SimpleForm>
+      </EditDialog>
+    </>
+  );
 const users = {
-    list: Users,
-    create: Users,
-    edit: Users,
-    show: Users
+  list: Users,
+  create: Users,
+  edit: Users,
+  show: Users
 export default users;
diff --git a/src/sass/_variables.scss b/src/sass/_variables.scss
index 0407ab577327b92faf6bbb6cb6391587d9db6d1a..0f89db084267c79e2e05ab8d34a355f69faa4c43 100644
--- a/src/sass/_variables.scss
+++ b/src/sass/_variables.scss
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 $body-bg: #f8fafc;
 // Typography
-$font-family-sans-serif: 'Nunito', sans-serif;
+$font-family-sans-serif: "Nunito", sans-serif;
 $font-size-base: 0.9rem;
 $line-height-base: 1.6;
diff --git a/src/sass/app.scss b/src/sass/app.scss
index af96f2e3f854756128d06eff6997aed687da49c8..c476742f0ef33a8a41d46ae4b8a8c12960556956 100644
--- a/src/sass/app.scss
+++ b/src/sass/app.scss
@@ -8,58 +8,58 @@
 @import "~sass-reset";
 .MuiCollapse-wrapper .MuiListItemIcon-root {
-    margin-right: 16px;
+  margin-right: 16px;
 .MuiButtonBase-root .MuiListItemIcon-root {
-    width: 40px;
+  width: 40px;
 li.RaMenuItemLink-root-36 {
-    height: 36px;
+  height: 36px;
 a.MuiButton-contained:hover {
-    color: #000;
-    background-color: #74d6fc;
+  color: #000;
+  background-color: #74d6fc;
 a:hover {
-    color: #74d6fc;
+  color: #74d6fc;
 .MuiDrawer-root {
-    a:hover,
-    li:hover {
-        color: #fb963a;
-    }
+  a:hover,
+  li:hover {
+    color: #fb963a;
+  }
 .MuiTable-root {
-    background: #303030;
+  background: #303030;
 .MuiDrawer-root {
-    background: #424242;
+  background: #424242;
 @media only screen and (max-width: 959px) {
-    .MuiDrawer-root {
-        background: none;
-    }
+  .MuiDrawer-root {
+    background: none;
+  }
 .MuiGrid-spacing-xs-3 > .MuiGrid-item {
-    width: 100%;
+  width: 100%;
 .MuiSnackbarContent-message {
-    white-space: pre;
+  white-space: pre;
 .recharts-default-tooltip {
-    background-color: #545454 !important;
-    border-radius: 4px;
-    border: none !important;
+  background-color: #545454 !important;
+  border-radius: 4px;
+  border: none !important;